Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 33 Will I pay you back in 10 years?

"The empire has retreated?"

"You actually retreated like this?"

"Could it be that the genius of our Orion Arm won some kind of competition? It's impossible. Our genius is not as powerful as the genius of the empire?"

Within the entire front, because the communication capabilities of the Orion Arm were slower than those of the Imperial Army, the Orion Arm army here only reacted when the Imperial Army's entire defense line began to retreat.

"Huh? Retreat..."

Several of Jia Yan's subordinates also looked a little moved at this time. As stellar mid-level beings, even in the past five years, their strength has improved one by one under Jia Yan's teachings. They were not afraid of what kind of battle would happen next, but they also felt that if a fight started, their and Jia Yan's strength would be further exposed, and they didn't want to fight.

But the fact is that they don't want to fight, and they can't. It has been delayed for five years, which makes them very happy. They are even thinking about whether to let the empire win one or two wars in this first-resistance stage of the war, otherwise He and others have exploded in strength, and if the empire directly conveys this news to the galaxy-level civilization above, it means that something is wrong.

In short, the more time you can buy, the better.

But what they never expected was that the target of this battle would actually retreat after the end of the genius battle that they thought they would lose?

"No, there is only one explanation for this, and that is the battle of geniuses over there. We won, and it was not a small win, or even a big win. It is more likely... Lord Jia Yan was there personally, otherwise the empire would not have retreated. It’s so straightforward!”

Several members of Jia Yan's team seemed to be vaguely aware that Jia Yan had something to do with the victory in this battle. They already knew that Jia Yan had come to the front here, so it was nothing like what happened now. Unexpected.

As an insider, Luo Longsi was not too surprised. Wouldn't it be a bit ridiculous if Master Jia Yan did it himself and it didn't have such an effect?

"It turns out that if you do this, our side will not only gain five years, but we will not even lose any territory. Whether the empire retreats or not retreats, we don't need this half light year anyway. Then we only need to A little development time.”

Luo Longsi knew Jia Yan's plan. After all, Jia Yan's strength increased extremely quickly. Everyone also knew that Jia Yan wanted to fight for a period of peace, and what he was afraid of was not the empire, but the Galaxy class behind the empire. forces, and even the 'region lord' forces behind the galaxy forces.

In other words, even if Jia Yan has the strength to destroy the empire now, he will not do it, and will even be more nervous to buy more time.

And just as Luo Longsi said, Jia Yan, who had just returned to Luo Longsi's base in subspace at a speed that several of his subordinates could not understand, gave him a faint order.

"Lao Longsi, you think of a way to buy a little more time, even if you give up the half-light-year that you just grabbed, I still have some time left to make another breakthrough..."

"Eh? Sir? Okay."

Luo Longsi heard Jia Yan's words and immediately knew what Jia Yan's plan was.

After this half light year came out, it became a new buffer, and it was not without reason that Jia Yan revealed his true body at the competition place, so that at least for a period of time the empire would treat him Existence feels thrilling.

Even Jia Yan himself knows that what he does in the outer star field, except for the things in the Stellar Academy and the Divine Realm, are too far away, and the situation in the Genius Battlefield may be known to the empire, so Jia Yan He had no intention of making people in the empire misunderstand that he was the 'ancestor of the giant mosquito clan'.

So what if you know that I am an evolved beast? In other words, even if you know my talent, can you know the timing of the attack and my specific strength?

This is what Jia Yan is planning. The empire cannot calculate Jia Yan's specific strength. Even if it knows that Jia Yan is stalling for time, it will still be timid. In the following timid time difference, Jia Yan was able to break through quickly and make progress before the future empire could no longer wait and even led to a galaxy-level civilization.

"I want time!"

Jia Yan entered the sub-space and continued his plan to break through.

As for Luo Longsi, she continued her mission after Jia Yan returned to the sub-space where she had been staying before.

Jia Yan has been her leader for some time, and the two of them had spent some time alone together before, so Luo Longsi knew Jia Yan well. At this time, what Jia Yan said seemed to her through He made precise calculations in his own mind and completed the tasks assigned by Jia Yan.

First, she took out the communicator and spoke Jia Yan's words to a group of Jia Yan's subordinates. By the way, she said that Jia Yan used his avatar to go to the competition place and won the competition. Victory, it should even intimidate the empire.

The second point is that Luo Longsi communicated with the empire again, saying that a half-light-year territory handover ceremony was going to be held.

"Huh? This Orion Arm's Rolons actually wants to perform a handover ceremony with us. Does this mean she wants to humiliate us in front of us? Refuse."

"Wait a minute, this shouldn't be a humiliation. Besides, our handover is half a light year away. It's really unreasonable not to have a high-level meeting. Let her come over. I'm afraid she won't dare to come."

The empire responded quickly. After a period of discussion, the empire agreed to conduct a ceremony and handover with the Orion Arm. However, the documents for this ceremony required Luo Longsi to go to the empire's front line alone to sign the contract.

"You think I don't dare to go? I'll give it a try. At least I know that there are no high-level stellar creatures on our side of the battle line. In this case, even if Master Jia Yan doesn't go, I'm sure to break through the dragnet. "

Laurence set off.

She didn't know if Jia Yan was following her to protect her. In short, there was a master who might be protecting her, and Luo Longsi was very confident.

On the empire side, this possibility has long been anticipated.

"That evolved beast may be protecting Luo Longsi's back. We must be careful. If the two sides start a battle and provoke its appearance, then we dare not say that we can win."

"Don't panic. We don't really want to fight her. I can't say whether the evolved beast will come. But if we don't cause trouble, does he really want to fight us?"

"That's right, the Evolved Beast has been fighting us for so long and has never personally taken action. How could it fight us at such a time? This is so unreasonable."

"In short, it is necessary to be prepared."

The receptionists from the empire had already heard the news from the competition place. That is, the stellar powerhouses at the competition place were actually coerced by the 'Giant Mosquito Ancestor' of the Orion Arm, and then they stopped. Anyone who dared to interfere in the genius war at that time admitted the failure of the empire's genius.

And through that scene, the masters in the imperial battleships here actually knew that the so-called giant mosquito ancestor, that is, the evolved beast, was actually extremely powerful, and he was a person who had reached the level that made their empire eternal. It’s astonishing that even star creatures don’t dare to take action.

So it's hard to say whether the handover ceremony that Rolonsi mentioned this time has the shadow of that existence behind it. They are also facing a formidable enemy.

Soon, a lightning-like shadow seemed to slide through the space quickly in both positive and negative directions, as well as yin and yang.

"This is... Yin Yang Dao? It's amazing."

"Yes, it is said that the Yin and Yang Dao is something that the subordinates of the evolved beast know. And they say that the Yin and Yang Dao was created by that evolved beast. It is extremely amazing."

"This, this, has already broken the principles of our huge universe. If we create a new path, the cultivation system of the strong men in our universe will definitely not agree."

"The devil knows what kind of system this is. It might be a variant of our universe's powerful system. Anyway, I don't believe that this evolutionary beast can create a system that no one before has been able to create. It can create a system, and it is a star-level system." A system that can be practiced by anyone can’t be that simple.”


"Don't worry, everyone is here."

In a group of battleships, several star-level powerhouses, plus a group of semi-star-level beings, are waiting here.

Then they saw bursts of space creeping in the space in front of them. A female creature whose body was covered in green leaves and whose other parts looked like those on Earth magnified countless times, just emerged from the subspace.

Yes, Luo Longsi has also mastered a certain amount of sub-space, but she does not have the talent for sub-space. She is able to do this only because she has been with Jia Yan for a long time, and because of the weirdness of Yin and Yang Dao, she has the ability to do this in sub-space. The ability to move within space.

"Everyone, I'm here, Laurence."

He looked calmly at the huge fleet in front of him. This fleet consisted of ten or twenty thousand warships, and in front of the fleet were more than a dozen senior officials.

Among these dozen high-level officials, at least half were stellar powerhouses, and one of them even faintly exuded terrifying mid-star strength fluctuations, which was extremely astonishing.

If there are so many strong men and the explosive strength of the technological battleship, it is very possible to keep Luo Longsi here, at least in their opinion.

Unexpectedly, Luo Longsi really came, and there was no worry or fear on her face.

"Coming? Great, let's get started."

"You're so brave, you actually came here alone."

One by one, strong men hurriedly released their brain wave power into the surrounding sub-space to find out whether there was any strong person. However, after watching for a long time, they did not detect any fluctuations in the sub-space.

For them, they are star-level powerhouses. Although a sub-space talent can enter the sub-space, no matter how powerful it is, it will leave traces in the sub-space. They don't believe it. Is it so powerful that it can still leave no trace in sub-space?

So the evolved beast named 'Jia Yan' probably didn't follow, so why is this Luolongsi still so powerful?

But if they don't follow, they can at least be tougher in attitude.

"You, the Orion Arm, are preventing my empire from regaining its homeland, and this genius war was actually cheating, so we are going to find justice this time. Since you are willing to negotiate, tell us what to do."

The words spoken by the people from the empire seemed to have found a huge reason.

"Huh? What kind of homeland? Your homeland has been inhabited by the Biochemical Star Territory for thousands of years, and then in this genius battle, the geniuses we sent are indeed of that level, right? So how can we cheat? Everyone in the great empire , others are stupid, but don’t tell me that as stellar powerhouses, you are also stupid.”

Laurence sneered.

"What? You actually called us stupid? Are you really not afraid that we will set fire to you now and kill you directly?"

"If you dare to do it, just give it a try."

Luo Longsi and a group of strong men from the empire actually talked for only a few words before sparks almost broke out.

"Stop, Lady Rolonsi, we must all have missions, so just tell us. It is absolutely true that you Orions did some evil things this time. What do you want to do with the outcome of this competition?"

The mid-level star creature suddenly stopped the violent explosion of a group of subordinates. Find Shuyuan

And just as they agreed, the group of subordinates instantly stopped criticizing Luo Longsi, it was just a game.

At this scene, the sense of fighting that Rolonsi mentioned just now disappeared in an instant. She smiled, and he knew that this battle should be impossible.

"How about this……"

Luo Longsi said calmly: "I admit that our Orion Arm has invited foreign aid this time, and we will not admit anything else. However, based on the friendly vision of our Orion Arm and the Empire, I personally believe that the Orion Arm has the right to What do you think about returning this half-light-year territory to your empire in ten years? In this way, ten years later, your face will be saved. Our Orion Arm has occupied that territory for ten years, and the voices in the star field have also It will be much smaller. It will benefit everyone, right?"

"Huh? Will you occupy it for ten years?"

The stellar mid-level executives of the empire all narrowed their eyes at this moment.

Then he calculated.

The Orion Arm had won half a light-year of territory, and yet it was returned just like this. There must be something on its mind.

So what's the idea?

The eyes of the mid-stellar creature were full of thoughts.

But after thinking about it, he didn't know what the ten years of buffering meant. He didn't even think about it. Ten years was just to buy time.

After all, it is extremely difficult for the empire to launch an attack again within ten years after encountering a bone as difficult to chew as the Orion Arm, and Rolons is also using this half-light-year reason to block the empire's mouth. That’s all.

This makes the possibility of attacks within ten years even smaller, and the Orion Arm has a chance to recuperate. More importantly, Jia Yan can practice peacefully for another ten years. This is better than any other benefit.

"In this way...I agree!"

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