Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 10 The super giant mosquito is born!

The big mosquito doesn't know what kind of world he will face when he wakes up!

Prosperous or rundown? !

have no idea!

He is just concentrating on his own sleep now, and pays no attention to the things in the outside world!

Time passed quickly, just as the outside world became more chaotic.

In the deep sea, the mysterious substance finally changed!

Jia Yan felt that his consciousness gradually became clearer.

He could feel his body.

Familiar, yet strange!

"It seems to have become extremely powerful, but because of this power, it actually has a strange feeling to the body! How much change must this have made to become like this!"

Jia Yan felt his body.

First of all, it’s that sense of power!

Power is like an endless spring, emerging from the body.

This sense of power is simply not comparable to before!

The power in the past was, at best, an understandable feeling. Even if it was incomparable as a human, it could at least be understood. But this time when I woke up and felt my own power, it actually had that rawness to it!

This feeling is not Jia Yan's illusion, but that he has lost a measure of his current power and has entered a realm that even his human soul cannot understand!

As for how strong a state you have reached, you have to wait until the 'cocoon' that wraps you is broken before you can really try and feel it!

Changes in relative strength are changes in defense!

The defense level of the azure substance seemed to be transmitted to the whole body, but Jia Yan felt that his appearance color had not turned into a pure azure color. Instead, it turned into a black color with a little bit of blue.

Overall. Most of them are dark.

But this darkness is mixed with blue defense. But it won't be any worse than the complete defense before.

Jia Yan feels that his current defense is definitely much better than his previous one, and it might even be stronger than when the blue substance appeared on the exoskeleton!

Of course, there is probably still a certain gap between it and the crystallized blue.

If you want to see specific effects, you still have to wait until you are completely out of the cocoon!

The surrounding deep sea is still so quiet, but on the mysterious material condensed by Jia Yan's clot. There are also many small fish and shrimps wandering around.

Finally, time came to a certain moment, and Jia Yan in the clot tissue felt an unprecedented momentum!

This momentum made Jia Yan understand that it was time for him to break out of his cocoon!

Then I saw the giant mosquito slowly stretching out its front legs in the pitch-black scenery in front of me...

The sharp and sharp horns on the forefoot seem to be no different from before!

And just when Jia Yan stretched out his front foot...


The hard mysterious material in front seems to be an overinflated balloon! In the light sound, a crack appeared directly!

Then, the crack quickly grew larger. Then, the cracks spread like spider webs!

Jia Yanfu's eyes. Finally there was a little light, which came from the tip of the knife-shaped horns on his front feet, making the darkness in his eyes disappear quickly!

Then Jia Yan only saw that the crack in front continued to expand, and then a little impurity peeled off from the crack, and then more and more impurities fell out!

Hua Hua Hua...

A seawater under high pressure seemed to have finally found a pouring opening, and quickly poured in through the gap created by the crack.

The cracks became bigger and bigger, and not long after, the world in front of Jia Yan finally became completely bright!

The outside world is hundreds of meters deep seawater, and the high-pressure seawater immediately fills the entire space with heavy seawater!

The pressure of hundreds of meters deep sea suddenly suppressed Jia Yan's entire body!

However, sea water hundreds of meters deep is not a very dangerous pressure for Jia Yan!

After all, the defensive power of his body was already at the monster level before he mutated. Has it undergone mutation now? The pressure of hundreds of meters of seawater is really not a threat!

On the contrary, the depth of the seawater and the oxygen-free environment surrounded by seawater may be even more dangerous!

Jia Yan was a little nervous at this time!

In his previous state, he was hiding in the material condensed by the clot.

Although it seems that he has been in a state of almost not breathing, that is not considered holding his breath after all, and now that the seawater is pouring in, it is really impossible to breathe.

Jia Yan was afraid that he would be like other mosquitoes. The larvae should be able to survive in water, but after turning into mosquitoes, they would not be able to survive!

It has been proven before that he can swim, but at that time it was only a short-term swimming, but now he can directly swim in the deep sea without getting a trace of oxygen, which makes him not nervous!

Gu Gu Gu Gu! ! !

The sound of sea water pouring into the mysterious substance of the clot is very clear.

Then Jia Yan only felt that his body reacted to the sea water at this moment!

A kind of blue appears on the surface of its body. This thing that appears seems to have the ability to decompose sea water, causing bubbles to appear all around!

Jia Yan felt that with the appearance of these bubbles, his 'respiratory organs' felt like they were receiving oxygen.

The oxygen concentration is extremely high!

Jia Yan's body was immediately filled with power!

The giant mosquito smiled in his heart.

Jia Yan was wondering whether this was because he mutated in the sea water, and his mutated biological instinct gave him the ability to breathe in the water. Or is this some kind of effect of azure crystals and azure liquid?

The problem is unsolvable. After all, Jia Yan doesn't even know what the blue crystals and semi-solids are. Thinking about it now is really unrealistic.

The pressure of the sea water has become completely ineffective because of the super strong body of the big mosquito.

The pressure of hundreds of meters of sea water is actually very terrifying if it is a machine made by humans. Even if it's a car. They will all be squashed at this time!

But these pressures are heavy on Jia Yan. It seems that it only makes the body feel slightly uncomfortable, but has no effect anymore!

A slender creature's front legs stretched out from the broken material!

The surrounding fish and shrimp seemed to be frightened, and they quickly retreated into the distance one by one.

Then, the creature stretched out its legs one by one, and finally, its entire body was revealed in the sea water!

In the depths of this sea. Except for animals like giant fish and octopuses, there is no such huge creature at all!

And the appearance of this creature is not similar to any of those giant creatures!

Horrible, with a crazy and ferocious meaning!

It seemed that the strongest man in the world came to this seabed to rule these weak creatures!

He has six slender legs.

These legs are extremely slender, each one is twice as long as the main body!

The shortest front foot is six meters long!

But this shortest front foot is even more frightening!

Because its tip part, above the foot, has extremely sharp knife-shaped horns. This knife-shaped horn looks like a real steel blade, and the length of the knife at this time reached more than thirty centimeters. The edge of the blade is gleaming, as if it is a top-notch sword that has been tempered thousands of times!

Compared with its feet, the body of this huge creature does not appear to be that huge, but it is still the kind of top powerhouse deep in the seabed!

The body of the giant mosquito at this time is already two and a half meters long. A kind of exoskeleton armor with a light black color and azure color is draped on his body. The overall feeling is that of an indestructible top-notch one. defense!

His faintly shining compound eyes were constantly looking at the outside world, as if countless worlds were reflected in those countless small eyes, which was extremely mysterious.

There are slender wings on both sides of his body, but the state of these wings is no longer what it used to be!

The wings are each about two meters long, and they are draped entirely on the surface of the body, just like a warrior who is ready to go and can't wait to explode! Just by looking at its appearance, you can tell that this pair of wings has an astonishing flying speed!

And on the surface of the entire wing veins, there are pieces of azure blue scales that don’t know when. This azure blue is really very beautiful, but those who really know the effect of azure substances on giant mosquitoes will definitely be surprised. !

The defense of these wings is absolutely amazing!

What's more, the actual function of the azure substance that is completely displayed in the body of the giant mosquito. In addition to amazing defense, what other functions it has is beyond anyone's ability to guess!

Even Jia Yan is now very curious. What effect will these blue substances have now?

And at this moment, this big mosquito that should belong to the sky finally swam out of the mysterious material!

It is two and a half meters long, but with the six spread-out legs, the deep sea area occupied by the entire giant mosquito actually reaches a terrifying ten meters wide!

The giant mosquito at this time is the real giant mosquito!

Super huge mosquito!

Jia Yan looked at his body with satisfaction. The super huge body made him feel incredibly powerful and confident!

"Haha, it's so comfortable! With this kind of power and this kind of defense, even if another fighter plane comes over, even if there are any more air-to-air missiles, I won't be afraid at all!"

Jia Yan still doesn't know how powerful he is now, but just by feeling his body like this, he knows that he has really become stronger, not even a little bit stronger!

Perhaps the improvement this time is the biggest since he was reborn as a mosquito in so long!

In the distant sea water, a sharp and cold sight looked at this huge mosquito that seemed to be reborn from the ashes!

This is the same six-gill shark that once learned a lesson under the clotted substance that enveloped the giant mosquito!

This shark may be inhabiting the nearby waters. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com As a result, I smelled the fresh smell of flesh and blood this time, so I rushed over immediately!

The newly born giant mosquitoes exude an alluring smell. This smell is simply an irresistible temptation for carnivorous sharks!

So here it comes!

"Huh? Isn't this the shark that wanted to eat me before? Although I didn't see its appearance, I remembered its thermal energy."

"It turns out he is a six-gill shark. No wonder he is so ferocious. He is simply one of the largest carnivorous overlords in the deep sea."

At the same time, Jia Yan saw a three-meter-five-meter shark not far away!

While he was watching the shark, the six-gill shark opposite suddenly moved!

Attacking towards Jia Yan!

To be continued. (To be continued...)

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