Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 21 The border of the Zerg territory!

? In the starry sky, a huge shadow quickly approached and appeared.

"Hey, the star field here is actually much more energetic than the Orion Arm."

Jia Yan was a little shocked as soon as he left the subspace.

The Edisha did not follow him out of the subspace and acted as a backpack, but stayed inside the subspace by itself.

Although it is easy for a strong person to see objects at a shallow level, the Cutie Disha has been wandering inside the four to five-dimensional subspace, and with a large amount of energy, it can easily make another 'sudden march' , it penetrates into the extremely deep sub-space, so it will be difficult for enemies to attack it.

This is how Jia Yan protects his car.

And he thought of letting the Edisa follow him in subspace because he was a little uneasy about the star field here.

If anything unusual happens, he will sneak into the subspace, then use the Edisa backpack to leave quickly.

But it was not at this time that Jia Yan had just rushed out of the sub-space and felt a burst of energy in the surrounding starry sky.

Although the cosmic energy still feels thin, the total amount is a little stronger than that of the Orion Arm.

"This is a place much closer to the center of the Milky Way. It is natural that there are more stars here and more energy."

Jia Yan thought of this silently, and then stopped worrying about energy issues.

No matter how much energy there is in the universe, even a Galaxy-level person like Jia Yan can sense the changes in energy. An ordinary strong person cannot feel such a small change.

"The surrounding stars... seem to have become closer and more numerous. It is indeed close to the center of the Milky Way."

Jia Yan looked around and saw the difference here.

The distance between the stars seems to be closer, and the movement of some stars here has also accelerated, and the energy explosion of the stars seems to be more.

"There should be civilization over there. Whether this is the Zerg territory or not, you will know if you go over and ask."

Jia Yan felt that there were a lot of signs of civilization activities around a distant star.

This star field is called the Zerg Territory. This shows that there are some unique species in this star field.

Sure enough, when Jia Yan entered the subspace again, he did not use the Edisha, but relied on his own flying ability to fly to that civilized place. He only saw the active creatures inside this civilization. Individuals are actually insect-like creatures.

This creature is somewhat like an ant on Earth, but much larger than an ant.

Some are centipede-like, others like spiders.

Anyway, there are many, many to name a few.

"Interesting, is this where the name of the Zerg comes from?"

Jia Yan knew that the "Zerg" he heard was an interstellar lingua franca that was different from Earth's. The word "Zerg" was a little different from the word "Zerg" understood by people on Earth.

But this doesn't mean that he is completely different from the creatures in this star field.

At least Jia Yan looked at it, and there were some individuals who looked quite similar to himself.

If he said that he was a strong man who came out of this Zerg star field, I guess many people would be willing to believe it.

In this star field, there is an industrial star belonging to the Zerg domain.

They are just a civilization on the edge of the Zerg domain, mainly transporting products to the Zerg domain.

"Well, our Zerg territory is developing there every year, but not towards us. Otherwise, our border will become the hinterland, and our status will be high by then. It's a pity, Her Majesty the Queen doesn't want to It’s going this way.”

"Shh, keep your voice down. Are you going to die if you make such arrogant comments about Her Majesty the Queen?"

"Hmph, even if the Queen doesn't have any thoughts of doing anything to you because of a little commoner, there must be many of her die-hard loyalists who will kill you. I'm one of them. And the Queen Your Majesty, you have your reasons for not developing in this direction. There are no stars around our starry sky. To leave, you have to travel twenty light years away. This is not cost-effective. That’s why the Queen does not go here. Do you think she is unwilling to develop in other aspects?"

A few people from the Zerg planet who were doing planting operations on the small civilized planet on the border were working silently.

While they were farming, they would also quarrel.

It's a pity that there are not many people on this small planet at all. Even if they quarrel or fight, it will probably take a lot of time for the police to come from other planets.

Although many powerful people in interstellar civilizations no longer need food, they still need energy after all.

As for ordinary creatures, they need a lot of food.

Thanks to the power of interstellar civilization, no matter what kind of texture planets are, they can be cultivated and developed. Therefore, many super civilizations will transform their own border stars, or small planets that are slightly suitable for development, into plants that can grow products. planet.

However, what everyone doesn't know is that there is a group of diligent farmers on these planets who are far away from ordinary planet civilization and even forgotten by the people.

Not to mention the Zerg, even the Orion Arm has a large number of these planets, which have a small population and are all automated. But after all, they still need people to manage them, so a group of people who have been farmers for generations have become like this The lowest level person on the planet who will never succeed.

The farmers on this planet are just such a group of people.

They can obtain information from the outside world, but they do not have the ability to step out to the outside planets, or in other words, few people are willing to step out of this quiet land.


When a terrifying and earth-shattering shadow appeared in this farmland outside the vast vegetable garden, each of the chatting insect-like animals raised their heads in surprise.

Then, a scene that may be enough for them to blow for a lifetime, or for generations to come, appears.

A creature that was almost holding the sky, or in other words, was already holding the sky, appeared in front of them.

This animal is a full thirty kilometers long. What's even more exaggerated is its long and slender feet. If the feet stand up, they can reach into outer space.

This shows that this strange and terrifying animal can completely devour all the people on this planet with almost one bite.

"Ahhhhh, what is this?"

"Oh my god, such a huge creature, who is this? An adult from within the star field?"

"Impossible, none of us have ever met this gentleman. If there is such a person in our star field, we will definitely know him."

"You, you, you, what are you going to do? We are in the Zerg Star Territory here. Even if you are Galaxy level, you are absolutely vulnerable in front of our queen."

A group of insectoid creatures, each one put down their busy work, and jumped to the outside of the field in great fright.

Such a monster, let alone attacking them, if he doesn't hide it or doesn't help the planet stabilize its original orbit, even if it just comes, it may cause turmoil on their planet.

So they didn't think about attacking this creature, because it would be absolutely useless. If you are such a big man, even if you are not strong enough, you can crush a lot of strong people just because of its size.

Of course, there should be very few people who are big but not strong enough. Such a big person must be at least a star, otherwise it will be difficult to support such a body.

In short, they knew that they and others could not take action, otherwise they would die.

"Hello, I don't mean any harm."

When all these farmers were pissed off, the upright creature finally spoke.

At the same time, the strong creature who spoke had a sense of surprise in his voice.

Because he could see that the group of farmer-like animals in front of him seemed a bit strange. They were all bug-like creatures, but there was no superficial racial disagreement between them. They all recognized the appearance of other bugs, even among them. In perception, many male and female animals on this planet have different appearances, but they are still combined.

This shows that the creatures within the Zerg domain have actually achieved complete integration, and race and strength are not big problems.

What’s even weirder is that within this Zerg territory, there are couples giving birth to children, and there are also some nest-like places scattered across the starry sky. If necessary, they will automatically spew out many insect-like creatures. It's just that the intelligence of these creatures is not high. Occasionally, some individuals can develop into intelligent creatures, and the developed individuals will become ordinary Zerg people. Those without intelligence will become the Zerg star soldiers all over the sky. .

In addition to consuming a lot of resources, these completely unintelligent individuals are the best soldiers, and each of them obeys orders extremely well.


Jia Yan smiled silently.

Yes, this powerful being who frightened all the farmers was none other than Jia Yan.

He felt the consternation of the farmers around him, and after comforting them, he had no more words. After all, he was a strong man, and a strong man who had reached the Galaxy level. Naturally, he would not care about what these ordinary people thought. , even if the Zerg Queen knew about his attitude here, she would never think there was anything wrong. Even if he killed all the farmers on the planet, she would never say a word.

The strong will receive special treatment.

"Uh, sir, what do you want to ask?"

"That's it. Where are you here? I want to think of the central area of ​​your Zerg territory. Can you give me a map?"

When the huge animal said this, a group of farmers were even more shocked.

Because the overall appearance of this animal is somewhat like that of their Zerg tribe. It has wings and so many feet. It looks very much like a certain animal in this star field. Unfortunately, it is not that kind of animal.

At this moment, they all knew that the visitor in front of them was not from the Zerg tribe, and they were even more frightened, because they were afraid that this was someone who wanted to cause trouble for their Zerg tribe, and such a being wanted to find trouble. The best way to cause trouble is to exterminate all the population of the small star on the edge of this star field. This will make the entire Zerg star field angry.

"Sir, our place is the southwest corner of the Zerg star field. If you want to go to the central star area of ​​the Zerg star field, walk along the northeast and you will reach the central star field of the Zerg star field. The queen and others are there. You can Don’t kill us.”

"Di, the map is here, please accept it."

A Zerg farmer took out a navigation-like map tool. This tool seemed very small, but it was taken away in one breath by the huge creature that was as big as the sky in front of them.

"Well, I understand, thank you. I won't kill you, because you and I are friends."

Jia Yan smiled slightly and spread his wings to fly.

Not even a single plant or tree on this planet was harmed by him. After all, he seemed to have landed, but in fact, his feet did not fall to the ground, but hung in the air for a while.

And now that he has left, he has not caused any change in the gravity of the planet. He has left directly, calm and calm.

Even the gravity on that planet couldn't have much impact on him.

"It's so scary. This is at least the strength of a high-level star or above."

"You damn high-level star, do you know how to do it? This is at least a galaxy-level powerhouse!"

"Ah? Xing, Galaxy level? Our Majesty, the Queen, must be at the Galaxy level. Although she said she was a Territory Lord, I don't know what the difference is between a Territory Lord and an ordinary Galaxy level."

"Hahahaha, are you stupid? I listen to you talking about current affairs every day, and I feel that you know a little bit, but it's a pity that you don't understand anything. There is a big difference between the Galaxy level and the Domain Lord level. Although the Domain Lord The Lord is also a level of the Galaxy level, but compared with the ordinary Galaxy level beings, it definitely has two meanings. A Territory Lord can defeat a hundred ordinary Galaxy level beings without getting hurt. And. Intermediate Galaxy creatures do not have much damage ability to the Territory Lord, but you have to know that the Territory Lord is also a Galaxy Intermediate in nature, just more advanced than ordinary Galaxy Intermediates. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan .com is much better."

"Oh, I, I actually know it. I heard it somewhere. I just forgot it. Now I remember it. This strong man should be a junior star of the galaxy, right? Then he must not be able to face our queen. There is a way to win, it seems that our worries are unfounded."

"For sure, we people from the Zerg Territory will definitely be sought after when we go out. After all, we have such a powerful Her Majesty the Queen."

"Hahahaha, that's right, even such a galaxy-level existence doesn't dare to wreak havoc on our farm planet. It seems that our Zerg domain is more powerful than imagined."

A group of creatures were bragging behind their backs.

"These guys are all very good at dancing."

Jia Yan flew away from the planet helplessly, but there was nothing wrong with his ears. Even though he was thousands of kilometers away from the agricultural star, he could still clearly hear the conversation behind him.

He was helpless, but he was also moved by the self-confidence of the people in this star field.

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