Yes, Jia Yan is interested in white dwarf stars, or something on this white dwarf star.

"Even if he is strong, he is still weak to the universe, and even cannot be put on the stage at all. For me now, at least under certain natural conditions, I still don't have much backhand power. .”

When Jia Yan reached the Xinghe level, he realized that there were still things he could do nothing about for the Xinghe level powerhouses, and he was by no means an all-powerful master.

At least when facing the universe, he has no ability to resist at all, just like the planet in front of him.

White dwarfs also emit a faint light, but the light is too dim, and it is difficult to see whether there is light from a distance.

But to a strong person, dwarf quasars like white dwarfs are also very terrifying stars. Even if they are not as huge as stars, their mass is not as exaggerated as stars, but in a sense, they are more powerful than stars. All terrible.

Because the gravity and pressure on the white dwarf are very high, most of the matter and atoms in the white dwarf are crushed by the huge pressure, and the electrons are forced out of the nucleus by the pressure and wander around in the outside world.

Therefore, places like white dwarfs are more dangerous to many creatures, even powerful creatures.

It's just that for galaxy-class white dwarfs, except for those with excessive gravity, the general ones are not enough to see. For example, this one personally selected by Jia Yan is just like this.

"The gravity of this white dwarf star is about 130 times heavier than the earth. Even though this is an exaggeration, it is by no means unacceptable for many galaxies. My question now is, flying Once you’re in it, how do you get out?”

"Haha, but for me, is this problem a problem? There is no need to worry at all."

Jia Yan smiled and flew directly out of the sub-space towards the dim white dwarf star.

The creatures in the galaxy where the white dwarf star is located saw scenes that they would never forget. That was an existence that they had never seen before, or had rarely heard of in legends. He actually came out of a place that they didn't understand so quickly, and then with his huge body, he just penetrated into the white dwarf star. on track.

"what is this?"

"My God, this body is so huge that it must be at least the peak of a star."

"No, this should be a huge body that can only be possessed by a Galaxy-level body. It is terrifying, reaching a size of more than 30 kilometers. When has such a strong body ever come in our star field?"

"Hey, isn't this... isn't that Master Jia Yan from the Northern Star Territory? How did he come to our chaotic family star domain? Does he have any plans for our chaotic family star domain? It shouldn't be, He is so terrifying, he wants our Chaos Family Star Territory to surrender, something that can be achieved with just one sentence, but he actually has to come here in person."

In this galaxy, there are actually many living things, especially because of the large population in this chaotic family star field, and the family has occupied all aspects, even the white dwarf galaxy is no exception, so there are also There are many planets and planets, and although they are also orbiting the white dwarf star, for the white dwarf star, they do not have a star to get a lot of energy like other galaxies. Instead, they have to think of other methods, such as using the outside world. Using forces such as gravity to create energy, they lived a very poor life.

But now, in such a poor galaxy that even ghosts don't like to come, a terrifying galactic powerhouse who has never appeared in the entire chaotic star field has actually appeared. Natural An instantly caused panic.

Fortunately, everyone immediately discovered that the creature that came was in the northern star field not far from the Chaos family star field. Jia Yan, who had just surpassed four galaxy-level beings, was suddenly among the group of creatures. Only then did the local people become less frightened.

Because it is impossible for such a great and powerful man to come and do anything to their galaxy, because if he wants to do it, even if he wants to take control of their galaxy, it is only a matter of words.

"Then what exactly does this gentleman want to do? He is flying to the white dwarf star. Could it be that he wants to enter the interior of the white dwarf star? This... Galaxy level is a Galaxy level. It is difficult for us to get down without technological equipment."

As far as white dwarfs are concerned, the better way to enter is to use technological equipment. In this regard, powerful creatures cannot match technology.

And a strong person, at least in this star field, is completely unable to enter the interior of a white dwarf star without using equipment, even if the white dwarf star in their galaxy is actually a small white dwarf star. Not much gravity.

But Jia Yan flew towards the white dwarf star like that, causing the surrounding governments and others who observed this scene to be extremely shocked by Jia Yan's performance. They all wanted to see who this galaxy-level being who did not use any technological equipment was. How to enter a white dwarf star, and how to get out once you enter.

After all, the gravity of the white dwarf is too great. They believe it is possible to enter even a star class, but what about getting out? That kind of gravity is extraordinary.

Jia Yan didn't have so many thoughts, especially about going out. For him, it was as simple as eating and drinking.

The reason is also very simple, because he can enter the subspace instantly just by using his subspace talent. Even if it is due to the gravity of the white dwarf star, there will definitely be more terrifying distortions and unusual movements in the subspace on the star, but Jia As a being who can come and go freely in the eight dimensions of sub-space, would I be afraid of such a simple distortion and something wrong?

So he is not afraid of anything at all. If he wants to, he can directly enter the white dwarf star in the subspace. It is just his first time to enter the white dwarf star and he wants to slowly experience the gradual change of gravity.

"'s begun."

Suddenly, Jia Yan felt his weight slowly increase, and a huge suction force came very close to him, and it looked equally huge, at least bigger than any planet Jia Yan had ever seen. , attracted.

The surface of this planet is also erupting with heat and light like a star, but this explosion is not so terrifying at all, and there is not even light coming out from some places.

So Jia Yan was not so affected by the bright light and silently entered the orbit of the planet.

White dwarfs are actually stars that almost became stars. Most of them are composed of dust in the galaxy, but they are unable to emit light like stars, and then they become white dwarfs.

In this way, except that this white dwarf does not emit radiance like a star, most of its constituent materials and internal principles are very similar to ordinary stars.

In other words, the surface of the white dwarf is not actually the actual ground, but a large area of ​​gas, and these gases are constantly interacting with each other, burning and emitting light.

"Okay, let's go in."

There were extremely terrifying masses of flames underneath, and Jia Yan began to feel the extremely terrifying gravity pulling himself into it.

The gravity became very scary, and Jia Yan slowly accepted the terrifying gravity in front of him, and the fact that it would be difficult for him to escape at least for a moment.

But for him, as long as there is sub-space around him, he can easily leave no matter what kind of place it is.

"It's very good. This kind of gravitational force simply exceeds the attack power of ordinary galaxy-level attacks."

Jia Yan slowly began to feel more terrifying pressure, and then his body fell directly into the burning star.

That's right, he quickly paddled into the interior of the white dwarf.

Surrounded by endless pressure, more of a feeling of explosion and gas, Jia Yan did not feel any actual ground, and then he sank into the center of the star.

The pressure around him had reached more than a hundred times the heart-stopping level. For Jia Yan, it was at least a galaxy-level attack power. Then he even felt a trace of golden color appear on the surface of his body. Come on, this is his body surface defense, a characteristic that is forced out of his body.

"It's indeed powerful. This kind of terrifying pressure is also good for my body's defense. However, I am definitely not here to practice defense, because the progress will not be much."

Jia Yan calculated the terrifying level of pressure around him, and then used his brainwave power. Finding that there weren't many obstacles at all, he gradually flew up under the force of more than a hundred times gravity.

"Ha, it turns out it's that simple. It seems that the Galaxy level is still the Galaxy level. Even if it weren't for me, I would be able to survive easily if I came here with another Galaxy level."

Jia Yan felt it for a while, and without consuming too much energy, he propped his body up and flew on this vast fireball.

"The size of this white dwarf star may be more than half the diameter of the sun, but it is still hundreds of times larger than the diameter of the earth. In other words, it is many times larger than the huge planets I have been to. In terms of surface area alone, at my current flying speed, which is as slow as a snail, it would take several months to complete a full circle."

Jia Yan was in the sea of ​​fire, enduring extremely high temperatures and terrible pressure, so it was very difficult to fly.

"Although the temperature of the fire is not too shocking, it is because I haven't sunk down yet. The temperature here is at most a few thousand degrees, but it's different down there. If I sink any further, the core temperature may reach 100 degrees. Ten thousand degrees, that’s a temperature that I simply can’t bear, and of course, I won’t commit suicide.”

A high temperature of several thousand degrees is nothing to Jia Yan today.

In fact, the gravity of the burning layer on the surface of white dwarfs is not extremely terrifying. Like the heat, their bottoms may be the most terrifying. The pressure there is probably hundreds or thousands of times greater than on Earth.

Moreover, white dwarf stars are relatively less scary among the celestial bodies in this universe. Other scary things, such as the 'black hole' that Jia Yan has come into contact with, are things that he does not dare to enter into even the slightest delusion.

Not to mention black holes, even neutrons with a smaller gravitational force than black holes will have a terrifying gravitational force that makes Jia Yan dumbfounded. Now it is impossible to get close to it.

"The actual reason why I came to the white dwarf star is very simple, that is, I want to get more materials here, and then hone my Yin and Yang Dao!"

Jia Yan let his brain wave power release amazing energy, stopping in the air with more than a hundred times the gravity.

The surrounding sea of ​​fire made Jia Yanfu's eyes completely devoid of other colors, creating a very dazzling effect.

If it were a human being, if he were to see such a terrifying light, his eyes would be blinded, if nothing else.

That's right, the authentic flash blinds the eyes, and the brightness is everywhere.

But to Jia Yan, these are nothing. Compared with the terrifying light that bursts out instantly when he fights with people, these are nothing.

As a result, his fear of white dwarfs became slightly less.

"Although the power required by Yin and Yang Dao is two kinds, one positive and one negative, for here, most of the substances have no atoms, so the things inside are the purest. Then I can try it, here Will the substance be absorbed by me? Next, I will use it, supplemented by the Yin and Yang Dao in my body, to create pure particles similar to antimatter at Next, I will use the Yin and Yang Dao, another It’s time for the killer weapon to come out..."

Yes, Jia Yan has been thinking that even if his strength reaches the Galaxy level, he still has a great sense of crisis, and even this sense of crisis is stronger than before the Galaxy level.

Although he still doesn't know that the ancient galaxy-level assassins have the inheritance of their predecessors, saying that the evolved beasts are creatures useful for their promotion, but at least he knows through a simple comparison that the evolved beast family, in the first evolution After a strong beast is killed by other galaxy-level warriors in a battle, the evolved beast behind him, even if he reaches the galaxy level, will soon attract other galaxy-level or even domain lord-level beings to come forward to kill him. This is very strange.

Even though Jia Yan still couldn't imagine that his Evolved Beast race would be treated as a tonic by others, it didn't stop him from understanding that after he entered the Galaxy level, he could easily be attacked like those previous Evolved Beast seniors. A situation under siege by galaxy-level bosses.

Although he was able to repel the four major galaxy-level alliances and even kill the main culprit of the alliance, he knew very well that it was very unrealistic for him to immediately improve his strength after reaching the galaxy level.

And next, he felt that if someone else came up to plot against him, it would definitely not be someone with the strength of an assassin. It is even possible that he is directly a Territory Lord, or a mid-level powerhouse from the Galaxy who, although weaker than the Territory Lord, is completely superior to the primary existence of the Galaxy.

Intermediate Galaxy!

You know, if you look at the star level, the gap between the primary star level and the mid-level star level is already very, very large. It is often one star mid-level, and there is no problem in playing ten star primary levels.

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