Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 40 Mount Fuji erupts!

Jia Yan, who was still in a self-satisfied state of mind, felt his heart sink suddenly!

"This is?"

He moved quickly and came to the front of the metal pipe!

At this time, the metal monster that he had pierced through the heart was shaking and slowly fell down.

It makes a slight 'click' sound!

It was probably dead, or rather, destroyed.

Because until now, I don’t know whether this monster is a living thing or a simple metal machine! So I’m not sure whether he is considered ‘dead’ or ‘destroyed’!

But Jia Yan didn't care so much. He was already confused and came to the gap in the metal pipe.

The next moment, the color of horror in his eyes became even more intense!

My scalp is numb, my heart is shining with shock!

"Ugh! So many!"

He glanced down furtively and saw countless metal monsters suddenly appearing in the pipe!

Busy but also moving forward in an orderly manner!

Each of these monsters grows in the same way and takes the same steps.

Step on the track in the pipe and move forward slowly!

"Run away!" The big mosquito, who had just felt that he was very powerful, now retreated without hesitation!

Facing so many metal monsters, if you still have to fight hard, that is what a fool would do!

Just in the blink of an eye, he was about to withdraw! More than a dozen red rays, just a hair’s breadth away, shot up from below!

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! !

The cave made a shocking mountain sound!

Jia Yan stood on the cave floor, his feet shaking, and the stone fragments above his head kept falling, making Jia Yan's clots shake in waves!

The red light kept shooting up from below, and the cave actually showed signs of collapse!

"Run, run, run!"

Jia Yan was extremely horrified and ran away!

In this moment of life-and-death pursuit, he unexpectedly remembered to grab the small basket on the ground and put it into a pair of front feet!

Then the wings didn't care at all whether the wings could bear it, they just incited!

Buzz! !

Yin Yin Yin! ! !

Uh-huh! !

Jia Yan's body flew up almost instantly!

Then, a red light. Just follow Jia Yan's body. Shoot the lava rock in his side!

Boom boom! !

Among the metal monsters behind him, one is already climbing along the gap in the pipe towards the outside world.

This red light is what it emits!

The signs of cave collapse are becoming more obvious!

Fortunately, this one occupies almost the entire gap. What Jia Yan faced was just it!


Two rays of red light shot out in an unstoppable manner, almost hitting the big mosquito that was changing direction in the air by a hair's breadth!

But Jia Yan is not slow. The shooting accuracy of this metal monster is probably not very high!

call out!

Just as Jia Yan turned an upward corner of the cave, two red lights shot out from behind him!

Boom boom! !

He felt the cave beneath his feet begin to collapse. A shock wave continued to explode under his feet!

Smoke and dust are rising!

Jia Yan followed this shock wave. Flying upward in the tunnel is faster!

Hoo ho ho! !

After turning several corners, I don’t know how much distance I climbed!

Jia Yan suddenly felt that the entire mountain. They are all starting to shake!

"What's going on!" Jia Yan felt that the rocks around him were shaking slightly. Lava kept falling from above.

Thump, thump, thump...

Blah blah blah.

Pebbles fell one by one, some as big as a human head.

Seeing it, the entire cave is collapsing accelerating!

Phew! !

below. Suddenly another red light shot out!

Boom boom! !

The red light shot on the outer wall of the cave, causing a larger collapse!

At this time, Jia Yan really felt it!

The mountain is shaking!

"This is definitely not just the shaking caused by the metal monster's attack, but... because of their attack, Mount Fuji has undergone changes!"

"Could it be?..."

Jia Yan was horrified!

"This active volcano is going to erupt again?!"

He had not forgotten that he had seen on the Internet that Mount Fuji was an active volcano!

An eruption is possible at any time!

Maybe the red light attack of these metal monsters is the trigger of the volcano eruption!

Thinking of this, Jia Yan almost felt an overwhelming sense of crisis in his heart!

Fly, fly, fly! !

Go quickly!

After thinking of this, Jia Yan could almost feel that the smell of sulfur was even stronger as the mountain shook!

The temperature in the air has risen several degrees!

The mosquitoes are flying faster and faster!

Although some places are so narrow that he can hardly spread his wings, Jia Yan always shrinks his wings before that happens!

The body is like a cannonball, using the inertial force of forward flight to impact through this narrow place, and then spread its wings again!

Keep flying!

The big mosquito with the ability to fly seems to be on the hook. Although the metal machinery behind it is not slow, how can it compare to Jia Yan, the big mosquito that can fly? !

Fly, fly, fly! ! !

Yin Yin Yin! ! !

The mountain shook even more violently!

The temperature in the air dropped slightly, which was why Jia Yan flew quickly and was already approaching the exit.

But there was cold air in front, and what followed behind was the extremely intense heat!

Full of sulfur smell!


"It's really about to explode! The mountain is squirming!"

Jia Yan looked down in horror.

Then he saw a fiery red color emerging below!

That's magma!

The speed of the magma rising is actually comparable to Jia Yan's flying speed, and it is approaching quickly!

Jia Yan even saw dozens of pairs of glowing eyes in the magma. The owners of these eyes were not afraid of the high temperature of the magma and were following the speed of the magma to catch up!

Swish, swish, swish! !

The red light explodes! !

Red light is constantly shooting out from below, shooting directly near Jia Yan's position!

Boom boom boom!

Although the shooting accuracy of these lingering guys has become worse because they are trapped deep in the magma, no matter how bad they are, they are extremely large in number. So much red light comes out of the case. There was still a red light, which directly hit Jia Yan's ventral side!


Jia Yan only felt as if he had been hit directly by a train!

From the ventral side, an incredibly powerful attack penetrated his body!

But this moment. At the same time, he could feel that something extremely hard suddenly appeared on his abdomen. Offset the power of this red light!

It must be that blue substance!

He actually saved his life again.

At this moment, it was impossible for Jia Yan to distract himself from looking at the ventral side!

He only felt that his body was pushed by a huge force from his abdomen. The forward speed of the entire body reached the speed of sound almost instantly!

Bang bang bang!

Lava boulders along the way. Many of them were smashed by Jia Yan!

But more of it bounced Jia Yan's body away!

But Jia Yan was still in the midst of a rapid collision!

The only thing he could do was to hug the small basket in his arms tightly with his two front feet, only focusing on the blue semi-solid in the basket. I’m not very confident whether I can keep it!

After all, he was in this situation himself. His internal organs were almost shaken out of his body. How could he not spill the blue semi-solid in the basket!


When the final impact occurs.

Jia Yan felt shocked. The light around me suddenly became brighter!

Nothing appears anymore!

He quickly looked around him!

Only then did I realize that the scenery around me had turned into blue sky and white clouds, with snow-capped mountains below!

It actually came out!

Jia Yan was lamenting that he was shot by a red light, but was directly pushed by the super strong impact of the light, and his whole body was pushed out of the cave. What a violent attack it was!

Boom boom boom! !

But the shaking of the entire Mount Fuji continued. Jia Yan could see that there were smoke and dust emerging from the caves from which he sprang, and some emerged from the largest cave on the top of the mountain! The entire Mount Fuji is shaking everywhere, and thick smoke is emitting from every cave!

The white snow that had existed for unknown ages on the top of the mountain began to roll down, and some formed avalanches and fell directly! !

Bang bang bang bang bang! !

Countless gravels mixed with snowflakes fell from the mountain peaks. Jia Yan could faintly hear the shouts of humans below reaching his ears!

"It's really going to erupt!"

Jia Yan's heart was shocked. He didn't dare to think too much at this time. The metal monsters just below were not chasing him, so he might as well run away!

The next time he turned around, he immediately flapped his wings!

The wings flap loudly!

Yin Yin Yin! !

The giant mosquito no longer hides its figure!

Although hiding one's body is important, life is more important!

Whether it's a volcanic eruption or those metal monsters below, any one of them can kill you! Jia Yan had better escape as soon as possible!

Although he also believes that he can struggle for a longer period of time than ordinary humans in front of volcanoes or metal monsters, this is not the reason for Jia Yan not to escape!

If you struggle for a while longer, you will definitely die! Needless to say, volcanoes, even those metal monsters, Jia Yan can resist the red light once, can resist the red light twice, but three, four, five... or even a hundred times?

He doesn't really believe that the azure substance in his body is omnipotent and infinite. If the defense limit is reached or all the azure substance is used up, he will be in trouble!

Therefore, it is better to escape quickly!

"Ahhh! The Holy Mountain is about to erupt! Help!"

Not long after flying, Jia Yan heard the Japanese people in the mountains shouting one by one!

Jia Yan didn't care about the large number of Japanese people, he simply flapped his wings and flew quickly!

Yin Yin Yin! ! !

"Isn't that the mosquito monster that appears on TV? Yamamoto, look at it!"

"Look at you! Run away quickly. If you don't run away, your life will be lost. Why don't you just look at it and look at it!"

Occasionally, people in the mountains saw Jia Yan's figure, and they immediately shouted in surprise, but no one paid attention to such a person who couldn't tell the difference!

That's right, my life is almost gone, and I'm still looking at nothing!

Mount Fuji is shaking more violently!

Jia Yan's flying speed is also faster!

But he could still see red rays of light suddenly appearing at the top of the mountain!

Those metal monsters actually appeared from the entrance of the cave, and then started killing the humans running in the mountains!

Boom boom boom! !

Red light explodes, and the mountain itself is constantly swaying!

The sky was slowly covered by the volcanic ash formed before the volcano erupted, almost covering the entire sky!

Yin Yin Yin! !

The flying speed of the giant mosquito has almost reached the limit!

Groan! ! ——

The speed is over 450 kilometers per hour!

All the scenery around us is receding rapidly!

But this way, the big mosquito still feels that it is not fast enough and the distance is not far enough!

Just when his body left quickly and finally reached three kilometers away...

boom! ! ! ——

There was a loud, earth-shaking sound behind him!

A stream of fiery red material suddenly shot out through the peak of Mount Fuji, which was more than 3,700 meters above sea level!

The huge fiery red substance illuminated the entire world red.

Thump, thump, thump! !

Countless substances, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.comm, are falling from the sky and the earth with blazing fire!

Then the high-temperature magma overflowed directly outwards through the crater on the mountain top!

Gurgling gurgling…

Slide down the mountain.

People's screams became even more intense!


At this moment, Jia Yan was almost stunned when he saw the color of the sky and the earth changing.

What a grand scene!

What an exaggerated natural disaster!

(The next chapter is the end of this volume!! I hope everyone can vote for the monthly ticket and subscribe to the official version. Step by step, I will show this story to you step by step. Now is the time to start a new and more passionate chapter! Thank you for the official version. The vast number of readers who read support! Thank you!) (To be continued.)

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