
Luo Longsi nodded. Although she wanted to say that it was impossible for her to reach the top of the stars in her life, but after thinking about her current progress, she might actually have a chance, so she nodded, no. Pursue more.

The two star-level creatures continued to fly forward.

The place they went to was the border where the handover had already begun.

In the Genius War ten years ago, the empire swallowed this dark energy due to the intervention of Jia Yan's clone. But whether they will take the opportunity to burst out this dark energy ten years later is something that even Jia Yan doesn't know. .

"Hmph, you Orion Arms are so bold. It was clear that the border was going to advance another 100 million kilometers ten years ago, but you actually mentioned this place?"

"What? It's obviously this place. The boundary stars we established back then are all here."

"What is the Boundary Star, that small meteorite area? This kind of thing will drift with the movement of the universe. Don't you people in the Orion Arm even understand such a little basic knowledge? No wonder it is so primitive."

"Asshole, say one more thing? Believe it or not, we will let you know the horror of our Orion Arm right now."

"Haha, primitive people are primitive people, and they actually want to take action, but do you dare? Fight?"

In the border, many Orion arm fleets that have been guarding the half-light-year area abandoned by the empire for ten years are now being provoked by the empire's legions.

They have repeatedly asked for more territory, even though there is an extremely mature method of observing regions in the universe, and even the observation methods of this border can be accurate to the micron level, but they just want the Orion Arm. If you give up more than 100 million kilometers, you must know that it is an extremely far distance.

"Go away, if your empire continues to provoke again, then your empire will bear all the consequences of another war. You will not forget how you were defeated back then. Besides, we now have all the records in our hands. If we start another war, It will only be your responsibility, and the international community will not sympathize with you."

On the Orion Arm side, they have always been very restrained, especially some of the higher-ups, who had already guessed that such a situation would happen, and they even did not hesitate to retreat a little bit of unimportant territory to the enemy.

After all, in the universe, there are many places without any planets or matter. If such territory is retreated, then it will be nothing even if it is given to the enemy.

Even if some areas are extremely important waterways, there is nothing we can do.

So the Orion Arm fleets retreated again and again, while the Empire kept advancing.

The problem is that some places can retreat in this way, but some places really cannot retreat.

For example, there is a biochemical star field planet slightly on the side of the Orion Arm during the war between the two sides.

This planet is probably the planet closest to the border. It can even be said to be on either side of the border. The two sides have been arguing about it for a long time. Both sides have even held no less than sixty or seventy battles here. meetings and consultations.

"The territory is no small matter. Please rest assured, everyone. We, the administrative agency of the Biochemical Star Territory under the narrow arms of Orion, will never let our territory be stolen by those imperial bastards, let alone let our Aimei Star fall. Even if a war breaks out against our enemies, we will do so at all costs."

The ruler of this planet is also a middle-level officer of the fleet on the vast border of this star field, and he is constantly speaking on the planet's external platform.

Don't think that such a huge planet, which is as big as the Earth, will attract too much attention from the Orion Arm military. In fact, there are many similar situations in this extremely long border. Higher-level The officers were focused on more important things, so this small planet was controlled and managed by some middle-level officers.

"This officer of the Orion Arm seems to be from some earth. Although his military position is not high, he is from the earth. You must know that the earth is the place where the giant mosquito ancestor once sat, so I speak in his name. , we should be able to believe it.”

"Believe it, what can you do if you don't believe it? Recently, the spaceships going to the mainland are all full, and the prices have even increased to more than ten times. We, who have no money and power, can't leave even if we want to."

"Haha, I don't really believe it. The Orion Arm was our enemy in the beginning, but it actually cares about a small native star field planet like ours?"

Even if the people of the Biochemical Star Territory choose the Orion Arm between the Empire and the Orion Arm, this does not mean that they are very satisfied with the Orion Arm's military and political affairs. It is just that there is no other way.

In fact, many people in the Biochemical Star Territory still dream of one day returning the Biochemical Star Territory to the original Star Territory where they rule their own. There are even many sabotage organizations or more radical organizations operating everywhere. .

Therefore, people in the biochemical star field absolutely do not believe in the officers of the Orion Arm and the like.

But no matter how much they don't believe it, after all, the guardians of this vast starry sky are still Orion Arm executives who serve as the final decision-makers.

So when the whole planet saw a large black mass of imperial warships coming here, people all over the planet exclaimed, and then prayed that the Orion Arm 'Earth' officer could turn his promise into Reality.

But in fact, the officer was also stunned now.

"I'm going, are you really here? They all dare to come here. Although this area was a little unclear back then, in fact, this is basically the area considered to be controlled by our Orion Arm. They all dare to come here... "

For more than ten years, although the planet has been near the midline, the Orion Arm has never given up fighting for it. This is like the feeling that every country must fight for every inch of land on Earth before. Therefore, after more than ten years of operation, This place has long been regarded as their own backyard by the Orion Arm's senior officials. Even the administrative institutions and people's livelihood are doing well. Many mineral deposits have been discovered nearby, so it is a place that the Orion Arm does not want to lose this time.

But what I didn't expect was that the Empire, which was supposed to know this very well, actually wanted to fight for this small planet?

That means it is really possible that he wants to fight.

"Humph, approaching this planet, they have ruled for more than ten years, and then it is their inherent territory. In the past, I guarantee that they did not dare to fight. The behavior of the Orion Arm is very much like hiding one's strength and biding one's time. It is impossible to break out a war with us. Yes, what we used to do was at best the resistance of local people, and for us, that kind of resistance meant nothing."

The Empire's battleship group was more numerous than the Orion Arm's battleship group, and they were pressing forward one after another. The brand-new battleship group that the Orion Arm had built over the past ten years did not even dare to confront them head-on, and just retreated.

They even retreated to the planet, where the two sides directly confronted each other, and the empire continued to advance.

If they move forward any further, they will either crush the Orion Arm battleship and fall to the planet, or they will have to retreat to the side.


The battleships in the front row of both sides collided directly, but no one opened fire.

The four bases of Mars were shaking, and the inside of the two battleships was shaking.

"Hold on, don't get excited or impulsive. The other party won't dare to fire. Whoever fires will lose. Hold on."

"Don't be afraid of those who dare not move the Orion Arm. If they don't dare, let's not do it either. I don't know how many international and bilateral media are targeting this place. They are all waiting to see who will be the first to take action." We are still at the theoretical disputed territory. This kind of mutual pressure between the two sides is nothing, it is very normal. The only problem is to take action."

The senior officials on both sides are under tremendous pressure, and no one dares to take action, nor is they willing to take action. After all, whichever side takes action first will lose moral support, because they will put their side under attack. Others regard it as the faulty party who made the first move.

"Ah ah ah, our ship's engine is not as advanced as the opponent's engine. The propeller is on fire and is about to explode."

"Ah ah ah, sir, how could we not take action? The entire battleship is about to be abandoned. This is the battleship we have lived on for three years."

"It is simply a military disgrace to be promoted to a warship without participating in the war."

Because of the backward technology of battleships, in this mutual confrontation, the battleships on the Orion arm suffered extremely heavy losses. Although there were also several battleships on the empire's side that made all kinds of sparks, and then retreated to their own fleet. Behind, but on the Orion Arm side, there were actually several battleships on fire, and then after all the crew members got off the battleships, these battleships exploded.

"Asshole, what's going on? What does the above say?"

The middle-level officer from Earth was actually none other than a young trainer from Earth. Back then, he had fought with Jiaqi in the universe and witnessed the miracle of giant mosquitoes with his own eyes.

But now, he has reached middle age and climbed to the middle-level officer on the arm of Orion. At this time, he is leading a small group of battleships in front of him. Unfortunately, he will face such a terrible scene all of a sudden, even if It would be difficult for a high-ranking officer to judge, but he was walking on thin ice here not knowing what to do.

Let's fight. Not only did they lose the right to speak on Orion's arm, but their small fleet group couldn't defeat the opponent at all. Not to mention the lack of battleships, there were too many strong ones. It must be the result of their destruction.

But let's not fight. The current attitude of the empire is to force their entire fleet to retreat. With the battleships' poor capabilities, they can really only hold on for a while before they have to retreat.

"what to do?"

"It would be great if I were in a high position. It would be easier to judge now. Unfortunately, my position is too low. No matter what judgment I make, I will be in a dilemma. I may even become a sinner of history."

In this situation, this Earth officer is completely at a loss as to what to do. His authority is too low. He knows that once he takes action, he will become a sinner no matter whether he wins or loses. After all, a soldier like him can't do anything. Scape is the best thing to use.

"And the people on this planet behind me all believe in me and will not retreat. So I will not retreat. I will die here. If I really die, then it will be regarded as the empire starting the war first."

This Earth officer just thought of sacrificing himself in this friction, and even let his flagship fly out to the front of the entire team, when it collided with the Empire's leading battleship...

Buzz! !

An earth-shattering crazy brain wave power, like a burst of astonishing migratory locusts and rocks, rushed into the battleship group in an instant.

Boom boom boom!

The officers and others on the Orion Arm didn't feel anything at all, but they saw in front of them that the Imperial fleet, which was about to push them to a dead end and almost cause large-scale casualties to their warships, fell into pieces. Suddenly there was an explosion.

Puff puff.

Even those with stronger brain waves can hear the sound of brains exploding in the battleship next door.

"This is?……"

"What's wrong? It seems that the empire's battleship was attacked by a strong man?"

"How is it possible that the opponent has a half-star powerhouse, and he actually exploded in the battleship?"

"This, this, this, could it be that the strong men from the universe didn't like them and destroyed them?"

"Be careful, you don't know whether you are a friend or an enemy."

Every soldier in the Orion Arm's battleship, even if he saw the empire's battleship destroyed, looked for Shuyuan www.zhhaoshuyua. com But there is still nothing to relax about, because the one who kills the enemy is not necessarily his friend.

The empire's fleet was extremely large, but more than one-third of them died due to this brain wave power. Suddenly, at least five to six hundred warships suddenly retreated one by one as if they had seen some terrifying monster.

"What happened? So many people died in our fleet."

"The battleship exploded. Could it be that the battleship from the Orion Arm took action?"

"No, it's a strong man. The brainwave power of a strong man is so terrifying that even half a star was wiped out like this."

"Is the Commander also dead? What should we do now?"

"He is definitely a strong man within Orion's arm. He actually took action first, so don't blame our empire for following suit."

"Back off, back off. If we offend such a strong man, our fleet will not escape with our lives. Let's leave quickly."

"As long as the goal is successful, the next war will be on the entire front of the Empire and the Orion Arm."

It turns out that the fleet of this empire came with the purpose of provoking a war. If it can successfully provoke a war, and then put the reason for the outbreak of the war into the Orion Arm, that would be the best. That’s why there was continuous oppression just now. The scene beyond the Orion Arm.

That planet? Who can see it?

boom! ! !

But just when this group of ships thought that their goal was achieved and they could retire, the owner of that terrifying brainwave power did not let them go at all, and approached them in an instant, with a terrifying and earth-shaking sound, and struck them again. They devoured it.

A total of five to six hundred imperial ships were actually devoured by this incredibly terrifying brainwave power even as they dispersed.


"How strong is he? Could it be..."

"At least stellar mid-level, at least stellar mid-level."

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