Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 59 The decisive battle between the four major galaxies!

When Jia Yan completed the last step of blood-sucking, he only felt the surging power flowing around in his body.

The previous feeling of suppression and lack of new strength has been completely released.

This means that the strongest strength that he has thought about day and night, and has been looking at for a long time, is also the strongest strength level in this galaxy - Galaxy level, has arrived!

"Haha, is this the Galaxy level? It does have the strongest feeling. It's well-deserved."

Jia Yan silently felt the strength in his body, and a hint of smile appeared faintly in his heart.

He knows that from now on, his strength will no longer be a 'star', but will reach the level of the 'Galaxy'. It is also the strongest faction in this galaxy. Even if there are strong ones, there are also weak ones, and there are even existences like domain lords. , there may even be a creature that is even slightly more powerful than the Territory Lord, but when he reaches the Galaxy level, he is equivalent to standing at the top of countless lives, looking down at the endless lives.

The Galaxy level is the most powerful senior of the Evolved beasts, the highest level of strength that they have ever reached. It is with this strength that they can fight in the sky, on the ground, and in the air. Every senior Evolved beast is after the Galaxy level. It became an existence that made the entire star field tremble. Even the nearest senior Tianji had a battle with a group of domain masters back then, which caused huge changes in a large area of ​​​​the star field, so it became Today's genius battlefield.

Even in his later years, Senior Tianji returned to the Orion Arm. With his dying strength, he blocked the Orion Arm from being affected by evil outsiders for hundreds of thousands of years. Even now, his strength is still as powerful as the Orion Arm. The final barrier.

Jia Yan, now finally standing upright and upright, has reached the level of strength that his predecessors have once achieved. He even knows that his strength still has many advantages over these predecessors, and his future development may be even better. A little bigger.

"Hehehehe... Xinghe? Hehehe... Hahahaha, hahahaha!!"

Jia Yan has reached the true behemoth of the starry sky.

The Galaxy level is something that evolved beasts can reach, and it is also the highest level that any creature in this Galaxy level can reach.

"Maybe there are other paths in the future, but no matter what, in this galaxy, even if there is someone stronger than me, in name, there is no creature with a higher level than me. They are all 'Galaxies'!"

Jia Yan smiled and threw the corpse of the star-top creature that was sucked into dry skin to the side of the universe.

Next, he didn't pay attention to the escaping star-level creatures, but instead set his sights on a more distant place.

No... I should say a place approaching quickly...

The four galaxy-level experts, after discovering that Jia Yan was actually inside the dome, they moved forward as fast as they could.

Jia Yan did not choose to escape.

If you just run away, nothing will change. Taiya Kingdom will inevitably continue to be wiped out. Even because of the anger of the four major galaxies, most of the people in Taiya Kingdom may really die. Even Jia Yan is worried , these four people saw him fleeing and after destroying the Taiya Kingdom, they would return to the Orion Arm and destroy the Orion Arm in the same way.

Jia Yan wouldn't allow it, so he simply waited here.

"It is absolutely impossible for me to defeat the four major Galaxy levels, but I want to see how far I can go after reaching the Galaxy level. The 'benefits' after being promoted are the huge benefits after each promotion. I still have energy, so my strength is not completely incapable of fighting. Being able to scare them is also a good choice. In short, I don't think I will die!"

Jia Yan's silent waiting state was clearly visible to all the living creatures around him.

On the Taiya Kingdom side, a group of fleet warriors were completely in disbelief.

They had not been informed before that the dome material was actually Master Jia Yan himself.

So now when they suddenly saw that the material inside the dome was Lord Jia Yan, everyone immediately understood that Lord Jia Yan did not really escape, but transformed into a dome and has been helping them fight.

"And Mr. Jia Yan clearly came to help us just now during the most important period of promotion. What a good person."

"We all wrongly blamed the Lord. He cares about our lives at all."

"Hey, sir, do you want to fight the four galactic-class ones next? It's better not to, sir, you can't beat them."

On the high-level side of the Pacific Kingdom, Kama also finally revealed his true form in Jia Yan, and even after absorbing the blood of a star peak creature, he suddenly broke through to the true galaxy level, giving people a completely different aura. When she died, she almost cried with joy!

"My lord... My lord has finally succeeded. Galaxy level, a level that countless powerful creatures have dreamed about day and night, he has actually reached it."

"Your Majesty the Empress, congratulations to Your Majesty the Empress, our Taiya Kingdom will have another star-level adult to protect you. As long as Lord Jia Yan can survive this disaster, not only will he become famous in this large space, but also Even our country in Asia will benefit tremendously."

"Can Sir Jia Yan survive this level? Don't forget, even if he is promoted to the Galaxy level, he is just a newly promoted Galaxy level. The opponent has four major Galaxy level existences, and it seems that they are not able to do anything at all. Isn’t it just a Galaxy level that has just been promoted? Can Lord Jia Yan deal with such a Galaxy level team?”

"Don't underestimate Master Jia Yan. Before he was promoted to the Galaxy level, he had already defeated a Galaxy level. Now that he has reached the Galaxy level, even if the enemy has become the four major Galaxy levels, his strength is still the same. Don’t underestimate it, believe me, we will see a miracle.”

The senior officials of Taiya Kingdom no longer talk about science or theory. One by one, they have blindly trusted Jia Yan. Even some of the senior officials who once deeply doubted Jia Yan now all He seemed to have become his fanatical believer.

The people on the enemy side were all in a state of confusion at the sudden appearance of Jia Yan's true form.

The expressions of the four major galaxy classes were extremely gloomy.

"This is indeed Jia Yan. He has been carrying technological weapons under our noses for so long."

"I just told you, how could he be a technological object? The energy just now looked like it was faked by brainwave power. You don't believe it."

"Stop arguing. You were so suspicious just now. Why didn't you act on your own? You are still talking about us now, but you don't have any galactic level of magnanimity."

"Hmph, there's no need to talk. We are surrounded by four major galaxies now. Regardless of whether he is a galaxy or not, he will be killed by our hands, so don't worry and act quickly."

Several large galaxy-level beings were not such peacemakers in the first place. Now the four of them made a mistake in judgment, causing Jia Yan to reach the galaxy level in front of them. It seems that a group of his subordinates were also helped because of their orders. Jia Yan must be busy, which made them feel very unhappy.

So they stopped talking, and the four major beings quickly rushed to Jia Yan.

"Jia Yan, when you were at the stellar level, you offended my galaxy-level creatures. This is a great disrespect for the powerful. Although you have reached the galaxy level now, we have to punish you."

"Yes, Jia Yan, your talent is very good. As long as you obey our restraints, we will not take your life."

"Surrender if you know what you are doing. We promise not to harm your life."

When these galaxy-level creatures came to Jia Yan, they surrounded him, but they said words that would spare his life.

But as long as a strong man speaks, no one will believe it. If he really surrenders, then he will be completely controlled by these galaxy-level people over his life and death. This is absolutely impossible for Jia Yan. .

"Okay, guys... don't let me lower my view of galaxy-level existences again and again, okay?"

Jia Yan suddenly spoke calmly and observed the existence of several major galaxies around him.

These four Galaxy-level ones are all about the same size as he is today, and among them is an old friend like the assassin.

I forgot to mention that Jia Yan, who has now transformed into an even more terrifying giant mosquito, is already a behemoth that is more than thirty kilometers long, and has a tendency to become even bigger.

If he stretches his legs, he can encircle a hundred kilometers, like a small planet.

The opponents Jia Yan faced now were also of similar size, and all of them were extremely huge.

In addition to the assassin, there is another creature that looks like a sheep, another that looks like a flying giant fish, and another that looks like an insect, but it is different from the mosquito type like Jia Yan, and has a complete hard-shelled insect feel.

Surrounded by them, Jia Yan, who had just grown to the Galaxy level, felt only earth-shattering oppression. In his life, he had never felt more pressure or crisis than at this time.

After all, he was facing four galaxy-level beings. For Jia Yan, this was definitely a very dangerous matter.

Moreover, even the advanced creatures in the primary level of the Galaxy would not dare to underestimate the four powerful Galaxy level experts, let alone Jia Yan, who had just reached the Galaxy level.

"Very well, Jia Yan, you actually dare to say such words when facing us."

"You have good temperament. Since you have reached the Galaxy level, you are not really naive to think that you can fight against our four major Galaxy levels, right?"

Several galaxy-level beings sneered.

"Oh, why do I dare not fight against you when I reach the Galaxy level? Back then, I was able to defeat this assassin before I reached the Galaxy level. Now that I have reached the Galaxy level, why do you think that I can Can’t I fight against the four of you?”


When Jia Yan said the words of the assassin, the assassin who had been silent on the side, but was just searching for the weakness of the giant mosquito Jia Yan, roared angrily.

"Guys, let's do it."

The assassin took the lead and struck at Jia Yan.

In the past few years, for a Galaxy class like him who doesn't have much potential, his strength has not improved much. He just needs to recover from his injuries and then figure out some of Jia Yan's flaws in the battle.

What he thinks now is that even if Jia Yan is promoted to the Galaxy level, he can still suppress Jia Yan with his strength, because there are other Galaxy level existences, so even if he is allowed to kill Jia Yan, a powerful enemy, he will not Nothing is too difficult.

The only question is, how will he get Jia Yan's body after Jia Yan's death and what excuse will he use? He was still thinking about the body of the evolved beast.

The current situation is the best opportunity and reason for him to get angry. Once he gets angry, it will be the best excuse to ask for Jia Yan's body later.

Of course, all this happened after Jia Yan was surrounded and killed by them. If they couldn't be surrounded and killed, then it would be useless no matter how good the abacus was.

But none of the major galaxy-class people present thought that Jia Yan could really escape from their hands.

After all, they are the four major galaxy-level beings. When dealing with creatures that have just reached the galaxy level and have not even passed through the weak period after the breakthrough, are there any surprises?

But they don't know that Jia Yan's promotion has always been the first moment after the promotion, and his strength will be stronger than it will be for a long time. Looking for books

The same is true now. The remaining strength from his promotion, or the promotion strength preserved in certain joints that are no longer used, has been accumulated for a long time, and it just exploded in the first battle.

"Hmph, this Jia Yan really disrespects other strong men. Let's go too."

"The four of them will take action together to see if he can still act like he did when he was pretending to be a dome material."

"His strength is nothing more than this."

Jia Yan silently looked at the four galactic levels flying in front of him, and a sneer gradually bloomed on his giant mosquito cheeks.

The four major Galaxy classes gave him a lot of insights in this battle. First of all, they gave him an intuitive understanding of the character and attitude of the Galaxy class.

A strong person is strong, but what he says is any different from the beings he has dealt with before?

They may have the demeanor of a strong person when facing a weaker person, and they may also have some unique understanding of life, but when they face someone of similar strength to themselves, this demeanor disappears.

"That's all, I want to see what kind of mentality other strong men have, and whether they talk to gods as rumored, but now I can see that it's nothing more than that. Let's fight..."

Jia Yan smiled mockingly, and then he instantly took a half-step in the direction of a strong man who was the slowest to come to the Galaxy level.

In this half-step, Jia Yan escaped the bombardment from three directions because he caught the slowest one of the four approaching Galaxy-levels.

You can imagine how terrifying the power of the three galaxy-level bombardments was.

But Jia Yan retreated into the sub-space before these attacks reached his body.


As soon as he entered the sub-space, everything was pitch black. He himself was shocked, the speed of entering the sub-space was simply too fast.

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