It's been a long time since he fully experienced this earthling avatar. For Jia Yan, it is still very meaningful to regain a little bit of the feeling of being a local earthling. .

But his clone didn't come here for fun, but came to find someone.

Buzz buzz.

Inside the subspace, there are constant explosions and the existence of huge swallowing black shadows.

The twisted black color has little effect on the real body, but it has a big impact on the clone.

Fortunately, Jia Yan is already familiar with the method of using clones to move in subspace, and he can quickly move between distortions, while his body is still moving forward quickly.

In fact, Jia Yan's method of using avatars to find people is not just a simple flight to find people. After all, the clone is not the real body, and it is completely impossible to compare with a warship in subspace speed. Moreover, even if it is the real body, the speed in deep subspace is still far behind the fastest technological warship.

His main purpose of flying out was to cover up other people's eyes and prevent other creatures in Orion's arms from knowing that he was looking for the female creature that suddenly came into Orion's arms.

This is to avoid risks, and the other party may not be friendly. If a fight starts, his clone will definitely not be able to protect the Orion Arm battleship that follows him.

Of course, it is possible not to fight. It is absolutely impossible for Jia Yan to start a war with a Zerg queen who has reached the level of a domain lord and is even much stronger than ordinary domain lords. Even if it is just one of her clones, this will definitely make Jia Yan suffer a lot. Big hit.

The other party did not hide his figure, so Jia Yan walked all the way and followed the starry sky road to find the other party easily.

In fact, the speed of the avatar of the Zerg Queen was not extremely fast. She did not hide her path, flying from the starry sky inside the Orion Arm to the direction of the earth.

This is called being confident. Her strength and identity are enough for her to not have to worry about anyone in a star field like the Orion Arm where she has already become famous.

This is the benefit of being strong.

Although Jia Yan lamented the opponent's strength, he also felt that this behavior was quite a slap in the face.

But even if it was a slap in the face, there was nothing he could do. After all, the gap between him and the Zerg Queen was really too big.

"Why does this Zerg Queen come to me?"

Jia Yan felt that the Zerg Queen probably did not come to fight with him, because there was no need for it. If she wanted to do it, she could have easily started killing Jia Yan back then, so why wait until now.

"In other words, she is like the other beings who came to trouble me. She is preparing to refine me into some kind of medicine to enhance her own strength? That's not right. If that's the case, with her At that level, she should at least wait until I become stronger, or simply reach the level of Territory Lord, before attacking her, otherwise my effects will not give her any room to increase her strength."

Jia Yan did not belittle himself excessively, but he definitely recognized himself clearly enough. At the Galaxy level, the division of everyone's strength and status is still very clear. Creatures that have reached the Domain Lord level are just like those of the past. There is so much difference between the Venerable level and the Star level that Jia Yan doesn't even think that his Tang Monk flesh can have any effect on making a powerful Territory Lord.

So this Zerg Queen must have something in mind when she comes to find herself now.

Jia Yan even thought about the time when the other party's energy attached to his body, helped him once, said some disappointing words, and then completely disappeared from his life.

Jia Yan has always been curious about this matter, what is going on, but until now, he doesn't know what the internal reason is.

But now that the Zerg Queen has reappeared, it is probably time to reveal the inner cause.

In the starry sky, a dark brilliance flashed across the stars.

Inside the brilliance is a beautiful woman who looks very similar to an earthling woman in her early twenties.

But anyone who knows her true face will never believe that this beauty is actually a peerless powerful person five or six thousand light years away, and the queen of a powerful race called the Zerg.

"This Orion Arm is different from the rumors outside. It is not powerful at all. When I heard the rumors here, I was shocked. I thought that the barren land I came to back then would become so much stronger in the blink of an eye. But now When I came back to see it, there weren't many changes. It was just that they practiced something called 'Yin Yang Dao', and as for the strong ones, they either obtained it from the captured star field biochemical star field, or from outside stars. A strong man who belongs to the domain."

After looking around this beauty-like creature, she realized that the Orion Arm, the rising star field that the outside world was rumored to be talking about now, was actually strong on the outside but weak on the inside, and had no strength to match its super reputation.

Of course, it is said that it is not strong, but in fact it is not bad. What's more, with the Yin and Yang Dao, the strong men in Orion's arms can be equivalent to a higher level existence after a few people join forces. This is a bit tricky and quite Suddenly there are many masters in Orion's arms.

"The strength is indeed very similar to the feeling I had when I left a clone in the Orion Arm. Haha, I was a bit naive back then. I wanted to be here..."

She was just muttering something to herself when she suddenly noticed something strange appearing in the starry sky.

Then she stopped moving forward and stayed within the interstellar, silently waiting for something.

Not long after, a quick burst of light came from the interstellar world.

Inside this ray of light, there is a shadow similar to that of a young man from Earth, which seems to match the opponent. Both parties use bodies that look like clones of Earthlings.

"Oh, are you here?"

The beauty smiled faintly.

The young man on the opposite side obviously knew that this beautiful woman was here, so he increased his speed again, and at the same time, he entered the sub-space, and then in another flash, he was directly opposite the woman.

The two sides are less than twenty meters apart. This distance, let alone a galaxy-level powerhouse, even a heaven-level powerhouse, is as if there is no distance at all. It is very close.

But neither side launched an attack.

The young man is naturally a clone with Jia Yan's appearance.

"Hello, Your Excellency, we meet again."

A male voice came out of Jia Yan's mouth, and along with the power of his brainwaves, it rippled in the starry sky.

The other party silently looked at Jia Yan's clone and saw that this clone only had half-star power. However, under Jia Yan's control, the clone felt very solid and showed no signs of instability. This shows that Jia Yan can use this clone to carry out many powerful attacks. She has even mastered the information before. One of Jia Yan's clones can kill a Galaxy-level person, even if the clone himself falls into the same fate. But this is enough to illustrate the strength of Jia Yan's clone.

"Hello, Jia Yan. It must have been fifty or sixty years ago. Unexpectedly, you are a bit beyond my expectation. Your strength has developed very quickly."

After the other party glanced at Jia Yan's clone, he didn't show the slightest fear.

This is because his own strength is too terrifying, so he no longer cares about some small means or attack tricks.

Just like the trump card of earth-level experts is just an ordinary attack method to the strong men of heaven level, the killer trump card of galaxy level is nothing to the existence of the domain lord. Maybe every time they send out For the Galaxy level powerhouses, the attacks are comparable to their trump cards, but the Territory Lord is just a normal attack.

This is the difference between the two.

"Well, it has been a long time, and even my current strength is still far behind for Your Excellency. Your Majesty the Queen, I already know your identity roughly, but I didn't know that this time you would use your noble body to reach my Orion Arm." Come on, what are you doing?"

Jia Yan nodded, not feeling ecstatic about the other party's words, nor did he think that he was weaker than the other party, and his attitude was very correct.

Neither humble nor arrogant, this is the philosophy he has adhered to all the way up to the present.

"Jia Yan, I came to your Orion Arm for no other reason, and I don't have any bad thoughts towards you. Why don't we go to the planet over there to talk."

The beauty pointed at a planet not far away. Of course, it was not far away, but this dead planet with no resources was still millions of kilometers away from them.

But to the two powerful men, millions of kilometers are as close as one step for people on earth.

Jia Yan nodded.


Not long after, the two of them were like a ray of light, flying lightly to the planet.

They don't need to breathe. Both sides are extremely terrifying starry sky creatures, which are naturally beyond the scope of ordinary life.

While Jia Yan was falling, his brain wave power came into use.

Puff puff.

There is actually an atmosphere on that planet, and there is air inside, but the air is poisonous. It is absolutely impossible for people on earth to survive here.

At this time, when his brainwave power was used, extremely terrifying destruction occurred on the planet.

A large mountain peak was silently cut in half by the power of brain waves, and then the inside itself was quickly cut again.

Time passed quickly as they landed. In only ten seconds, this large mountain peak seemed to suddenly become a castle made of stone.

Everything inside seems to have been polished by skilled craftsmen and is very delicate.

However, no one may want to believe that this kind of thing that should be made by a skilled craftsman can only be made in a dozen seconds by a strong man like Jia Yan.

"You're very handy."

The clone of the Zerg Queen nodded lightly, seemingly not shocked or surprised by Jia Yan's fine control.

Maybe an ordinary Galaxy-level being would marvel at Jia Yan's amazing control over this clone, but to her, this seems to be a normal thing.

As mentioned before, the height you stand determines how you see things.

Jia Yan looked at the opponent silently, knowing in his heart that there was a huge difference in strength between the two sides and that the opponent was not alarmed at all, so he couldn't help but sigh, and then continued to fly down without being discouraged.

The strength of the two sides, at least in this aspect, is still very different.

Jia Yan silently followed the opponent's clone and entered the mountain stone castle.

"Come, please take a seat, Queen."

Jia Yan walked with the other party to the center of the huge hall of the castle, where there was a row of magnificent tables and chairs.

The entire castle is five to six hundred meters long and more than a hundred meters high. The huge table and chairs in the center are also very long. The two sides are sitting apart from each other. For an earthling, it is impossible to see the face of the person opposite.

But for the strong, this is just right.

At least Jia Yan sat on one side and the Zerg Queen on the other side had a look of satisfaction on her face.

Luxurious things, or things that are beautiful on the surface and have a sense of ritual, even if they reach the level of the strong or even the extremely terrifying strong, they will still pursue them. After all, everyone is just pursuing a better life, even for the super strong. The horror beings are still no different.

"Jia Yan, don't you think we should have some more wine and food? Or some servants, etc. It's actually a bit rude for you, the master, to talk like this between the two of us."

The other party seemed to finally take Jia Yan seriously, and at least he was willing to joke.

"Your Majesty the Queen, I was embarrassed. Where did I find food and servants for a while?"

"Then I'll do it."

The queen smiled.

Then, in Jia Yan's surprise, she stretched out a white palm and grabbed it into the void.

Bang. Find Shuyuan

Hundreds of kilometers away from the two of them, there was a volcano on this planet. When the queen was grabbed out, the volcano exploded. The explosion was so terrifying that it almost burst the sky. If left alone, this volcano would At least for a while, the planet will be plunged into the terrifying scene of the world's largest volcanic eruption, and volcanic ash will cover the sky for a long time.

But at the moment when this explosion was born, the exploding material was instantly grabbed by something like an invisible big hand.

Then, all the explosive materials flew up one after another and merged into the grasp of this big hand.

Furthermore, the agglomerated object fermented at high temperature, almost reaching an unimaginably terrifying temperature.

Not long after, various substances continued to fly up from the surrounding ground and merged into this high-temperature object.

Various substances are born through chaotic combinations.

During the whole process, Jia Yan had a confused face.

In fact, he probably guessed what the other party was doing, but even if he guessed it, Jia Yan still looked in disbelief.

Because this kind of thing is almost a miracle to him!


As expected by Jia Yan, when the volcanic explosive materials he sensed combined with the sand and stones on the ground, as well as many condensates of various substances, the interior of the invisible mountain, which had exhausted almost all the power of the volcanic eruption, began to boil. After finishing, various objects flew out from it.

These are plates of dishes.

They were served on a plate that was cooked to perfection and looked like diamonds.

Moreover, the style of the dishes is very similar to some common dishes on earth, such as chicken, red wine, green vegetables, tomatoes... and so on. Read the latest chapters of "Rebirth of the Starry Sky Giant Mosquito Claw Machine Bookstore" for free as soon as possible.

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