"Sir, I think there are two solutions to the problem of troop sources. The first one is the simplest, but it also has many hidden dangers, and that is to recruit mercenaries from outer space. Such people are very good at fighting and are very professional. But like this It can be said that it is difficult to prevent a mixture of fish and dragons, and spies from those major star regions may enter our system."

"Another way is to immediately use large resources to squeeze the talent potential of the star field. It is possible for talents to reach the sky level, or the star level, or the honor level to quickly burst out a wave of talents in a short period of time, but this approach should The results are not that quick.”

"Sir, I wonder which method you think should be used?"

The one who spoke was the Cowherd.

Jia Yan also thought about the two options he mentioned, but he didn't think so much. Listening to his concise and concise words at this time, Jia Yan made a quick choice.

A strong person acts decisively.

"Well, it's not a good idea to choose either of the two options separately. Let's go hand in hand. After all, whether you invest in mercenaries or support local talents, they have their own limitations."

Jia Yan's words made several people whisper.

Because they know that the resources and financial resources within Orion's arms are actually not that much, and they are not even worthy of its current reputation. This makes it difficult for them to flex their muscles, let alone pursue the two major plans simultaneously.

But now that Jia Yan has said it, there will be no different results, not to mention that he has thought clearly and will make some efforts.

"As for the money issue, I will see if there is any way to help in the Northern Star Territory. After all, most of the resources in the Northern Star Territory are in my hands now. If they come out more evenly, I guess I can help. Don't be busy, not to mention the mercenaries, we can also let the Northern Star Territory do some work. Being so far apart, there will be a lot less spies and the like."

After Jia Yan figured out certain joints, his ideas changed a lot, so what he said made the eyes of Tianniu Lang and others shine, and they felt that Jia Yan had reached the point.

"Very good, let's act accordingly. The original strength of the Orion Arm is our heritage, so we must not skimp on training. If more strong men can emerge before the end of the war, it will be beneficial to us. of."

Jia Yan issued the final order.

"Yes, sir."

Several people expressed their agreement with Jia Yan's words, and then several subordinates left this unknown starry sky and rushed to their own war zones.

In addition to being high-level officials within the entire Orion Arm, these people were also super strong men who were in charge of one side during the war. Moreover, because they had to perform joint tricks, these subordinates were completely united together, which made it difficult for them to have many people. Became less.

When you reach the star level, it is not that simple to recruit. Even if Jia Yan is a galaxy level, it is still very difficult to wait for someone who has reached the star level or even the middle star level to join him. Difficult things.

Therefore, the members of Jia Yan's team will become a major help to Jia Yan for a long time to come.

Of course, for him now, this help has become weaker and weaker, and it has become like a simple helper for Jia Yan. Where they are really beneficial to Jia Yan, they cannot reach that level at all.

But even then, the current Jia Yan team is already good enough, and they have also achieved their own requirements, which is to become a stellar mid-level powerhouse. When they joined Jia Yan's team, they just wanted to reach the stellar mid-level or above. , I didn’t expect that it has become a reality just a few years ago.

What's more exciting for them, and the reason why they are still following Jia Yan tirelessly, is that until now, they actually have a way to kill the powerful ones at the lower level of the star, and even the ones at the top of the star. This is very important to these For those who were only in the first level of stars back then, and even in the first level, who were not very outstanding, following Jia Yan seemed like the most correct decision in their lives.

So they will not give up on Jia Yan. Now they have finally gained Jia Yan's full trust and regarded him as one of their own. He has also become a big leader in the ascending star field. This is already the pinnacle of life for them. How can they give birth to a child? What a double minded thing.

Jia Yan really trusts them.

Just as Jia Yan was carefully making layouts and preparations, and was even giving pre-war speeches frequently in semi-public and public places, he received another message.

The information was sent by the enemy.

This is something that the mid-level galaxy being said to Jia Yan personally.

"Your Excellency, Mr. Jia Yan, as noble galaxy-level beings who have fought with you for a long time, we feel that it is necessary to have another good-humored negotiation with you."

"As the most powerful and most respected galaxy-level being in the Orion Arm, we respect you very much. But the war between us is caused by many coincidences that no one wants to see, and various Due to this disagreement, we would like to express our sincere apologies for having the temerity to attack your star domain."

"However, our war is unavoidable, so after some discussion, we still sent out this signal. In the next war, we will respect your star field powerhouses and even ordinary soldiers. There are general war clauses for both sides in our star field war, which include detailed treatment of captured and humiliated soldiers, as well as the treatment of strong people, or top leaders..."

In this message, extremely detailed terms of war were listed.

But Jia Yan didn't even read it carefully, he sneered and closed the information directly.

"Oh, now tell me the official way of fighting the war. So what does it matter if you killed so many strong men on the planet and ordinary people on my Orion Arm before?"

Jia Yan knew that the other party wanted to control the casualties as much as possible after seeing Jia Yan's power and the terror of the Orion Arm. Only then did he pretend to be hypocritical, as if he had just suddenly realized that he wanted to fight a fair war against the Orion Arm. .

But how could Jia Yan agree with their ideas?

After all, as a strong man, for Jia Yan, the war model has always been one of life and death. There is no framework agreement or anything like that. It is completely nonsense.

Therefore, Jia Yan believes that he should have shocked the other party. This shows that his Orion Arm army and his combat effectiveness have indeed made the other party feel a little bit hazy, making them afraid that he will also The information came after the fate of those Galaxy-class people in front.

Jia Yan didn't care about all that, he just wanted to kill this group of incoming beings.

The two sides fought overtly and covertly. After Jia Yan received this information, and it was like a mud cow drowning in the sea with no news at all to the enemy, they became angry and started a secret fight against the Orion Arm.

Or it was a war of international public opinion, or an encounter between a small group of troops, or the enemy announced that a large force had arrived for reinforcements, etc., to name a few, the Orion Arm had no idea of ​​retreating at all, and all of them were united. Refute the news one by one, or counterattack in a targeted manner.

The Orion Arm at this time was completely different from when it was suddenly attacked by this large force.

There is a big gap in terms of strength, but the Orion Arm has developed a terrifying joint fighting technique, so their combat effectiveness is not far behind due to the huge number of basic strength.

Although there is a gap between the two sides in the number of higher-level experts, Jia Yan has the explosive meteorites of star-level experts.

This kind of thing is called the "artifact" of the Orion Arm, because its appearance instantly changed the situation of the insufficient number of strong men at the top of the Orion Arm.

Try to think about it, if you meet a strong person at the beginning of the stellar level, it is actually possible to kill a high-level star. How can you cry?

Because of the unprecedented and unnatural advantages of the Orion Arm in several ordinary situations, they went from being hasty at the beginning to now being well-organized in the war, and even becoming mysterious and powerful to the enemy.

These small actions of war can be said to be the precursor of the coming and going, which will slowly evolve into a decisive battle.

The dark clouds of the entire battle were thickly cast over the battlefield.

"Uh, did that boy find me a wife?"

One day, when the war was about to break out, Jia Yan suddenly heard some news.

For a moment he didn't know what he was feeling.

As for his son Jia Rong, he hasn't even thought about whether he will really accept it. Fortunately, he has already found a wife, and now he is taking her to his hometown on Earth to meet his parents. "

I don’t know how Satsuma-den feels.

Jia Yan thought about it and felt that it was better not to come forward. This son has always been unwilling to deal with his classmates, so it would not be a good idea to come forward.


After you get married, you will have a grandson. This is no ordinary grandson, but a grandson who carries Jia Yan's genes and has a bright future. Jia Yan has even thought about letting this lineage protect the earth and the Orion Arm...

Jia Yan couldn't help but think too much when the clouds of war were gathering.

But he soon pulled his thoughts away from his son.

He will go to the wedding. Didn’t he just meet his parents now? Not urgent.

Jia Yan silently paid attention to his son's affairs, but didn't have many thoughts that he wanted to face directly.

And what is supposed to come will still come.

One day, when an Orion Arm army and an allied advance team met on a certain battlefield, they fought to the death. It happened that the enemy and the Orion Arm's rescue fleet both arrived at the battlefield at the same time, and When both sides have no choice but to start a war...

It was like a powder keg exploding, and instantly, the entire precarious battlefield became filled with clouds of war.

The war has officially begun!

"Lord Jia Yan, the war has begun."

"Okay, I already know."

To be honest, whether it was Jia Yan or an ordinary Orion-arm creature, no one was surprised to hear that the war finally broke out.

Because at this time, half a month has passed since the last time Jia Yan announced the start of all-out war. Although half a month is not too long for everyone, but for the fronts that have announced the start of all-out war, It's already quite long.

Of course, Jia Yan is not too worried about the beginning of the war, because he has already prepared everything. Moreover, because of the appearance of the Zerg Queen, Jia Yan feels that he is not aware of the war at this time. So interested.

His vision has become higher. He has faced several major galaxies, and most of them are at the beginning of the galaxy. For Jia Yan, it is no longer an uncomfortable war. He puts his vision beyond In the future, we will go with those powerful galactic middle-level people, and even those who may be domain lords.

"This war has finally begun. I have done everything I can do. It just depends on how it develops..."

"But at least one thing I can't ignore is that in this war, I want to fight so that the Zerg Queen can see my talent and future. If I cannot do this, then this war will not be successful."

Although Jia Yan didn't want to be anyone's subordinate, the conditions offered to him by the Zerg Queen were so generous that Jia Yan could hardly refuse.

After all, no one has the chance to get the guidance of someone who has reached the peak of the Domain Lord and is the peak of the talented Domain Lord. In addition, there is also the material support of the super large star domain. With this kind of support, Jia Yan feels that he may For some of my previous thoughts and ideas, I went to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com for summary experiments.

It is true that the Orion Arm is controlled by Jia Yan, and it is true that this is a large star field, but Jia Yan understands very well that the size, technology, energy, etc. of the Orion Arm are completely unable to compare with the Zerg Queen's which is nearly one or two thousand light years away. The control range of large and small star fields is comparable.

So Jia Yan was a little bit looking forward to using this Zerg Queen as a springboard to a stronger road.

Get her guidance, then use her resources to become stronger than her!

Of course, Jia Yan probably also knows that the Zerg Queen completely understands the thoughts of followers like Jia Yan, and there may even be followers with similar thoughts around her, but she has no worries at all and dares to play tricks on her. She would naturally have the strength to kill those who conspired. If there were no conspiracies, she would have the absolute confidence to suppress everyone.

You know, she is definitely one of the powerful people that Jia Yan has heard of so far, and her talent is definitely better than hers. At least Jia Yan's speed of reaching the first level of the galaxy is not as fast as hers.

Jia Yan can't guarantee what will happen behind the scenes, but at least having a goal, or getting closer to this goal, is the first thing he needs to do.

"So now I want to play smart and win quickly, maybe it's a good choice?"

Jia Yan's heart grew bigger, which made him feel a little less worried after dealing with the previous Galaxy Intermediate.

It's a pity that the idea that one's heart is as high as the sky and one's life is as thin as a piece of paper has always happened in the interstellar world.

If Jia Yan underestimated the enemy too much, he might be in a life-or-death crisis when faced with the siege of that mid-level galaxy creature and the group of primary-level galaxy creatures he brought with him.

What will happen depends on the state of the war. Read the latest chapters of "Rebirth of the Starry Sky Giant Mosquito Claw Machine Bookstore" for free as soon as possible.

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