Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 22 The wrath of the giant mosquito!

I saw that the entire body of the mosquito monster at this time was an extremely weird blue color!

And this color is the most powerful thing in Giant Mosquito now, and it is also the greatest treasure in his body!

He was actually forced out by these metal monsters!

The defense of the azure substance is absolute!

There is no need to question the protection of the azure substance!

However, the most unbearable thing for Jia Yan appeared, that is, in the exhibition defense at this time, there were actually some places where the defense was not completely in place, and the gaps exposed were where he was injured!

This is simply unbearable!

It wasn't as simple as being injured, but these metal monsters actually broke the absolute defense he had always believed in!

Just a few metal monsters actually shattered my faith!

As if stepping on flames, the giant mosquito slowly flapped its wings and flew out of the smoke, dust and sparks in the sky!

The flames behind him were like his overwhelming rage!

The murderous intent in Jia Yan's eyes was stronger than ever before!

These metal monsters gave him a terrifying crisis he had never experienced before! Jia Yan has never experienced this feeling before. Although he has experienced danger countless times, this danger definitely made him feel desperate!

It was a feeling as if there was no place to escape from heaven to earth!

The whole person was surrounded by fire, and the feeling was really extremely helpless!

Although the blue substance still saved him this time, he really felt like death just now!

And the metal monsters who gave him this feeling are unforgivable!

Jia Yan's murderous intention is very dignified!

Just like a fire phoenix reborn from the ashes, and like a giant dragon soaring in the flames, this big mosquito actually has the momentum of a mythical beast!

His huge compound eyes are covered with scars, and some minor scars even block his vision!

There are many wounds on his body. These wounds. Some are caused by those blue substances. Jia Yan only now determined that his blue defense had a fatal flaw. This flaw was that the defense speed was not fast enough. In explosions like this one, the clot and exoskeleton were breached quickly. Therefore, the blue defense had no time to cover the whole body, and was scratched by the attack's flames and fine explosives!

This incident made Jia Yan finally realize his shortcomings in defense. And knowing that he might die too!

With this mutation, he has indeed become stronger. Even the red light, which could not be defended well before, is now less scary!

But this doesn't mean that these metal monsters in front of him have no way to kill him!

For example, this is the most lethal way to self-destruct!

Such as the saturation attack of red light!

It is possible that Jia Yan will die!

Maybe Jia Yan is angry this time. It was also because he felt that his dream of being invincible in defense was shattered. This makes me a little angry!

Of course, this idea is not very glorious, and the absolute defense that I have always believed in is shattered. Maybe it can make him realize some reality. After all, a person who cannot recognize reality will definitely die the fastest in a battle!

With this experience, Jia Yan will not take dangerous actions in future battles just because he relies on his own defense - for example, when he was on the Japanese island in the morning, he thought about confronting human atomic bombs. Woolen cloth!

Not having a clear understanding of this kind of thing is equivalent to not having a clear understanding of his own strength. He will definitely suffer greater losses in the future. Therefore, now that the mosquito has learned this lesson, it is not a bad thing. !

"But the azure defense has not been broken through. It just deploys defense more slowly. If the next mutation can strengthen the azure defense with a faster defense speed, my defense dream will not be shattered yet!"

Jia Yan still has beautiful ideas in his heart, but this idea is no longer unrealistic, because it is very possible!

Although he was injured this time, the absoluteness of the blue defense was still reflected in this explosion!

The places where Jia Yan was injured were all without azure defense. The parts with azure defense showed no trace of scars at all!

But now, his idea has changed from the initial superstition of blue defense to the firm belief that all blue defense should be used to defend the whole body! As long as the whole body can be defended, not to mention absolute defense, at least the metal monster's self-destruction attack can be defended!

"Now, I must be more careful! At least I must not let them self-destruct next to me!" Jia Yan made a decision in his heart not to let the other party self-destruct!

But the best way to do this is to prevent these metal monsters from getting close. But in this case, how can he attack?

"Then kill them with lightning speed before they have time to make a move!"

Jia Yan's compound eyes are even more shiny!

The big mosquito on the battlefield looked like a wounded beast!

Whizzing! ! ——

Several red light attacks are coming again!

At this time, those metal monsters were also extremely violent!

They saw a threat in this giant mosquito monster that could not be killed!

This threat is not small, because this giant mosquito monster is different from any ground creature they have seen!

This giant mosquito not only has extreme defensive capabilities, but also has an 'aura' that is very similar to them!

In fact, these metal monsters were indeed attracted from the ground by Jia Yan, the big mosquito.

But the reason is still unknown, but they know that there is such a monster in the ground world, which is almost of the same 'origin' as them, but it is not the same kind, but an existence that must be killed!

The danger of this existence is too great! Somehow, among the instructions these metal monsters received, there was an instruction to kill this giant mosquito monster!

Of course, their orders actually include killing all life on the ground! This command does not seem to conflict with or even overlap with the command to kill the giant mosquito monster, but there is still a difference, that is, the sequence of killing the giant mosquito is placed tenth front!

That's why these metal monsters gave up on the humans here and rushed over to kill this giant mosquito monster!

The bombardment continued, but at this time, the big mosquito changed his style of play. His speed was much faster than before!

At this time, the big mosquito is attacking regardless of physical strength. After all, Jia Yan's previous plan was to maintain physical strength, but now he doesn't care so much. Now his life is the most important thing!

If he gave up the attack and just ran away, it wasn't like Jia Yan couldn't escape. But at this time he. To protect his family, would he choose to escape?


So the big mosquitoes are still fighting these metal monsters!

Boom boom boom! ! !

There was a violent explosion, and the buildings here fell down one by one!

The red light exploded, and the remaining metal monsters continued to launch their staged attacks. The big mosquitoes are bound to be killed in this place!

And Jia Yan's attacks became more erratic!

He tried his best to avoid all the attacks that could be avoided. These attacks were for Jia Yan. Although each attack would not cause him serious injury, Jia Yan could feel that these attacks could still cause him a certain amount of damage!

Each injury may not be a big problem. But when combined, it’s terrifying!

So he is trying his best to avoid it!

Hoo ho ho! ! ——

The body becomes even more weird and violent!

A red light passed by, the body of a big mosquito. Just rush down!

The speed of running was several times faster than before, so this red light attack. It just rubbed the big mosquito's body and didn't hit it!

But at the same time. Another red ray attack has arrived!

Jia Yan's compound eyes are so bright!

His body followed the inertia of the previous movement and used a dodge continuously!

The body turned downwards subtly in the sky, and then rushed forward to the right!

A very fast mosquito. His extremely fast speed allowed his huge body to dodge the almost impossible continuous red light shots!

This time the evasion was performed so flawlessly that it can almost be said to be superb!

And with this kind of evasive movement, this red light attack at a tricky angle was also narrowly avoided by Jia Yan!

"Very good, my speed can definitely avoid their attacks! I can definitely kill them all!"

Jia Yan encouraged himself in his heart!

The giant mosquito's figure is even faster! His flying angle is no longer limited to dodging left and right. Sometimes it looks forward, but when the giant mosquito's compound eyes flash, it actually turns into flying backwards!

Not to mention that fighter jets can't do such weird flying methods, even many real flying creatures in nature can't do it!

Moreover, Jia Yan's body was so huge that it almost violated the laws of nature!

But at this time, no one on the battlefield applauded his beautiful move. Not to mention that the opponent's metal monsters may not have this wisdom, and even if they did, they would definitely not cheer for him. What they thought was just How to kill this tricky flying monster!

Poof! ! ——

A sharp horny forefoot stabbed a metal monster hard on the front end!

At this moment, the barrel on top of the monster's head suddenly emitted a fierce red light!

But before that, look for Shuyuan The ferocious look in the giant mosquito's compound eyes suddenly became extremely conspicuous!

The knife-shaped horns on his front feet suddenly turned hard!

Click! ——

The 'heart' of the metal monster, whose defense should not be underestimated, was actually broken through the shell by his knife-shaped horn, and then all the defenses inside were wiped out in one go!

With a broken heart, this metal monster that also wanted to self-destruct was killed by Jia Yan in one fell swoop, preventing him from self-destructing!

"Yes, if we hurry up, it seems we can stop it!" Jia Yan looked coldly at the metal monster that fell to the ground, and finally let out a long breath!

There will be another chapter soon. Recently, I am learning a new input method, so my typing speed is very slow, so the chapters are released so late. I’m sorry, I will try my best to publish them as early as possible in the future! (To be continued.)

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