Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 5: Trying to muddle through!

? It is not a big deal for Jia Yan to run away here, it is better not to say anything in the first place, to pay for some supplies or something, but now to disappear at the central door of the Milky Way, a place he is unfamiliar with, is completely unreasonable.

The above is Jia Yan's analysis of the direction the Zerg Queen is thinking now.

Of course, the other party is a domain lord, a stronger man than Jia Yan. Jia Yan doesn't know what he thinks, and he may be wrong.

"No matter what, I will make a breakthrough now. After I break through, I will think about whether to catch up with them quickly."

Jia Yan was immersed in his breakthrough in cultivation.

The power in his body surged and collided again and again.

The positive and negative forces are also like a terrifying wave of soldiers with unparalleled momentum. They help and impact the force again and again, surging above the level and preparing to attack the crumbling level.

After all, he was about to break through the strength, and the hurdles that stood in front of Jia Yan also represented the difference between the primary and intermediate levels. They were like invisible walls, with cracks that kept getting bigger.


Boom boom!

Under the impact again and again, there was a faint sound inside the sub-space.



A seemingly slight, but earth-shattering, thunderous sound suddenly resounded throughout the world.

In the third layer of sub-space, there was no resistance at all, and endless power spread and dispersed in an instant.

There was a faint explosion between heaven and earth.

The positive and negative forces, at this moment, are like drawing a Tai Chi diagram. In one second, a large area of ​​sub-space distortion has been smoothed out, and it has become a shocking appearance that is half positive force and half counter force.

The power of these two aspects continues to appear between heaven and earth and will not disappear for a long time.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Within the starry sky, the giant mosquito laughed proudly.

At this moment, his whole body was covered in azure blue, and there was even a hint of golden brilliance in the blue.

Galaxy Intermediate Level has arrived!

It's just that unlike the previous promotions, at this moment, he has not mutated and turned into a cocoon.

It's not that he won't do that again, but that Jia Yan chose to control his mutation.

"Galactic Intermediate Level! I am also on the same level as the Territory Lord. Although there is a huge difference in power, the Queen of the Zerg no longer looks down upon me!"

Jia Yan smiled slightly, then looked at himself.

The entire body is intertwined with azure blue and gold.

The golden brilliance has already been displayed during his previous mutations and battles. It is foreseeable that at some point in the future, the azure blue of his body will turn into all gold.

Of course, these color changes are not the focus of Jia Yan's observation today. The focus of his observation is the change in strength.

Although the body has not mutated, promotion is promotion, or it should be said that other strong men change like this when they are promoted. They usually advance first, and then gradually change their body shape through the absorption of external materials. Big, become adapted to the strength of the time.

This time, Jia Yan followed the same method.

It's not that he doesn't want to mutate and increase to the strongest level of strength in one breath, but that he wants to swallow such a huge amount of mutated materials. That is definitely not a matter of time. He needs to wait for a suitable time to make up for these mutation processes. superior.

That will be another promotion for him, of course, it's pretty good now.

"Very good, my strength, both positive and negative, seems to have broken through a layer of shackles, giving my strength a completely new feel. Maybe my strength will be enhanced again."

"This promotion is expected. In essence, the strength is not a rapid improvement because of the lack of mutation. But if there is mutation, there is no time now. Fortunately, I am now at the Galaxy level. I just wanted to swallow matter. , I couldn’t hold it back."

Generally speaking, after Jia Yan improves his strength, he will want to swallow matter and enter a mutated sleep.

But this time, he actually endured it. It must be said that this was a victory for Jia Yan's mental power, and it was also a victory for him to control himself after being promoted to the Galaxy level.

However, this control is not easy. If he had not reached the level of promotion, and this promotion did not cause excessive body reactions, otherwise he would definitely not be able to control this mutated thought. At that time, there would be no one around him. The supplies he swallowed may be the result of his whole body splitting into countless pieces.

So it's still very dangerous.

In short, this time, it can be said that there was no danger, and there was no situation that caused Jia Yan's promotion to fail.

"Very good, now, I'm just going to chase...huh?"

When Jia Yan had just been promoted successfully, he estimated the time and found that it was about two days before the Zerg Queen's energy circle flew out. If he used the flying ability of the Editha to catch up, it would not be impossible for him to catch up.

He was about to take action, but he felt that there were two extremely terrifying energies outside the sub-space. They did not hide their murderous intentions and were approaching quickly.

"What's going on? Are there local strong men here? They are actually two mid-level galaxies!"

Jia Yan was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became very solemn.

He didn't even dare to escape quickly, because his body was still in the sense of breakthrough after being promoted, and if he immediately burst out with a lot of strength to escape, it would cause damage to his body.

And when he quickly recovered, the opponent was almost close to the area. If he dared to turn around and escape, the opponent could instantly attack the sub-space and injure him.

In other words, no matter what Jia Yan does, it will be difficult to bypass these two approaching Galaxy Intermediate Beings.

"No, the other party may not be here to attack. Maybe they are just curious about me? After all, when you reach the level of mid-level creatures in the galaxy, you can feel the energy of my promotion just now."

Jia Yan thought of this solemnly.

Then, he decided to ask the other party what he wanted to do.

So he actually did not retreat but flew out to the lower level of the sub-space.

Two intermediary stars from the galaxy...

Jia Yan was thinking that before his strength reached the middle level of the galaxy, he could deal with a pretty good middle-level being. Now that he has reached the middle level of the galaxy, even if he is only barely there, his strength is still the same. There has been rapid progress, so there should be a certain chance of dealing with the two opponents.

At least, he can escape.

It just so happened that when these two arrived, his promotion was stabilizing.

And just when Jia Yan was heading towards the outside world of sub-space.

The two creatures approaching were also approaching at this time, and they were a little startled.

Because they didn't know that the guy who was 'abandoned' as an apologetic being turned out to be a mid-level galaxy being!

Which Territory Lord level could be so generous that a powerful subordinate of Du Xinghe's mid-level could be used as a scapegoat to apologize?

They felt that they had made a mistake or misunderstood something.

Of course, they guessed very accurately that this majestic mid-level galaxy being would naturally not be a scapegoat.

At this moment, Jia Yan also noticed the terrifying murderous intention of these two approaching Galaxy Intermediate Rankers.

"Huh? Did you have murderous intent from the beginning? What did they want to do? Do they want to kill me?"

Jia Yan was slightly shocked.

Logically speaking, strong people in the universe will not rashly start a war. Even if they start a war, they rarely say who they want to kill, especially for middle-level galactic beings like them. Even if they enter the center of the galaxy, They will definitely not be cannon fodder or anything like that. If they want to kill, they can at least do so because of hatred or related reasons.

He wanted to fight and kill from the beginning, which was no longer in line with the galaxy-level powerhouse Jia Yan knew.

"Could it be that this is such a custom here that even the galaxy-level powerhouses regard life as trivial and take killing and adventure as their own responsibility?"

Jia Yan was a little confused, thinking that there was such a tradition in the center of the Milky Way.

"No, they seem to be confused. What's going on? I'll go out and ask. It would be best if we can avoid fighting. Of course, if there is a fight, my strength has just been promoted and I haven't mutated yet. I probably want to kill him. These two are a bit difficult, so I should be somewhat confident about killing one of them. Killing the chicken to scare the monkeys will give me an extra bonus in my promotion."

Jia Yan sneered, and then, he didn't care so much and flew straight to the outside of the sub-space.

"Be careful, this person doesn't seem to be the scapegoat we imagined."

"Well, he is very strong, and he seems to have full confidence in himself. Of course, if he is an intermediary from the outside world who comes from the countryside, he will naturally have confidence. After all, he has never seen a strong man of the same level in our star field. .”

The two mid-level galactic creatures, outside the subspace, silently felt that Jia Yan came out of the subspace.

Judging from their expressions, it seems that they are not surprised or worried about Jia Yan's sub-dimensional talent. It can be seen that the existence of this star field does not bring any novelty to sub-dimensional talent at all.


The subspace was distorted, and a huge mosquito suddenly appeared from inside the subspace.

His body still has a hint of gold, and the blue and gold complement each other, which is extremely dazzling.

"Hmph, he is indeed a bumpkin from the outside world. To make himself so dazzling is not in line with the way of a strong man."

The two mid-level galactic creatures both sneered at Jia Yan's appearance.

Of course, scorning or looking down upon is just a personal psychological emotion. In fact, they also know that this existence that appears outside the subspace is completely of the same level as them, and they are all mid-level galactic creatures.

At the very least, they won't be disrespectful.

Of course, if they find out clearly that this person is an abandoned 'chess piece', then they will not be afraid.

It's just a bumpkin from the outside world, the Galaxy Intermediate. What's more, they are two people, are they still afraid of a Galaxy Intermediate from outside?

"You two, is this your territory? Sorry, I took the liberty of visiting."

Jia Yan smiled slightly.

"Oh, Your Excellency, are you the person left behind in the energy circle just now?"

The two Galaxy Intermediates also smiled. At least they didn't feel like people who wanted to kill.

But deep down in their hearts, they definitely don't want to kill, because if the other party shows that it is the domain lord creature, abandoning it as an apology, they will definitely not be afraid, but choose to take action.

"Leave it behind? No, I just left the energy circle because of personal matters."

Jia Yan was slightly surprised. The reason for surprise was that the other party could actually feel the existence of the energy circle. After all, it would be difficult to feel the rapid advancement of the energy circle without reaching the peak of the middle level of the galaxy.

He didn't know that there was a Territory Lord inside this star field.

"Your Excellency, please stop pretending. Don't you know that your master simply treated you as a pawn and left you to plead guilty?"

The two Xinghe mid-rankers were very unhappy with Jia Yan's ignorance.

At this point, you are still pretending to be a ghost.

They all could see that Jia Yan's strength seemed to be that he had just been promoted. Apart from this, nothing could be seen.

Could it be that he was abandoned by his master, and then the breakthrough just failed because of the creature?

In other words, he was just a creature that could reach the peak of the first level of the galaxy in that energy circle just now.

A person at the top of the primary level of the Galaxy is very likely to be abandoned, because throwing a star-level person down as a chess piece is just barely giving face to the presumptuous Territory Lord level, throwing a galaxy-level person down, then it is very generous. When the other side comes back next time, maybe the domain master creatures on both sides will become friends.

This is the reason and process of interaction between domain master creatures.

"Haha, chess piece? You two, I don't know what you mean, and that person is definitely not my master. She and I have always been equals, just friends."

Jia Yan smiled again, but there was already a hint of coldness in his smile.

He was unhappy. What the other party actually meant was that he was a chess piece and a servant of the Zerg Queen?

This made him a little unhappy.

Of course, he didn't know that in this area, the domain lord creatures were much more powerful than other galaxy-level creatures, and such as this star domain domain lord, a master of this level of strength, Servants with Intermediate Galaxy Level are normal.

The owner once said that the intruder who left Shuyuan was probably similar in strength to him, which meant that it was normal for the other party to have several Galaxy-level servants who were not very talented, especially He is a junior member of the Galaxy, what is he if he is not a servant? Do you still expect the Territory Lord to discuss friendship with you as your equal?

As expected, the ideas and concepts of both parties are different.

After hearing what Jia Yan said, these two mid-level galactic creatures were startled at first, and then became furious.

"You are talking about friendship between peers. You are definitely an abandoned chess piece. You actually said such impossible words. You think we two are fools!"

"What a country bumpkin. He wants to find a better excuse to get away with it, but he actually wants to deceive us like this."

The two mid-level galactic beings were furious that Jia Yan actually deceived them with such words, thinking that this bumpkin looked down on them.

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