"Alas, no matter how that adult behaves, it is not something that we can talk about. Now I just hope that the battle will not happen in our little white dwarf star system, otherwise we will be in ruins."

"Yes, when gods fight, mortals suffer."

A group of senior students inside the white dwarf gathered together, and even they heard the noise.

Time has passed by now, five years after Jia Yan arrived in this galaxy.

In the past five years, not much has changed for many star regions.

However, there have been earth-shattering changes in the Taiya Kingdom in the Northern Star Region, as well as in the entire Northern Star Region, and even in the Orion Arm as far away as thousands of light-years away.

First of all, under the strong integration of the Pacific Kingdom, the Northern Star Territory has finally become the "Northern Star Territory Alliance". As soon as he appeared, he appeared in the eyes of all civilizations and powerful people in an extremely powerful state.

With Jia Yan sitting behind him, for the Taiya Kingdom, almost no one dares to challenge itself. At least in the northern star field, or in some weak star fields around it, there is absolutely no dare to challenge a galaxy-level powerhouse. Power exists.

As a result, Taiya Kingdom's strength has become a situation where although everyone is angry, they dare not speak out.

The Pacific Kingdom does not want to do this, but they have initially integrated, and at least the initial strength must be shown, and it must also give the future Northern Star Alliance a good start. After giving such a start, many in the future will Things will unfold smoothly.

In addition to holding the banner of the Northern Star Territory firmly in its own hands, Taiya Kingdom also had Kama successfully summoned by many senior officials from the Northern Star Territory Alliance and recommended him as Jia Yan's second year of training on the White Dwarf Star. 'The first supreme president of the Northern Star Alliance'.

The former empress, in addition to still serving as the empress of the Pacific Kingdom in the alliance, has also become the president of the alliance. She holds many positions, but no one dares to say anything. Moreover, in this meeting of the first world, it was marked The ruling time of the president of the alliance is the life of the empress. In other words, as long as Kama lives, she will be the lifelong president of the Pacific Kingdom. This is no longer a matter of the president, it is like a president of the entire Northern Star Territory. The Queen of the Alliance.

Of course, all this is because Jia Yan is behind him.

On the other hand, the passage between the Pacific Kingdom and the Earth began to make new progress after the Pacific Kingdom obtained the huge resources of the northern star field.

The manpower of both sides is speeding up the connection between the Earth and the Pacific. After all, the Earth and the Pacific have announced an alliance. The Pacific is theoretically merged with the Earth, but it is still the Pacific for the time being.

Therefore, in order for the two sides to better integrate and accelerate the formation of a whole, the passage between the Pacific Kingdom and the Earth was regarded as a national policy of the Pacific Kingdom. With the huge human and material resources, this passage quickly became made a substantial progress.

After such huge resources were mobilized, it didn't take long for the channel between Tai Asia and the Earth to instantly expand twenty times that of the first period.

In other words, in the past, only one person could pass through the passage, and the speed was not too fast. Two years later, it became possible to pass through miniaturized battleships at any time, and supplies could also be quickly transported from here to the earth. Carrying out transactions and exchanges, this has greatly enhanced the communication between Pacific Asia and the earth.

Gradually, more people came from the Earth, and more people came from the Pacific Kingdom. The technology and culture of both sides were rapidly integrating.

Don't think that the Earth is too far behind the Pacific Kingdom. In fact, the Pacific Kingdom originally thought that the Earth could not bring too many benefits to itself. However, it is not that simple on the Earth side, because the Earth is on the Orion Arm, and its status is It is almost the same as the Pacific Kingdom in the Northern Star Territory Alliance. Even the Earth has been the theoretical overlord there for many years, and the resources it can use are unknown, so now it has begun to communicate with the Northern Star Territory. , the earth used huge power, which shocked the country of Taiya.

It's not just the resources. The Orion Arm holds the entire Orion Arm, plus the terrifying resources of an entire biochemical star field. There are only a few star systems in the northern star field here, which can be said to be an eye-opener.

Even in terms of technology, the Pacific Kingdom, which originally thought it would not gain much from the Earth, discovered that although the Earth's own technology is not too high, they have the technology of the Orion Arm behind them, and the Biochemical Star Territory The technology and research in some places are much, much more advanced than those of the Pacific Country, so the Pacific Country immediately felt that it had gained a lot.

So it’s not clear. After opening up the channel with the earth, whether it is the Pacific country that takes advantage, or the earth that takes advantage. In general, it becomes beneficial to both sides, or it should be said that , Taiya Country actually took more advantage, which was completely different from what everyone initially thought.

"By the way, is there no news about Mr. Jia Yan yet?"

"No more. The white dwarf star where he was last reported to was. I sent several personnel there for testing. It seems that your Excellency has really been on that planet all the time. But Your Majesty, don't worry. A The Galaxy class can handle the pressure of the white dwarf, so he may have something to do on it."

"Well, I understand. By the way, have you come out with the first group of people who will go to Earth to study and experience this time? It's the first time a large-scale deployment of personnel has returned to Earth. We can't send out a bad team."

"It has been planned for a long time. I heard that I am going to Earth. Many young people are really excited about it. The phone number at our registration office has been busy."

"Haha, that's good. It seems that our residents in Taiya still have a high degree of recognition of the earth."

Within the Kingdom of Taiya, Empress Kama straightened her delicate figure and was discussing matters with the ministers around her.

The country of Taiya has been connected to the earth for a long time. It has been several years. However, there have been few official records of sending a large number of personnel. On the one hand, the channel is not stable enough. On the other hand, such a big thing requires a lot of time. Long consultations.

Fortunately, the time is enough now. The Earth is ready, and there are already many candidates here.

"I will go there in person this time. After all, we unilaterally announced that we will join their Earth Alliance, and I don't know if they will be happy. I will go there in person, and I can show our attitude to a certain extent."

"Well...well, Your Majesty, the Empress, must pay attention to your own safety."

"Okay, then in a few days we will gather the team that is going to go there together. By the way, did the little princess of the Jia family also say that she would go back with us?"

"That's right, that little princess has been studying in our country of Taiya for a long time. She only recently allowed us to reveal her identity. She also said that in order to show that the earth values ​​​​our personnel's first visit to the earth, she will personally accompany us. Let’s set off together, this kind of gift can be said to be extremely important to our country of Taiya.”

Kama listened to his subordinate's words and knew that the little princess, Jia Ruo, would rush to the earth with him, so he nodded immediately.

"The safety of this princess is more important than my safety, do you understand?"

"Okay, we get it."

The discussions between the ministers and Kama ended here, and their planned trip to Earth would soon become a major event that was about to begin.

Just like the Pacific Kingdom, the other side of the earth also knows that the senior officials of the Pacific Kingdom are about to come to the earth for the first time to meet the "original earthlings" on this side of the earth. The planet actually felt a little nervous.

Naturally, the nervousness is not due to any hostility towards the Pacific Kingdom, but because this is the first time that people on earth have received relatives who were separated from the earth in ancient times. They are also the only relatives of people on earth in the universe. So they were nervous.

But the technology on Earth is weaker than that of Taiya. There is no way to help it. Although it is the territory of the ancestors, Taiya was forcibly brought to the prosperous outside world, so it developed compared to the Earth. I don’t know how many years earlier, but the sense of technology that the earth wants to show now will definitely not shock the people of Pacific Asia.

So they changed their thinking.

"Give us a culture. Didn't you say that many ancient cultures have been restored a long time ago? Now is the time to show it."

"The one with the strongest cultural atmosphere is undoubtedly China. China's culture is the main idea of ​​​​this time, so that these friends living in the outside world can feel the culture of our hometown on earth."

High-level officials on Earth are also preparing for ceremonies to welcome people from the Pacific Kingdom, and have also decided that China will be the theme of this welcome.

Fortunately, people on earth are used to seeing a lot of storms, especially alien heads of state. They have come to earth countless times. Generally speaking, the earth doesn't pay much attention to heads of state now, so it is difficult to deal with diplomatic problems. Things are still going smoothly.

Soon, many themes appeared on Earth.

And because the earth has more and more contacts with the outside world, for example, some human-like alien races and alien girls have married earthlings as wives, so the entire culture has more science fiction elements than the previous earth. , when many places on the earth were replaced with ancient Chinese elements and felt antique for a moment, these alien wives and the like caused many different feelings on the streets, like a great fusion of races. Very happy and happy.

"Very good, that's enough. People from Tai Asia are coming soon. Hurry up and get ready for us."

After almost all the people on Earth were preparing to welcome the event, the first large-scale envoy from the Pacific Kingdom on the other side also arrived.

The leader was a huge human-like woman who was tens of meters tall.

This is Her Majesty the Empress of Taiya Kingdom, Kama.

When the empress finally arrived on Earth after a tiring journey for several days on the passage, there were already bursts of cheers on the road opened by Earth.

"Wow, is this really a close relative of us earthlings? Can a female earthling grow to this point? But this Kama is really beautiful. If she were smaller, maybe I would Everyone will become her fans."

"It's so beautiful. I feel like I'm already a fan of hers. It's so big that I can even sit on her head and sleep."

"Hahaha, when I first heard that the humans in Taiya Country were bigger than us, I thought it was impossible. Now that I look at it, it turns out that they are really that much bigger. No one who came here before was this big. "

"The strength before was not so strong at that time. Now all the strong ones are above the heaven level. You see, the strength of Her Majesty the Empress is probably as high as the starry sky level. That's why she is so huge. It's a pity. We earthlings don’t want to look like this, so let’s forget it.”

"I heard that the people over there have not grown in size after practicing the Yin and Yang Dao of our ancestors. They are almost the same as us people on Earth."

"Yeah, that's good. Maybe we can find a wife from Tai Asia in the future, haha, we are related by blood after all."

People on earth are talking about Empress Kama who is tens of meters tall.

As for Kama and the others, they felt the kindness of this planet when they appeared on Earth.

"This is the earth, the planet our ancestors left."

"I actually feel a sense of intimacy, and their culture is preserved really well."

"Yes, what is it called? It seems to be called Chinese civilization, right? Their culture is very interesting, decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and very atmospheric."

"Very well, let's see what kind of attraction this culture has."

With both sides being extremely friendly, the people of Taiya quickly integrated into the Earth side, but their huge size made them a little inconvenient.

An article about the Kingdom of Taiya officially joining the Earth Alliance, and that many people from the Kingdom of Taiya have "acknowledged their ancestors" on the Earth, and then become true earthlings. At the same time, Jia Yan, who is far away on the white dwarf star, is silently He has improved his strength again!

Little did he know that the country of Tai Asia and the other side of the earth had actually made great progress in identifying themselves.

He just found his position almost quickly in his own practice.

"Very well, one last moment!"


Above the white dwarf, a slight storm suddenly appeared.

The surrounding heat wave dimmed for a moment.

"The last bit of the original cell has been transformed and can no longer be transformed. If it continues to be transformed, I feel like my body will collapse."

Jia Yan silently stopped the cell transformation of his body.

After five years, he was finally done!

"Haha, now, is this my strongest state after being promoted to the Galaxy level?"

Feeling the surging strength in his body, Jia Yan looked a little happy.

For him, his strength at this moment was completely greater than ever before, and not only that, even the feeling of his body became extremely comfortable!

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