When an idea is born, many related thoughts will emerge.

Jia Yan believes that he does not need to stick to the tradition of cultivation.

Because he himself is not a traditional strong man at all.

Not to mention that he is an evolved beast. The way he acquires energy through cultivation is different from that of ordinary strong men. Just say that he is a practitioner of Yin and Yang. Even his path is different from that of ordinary strong men. How can we talk about tradition?

Once you think about it, a large number of fantasy-like thoughts will appear.

Jia Yan has never been a person who listens to earnest teachings. This is related to the fact that he was reincarnated as a human on earth and thought about cultivation on his own from the beginning.

My mind is always full of fantastic ideas.

"I think I can try going to some deserted planets and swallowing items directly. Since reaching the Galaxy level, I have controlled the Orion Arm. After that, I have never tried impure energy. Like the weak When I was young, I was still taking in certain minerals, but in the later stages, I relied almost entirely on precious resources for cultivation, and I neglected to find the feeling of evolving beasts to absorb energy from low-end energy."

He left his clone on this planet, but his real body was high in the sky, gradually moving.

They say they are looking for small planets, but this idea is not that simple.

"In this strong star field, even if it is just a gray star field, because of the high population density and the large number of strong people, there are almost no big stars, and no one lives on them. And I rashly went to destroy those big stars. It is easy to attract the attention of other powerful people. This is a very bad thing for me."

After all, Jia Yan is new here and is unfamiliar with everything here.

It feels like there is such a dense population, but there are not so many in the Orion Arm. If the Orion Arm had such a large population living in it, the Orion Arm would have become a large star area with a large population.

Therefore, he cannot look at things in this star field based on his impressions in remote areas.

"Since there are not that many big stars for me to test, I will choose some smaller stars to try."

He was sure of his thoughts.

Jia Yan's real body constantly shuttles between the first and second dimensions of subspace in the starry sky.

He entered the second dimension because he knew that his sub-space talent might be exposed in front of ordinary strong people.

One-time subspace flight is actually close to the normal starry sky of the universe. When flying over the planets where some powerful people exist, or flying over the lair of some big forces, it is easy to be discovered by them.

There may even be some kind of spaceship that flies over, and there are semi-star or star-level experts on it. As long as they have the relevant skills, they may find traces of Jia Yan.

As a result, Jia Yan was unable to fly close to one degree within the sub-space, and occasionally had to enter the second degree, so that the weaker ones would not be able to sense it.

This is also something that Jia Yan needs to adapt to.

Although it is not difficult for him to do it the second time, it is not so convenient to actually observe the outside world from inside.

So I always have to fly out to the outside world and observe whether there is a target I want outside.

While his true body was flying and observing the outside world, his clone had been staying on that planet.

"My lord, have I heard that you want to investigate energy matters?"

Suddenly, Jia Yan's clone was walking aimlessly on the planet, and a voice stopped him.

"Huh? Someone actually revealed my information?"

Jia Yan was slightly startled, but had nothing to be angry or afraid about, so he just turned around silently.

The person who came was a creature at the pinnacle of the venerable world, approaching half a star level, only one step away.

"Sir, you don't have to be surprised by my arrival. I just heard about you from a friend of mine, and I also know that you want to obtain huge energy."

"Well, tell me your reason for coming. As for your friends, since they have revealed my information, there is no need for them to stay alive."

Jia Yan responded lightly.

Hearing these words, the creature at the peak of the venerable was completely shocked.

You know, he only dared to appear after hearing that this tiny creature was a half-star.

After all, half-star-level creatures are quite strong on this planet, but if they are not strong, they are not that strong, because there are many half-star-level creatures on this planet.

Moreover, there are two star-level experts on the planet. For a planet, they are like people with the power of Dingding.

Then he dared to appear because he believed that this strong man should not be so domineering.

But he never expected that the second sentence of this strong man's conversation with him was that he wanted to kill those people with similar strength to him.

"Haha, sir, my friend just wants to help you solve your problems, and he trusts me, so he mentioned you to me and asked you to show your respect."

This venerable pinnacle creature did not dare to doubt whether Jia Yan was talking big words, but he quickly said good things to Jia Yan. It seemed that he was quite a good person.

"Very good. You are eloquent. Let's do this. You just need to tell me your information. If you are satisfied, I won't kill those friends."

"Uh..." This time, the other party was immediately confused.

Because what he wanted to talk to Jia Yan was about selling information, but he never expected to get such an answer.

If he said that he was selling information, then Jia Yan might kill that friend. If he said that he was not selling information, then why did he find Jia Yan? Did he send information for free?

If you want to be a good person, there is no gain...

Jia Yan looked at this venerable peak creature and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Speaking of which, he was also a little unhappy with the creature who mentioned himself to others. Although he didn't know who it was, he must be one of the sages at the energy sales point. Other creatures should not dare to tell his information.

So he just used this statement to scare this venerable peak creature, but the other party took it a little too seriously.

Of course, if the information told by the other party is indeed useless, then Jia Yan will not feel the need to let go of the person who revealed his information, and he can even kill all the creatures present at the time in one go.

The majesty of a galaxy-level creature is worth countless human lives.

"Okay, I don't want your free information either. Tell me. If it's worth my effort, then you will get the reward you deserve."

Jia Yan said angrily directly.

At this time, he did not hide anything and directly released a trace of aura that was not at the semi-star level.

Although this momentum is not much and is not exaggerated, it is clear that it is definitely not something that a half-star can possess.


The opponent, the creature at the pinnacle of the venerable, suddenly had his eyes widened.

What's the meaning? Isn't this being a half-star? But the overall feeling he gives is that he is half-star level, yes, but the energy he releases actually reaches at least a star-level sense of strength, and even faintly, it may not be possible to even have a star level. The illusion of strength.

I don’t know what kind of strength this is, at least it must be a star-level existence.

Or, this creature is simply the clone of a super powerful person...

Thinking of this, this venerable creature's heart beat slowly for half a beat.

I originally thought that he was just a half-star who came to try his luck after getting information about a friend, but I never expected that he would turn out to be a terrifying and powerful man himself.

He thought that the other party was a subordinate of a strong man.

If he is a strong man himself, then he has a chance to make a fortune.

"grown ups."

He quickly did not dare to say anything more.

Because if he talks too much, it is unclear whether a clone who may be a stellar powerhouse will be impatient with him and lead to actions that are detrimental to him. If such a thing happens, he will be finished.

It's better to just say it and give it a try.

"It's like this. I learned that a planet is not far away from us, 90 billion kilometers away. However, because it is located in our gray star field and borders the neighboring border galaxy, it is extremely far away from the star. It can be said that Floating in the universe, there are almost no human traces, and I have ventured there in the early years. It seems that one of the planets has a lot of energy. Of course, that was a long time ago. Is that energy still there now? I don’t know what forces used to mine minerals.”

The words spoken by this creature made Jia Yan even pause for a moment.

Then, he nodded calmly.

"Very good. I can see that you produced a report worth studying. In this case, I will reward you with a benefit."

Jia Yan's clone smiled, and then, a piece of energy material dozens of meters high surged out from the subspace around him.

"This is a source of energy. As for how to use it, it's up to you."

Looking at the venerable creature with eyes wide open, Jia Yan smiled and retreated directly into the sub-space.

This information is not bad, 90 billion kilometers is not too far.

According to the location reported by the other party, he knew that the direction where the real body was going was also that place.

As for the rewards given, to be honest, because Jia Yan can no longer use the low-level cultivation energy, there is no use keeping those things. It is considered very good to use them as rewards or something.

Everything is put to its best use, and the things that are useless to him are like treasures to the venerable-level creatures.

Unexpectedly, the other party's entire expression at this time was so full of laughter that he was about to cry.

"The clone will stay here for now, and the real body will go and take a look."

Jia Yan's real body is also walking aimlessly, so why not go and see what's going on.

As for the clone, he thought there was nothing wrong. It was better to enter the subspace and take a short rest, so as not to affect the flight of the real body.

Jia Yan didn't know that the generous reward given by his avatar would quickly spread among the noble-level creatures on this planet.

That creature was originally unwilling to tell the outside world that he had gained such a huge gain. Unfortunately, the one who had previously 'revealed the secret' to him, after another confidential discussion with this excited friend, knew that he had gained so much. His friend actually used his information in exchange for such a terrifying huge amount of resources. After he wanted a piece of the pie but was rejected, he became angry and exposed the fact that Jia Yan had given such a huge reward.

Next, the creature who received a large reward from Jia Yan went directly to the protection of a half-star strong man. It is unknown how much he paid. In short, Jia Yan's avatar was extremely generous and a The words of a subordinate of a super-top powerhouse were quickly revealed.

Many venerable-level creatures seemed to have remembered their information, and each one was searching the streets to see if there were any small and powerful creatures.

Unfortunately, Jia Yan's clone has already retreated into the sub-space.

Moreover, the real body has not even visited the first clue point. Even if there is new information, he will never go there again.

In short, he got attention on this planet, but he had nothing to fear.

Because it’s just one planet. There are thousands of living planets in this gray star field, and each one has one or two star-level experts sitting on it. As a star-level star, he doesn’t need to be afraid at all. What. Unless he has attracted the attention of a galaxy-level being.

Galaxy-level beings would not pay any attention to urban legend-like events on a planet.

It's tens of billions of kilometers away. For Jia Yan today, if he retreats into seven or eight degrees of subspace and travels quickly, it won't take long to arrive.

"Sure enough, this starry sky area is a chaotic place. There are no stars nearby at all."

Jia Yan arrived in a dark starry sky.

Although there are many stars in this area near the center of the Milky Way, and the energy is still very chaotic, in fact, it is impossible for stars to be directly crowded together, otherwise they would have collided long ago.

The actual distance between stars is still there, and they are not close.

Between these stars that are far apart, there are likely to be a large number of unowned planets, which are also so-called wandering planets.

Even here, some of these planets have not been mined or utilized.

Jia Yan felt that when he got here, the venerable peak creature who revealed the information was right. At least it was very possible for a planet without an owner and no one to mine it to appear in a place like this.

Mining also depends on the cost. For example, for some minerals that are useless, the energy cost of going back and forth is not enough, so who will come?

Even because everyone knows this, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com Therefore, even if someone discovers the planets between the stars, no one will come to prospect for them. As a result, no one is interested in some mineral planets with high energy.

Jia Yan felt that the words spoken by the venerable peak creature were gradually becoming more credible.

Finally, a small piece of planetary material appeared in front of Jia Yan.

The nearest star here is almost two light-years away, about 90 billion kilometers from the planet Jia Yan left previously. Because that planet was originally far away from the star.

"It's very cold here. The temperature is much colder than the ordinary starry sky."

Jia Yan rushed to this gathering place of planetary material. Large tracts of ice and mineral asteroids, as well as huge frozen planets flying between the asteroids, appeared in front of him.

"Oh, no wonder, no one is mining here. It's because navigation is a bit difficult. Let's go up and have a look." ()

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