Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 38 Metal Monster from the Underground! 【Two/Three】

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Many high-level people in the Japanese country refer to the machine of the research institute as the sacred object of the Japanese country.

Indeed, this machine has helped the Japanese country a lot. It has been more than two hundred years since the discovery of this machine in recorded history. This machine can be said to have changed the entire history of the Japanese country.

Very useful.

But the five people who are the top executives of this research institute know that in addition to bringing huge benefits to the Japanese country, this thing is actually a terrifying and dangerous thing.

What kind of divine object is this? It’s just a terrifying monster.

"Twenty years ago, just after we opened that pipeline and caused the internal air pressure to drop, those two objects of punishment appeared."

"But now, we have not damaged the pipeline. Why is the air pressure in this pipeline still dropping? I hope that the object of heaven's punishment will not appear."

The five people looked at the data on the screen nervously.

These five people did not know that the cause of the drop in pipeline pressure was not on their side, but in a place not far away from them.

This place is connected to the top of Mount Fuji and is a giant lava cave.

A metal pipe extending through the fetish appeared here.

And at this time, this metal pipe was damaged by some kind of violence

The extent of its damage is even more serious than the damaged pipe in the Japanese Longhouse Research Institute above.

If those researchers saw this scene, they would definitely be very surprised.

Because only they know how tight the so-called channels for divine objects are. It is very difficult for even the humans in the research institute to destroy his appearance by violence.

Things that can only be accomplished by using all means

However, the pipelines here are still damaged.

The existence of this pipeline-destroying monster is the giant murderous mosquito that caused great controversy in Japan a few days ago.

This powerful monster. Use a pair of front legs to pierce the metal pipe with force

Of course Jia Yan didn't know. The damage he caused was actually detected by the Japanese research institute.

He just had compound eyes, and after taking the basket off the machine, he looked at the blue solid lying quietly in the basket.

This thing is still very attractive to Jia Yan

Jia Yan has undergone a long period of transformation. For ordinary things, I no longer have much **

Jia Yan himself estimated that if he had a copy of the original purple-red liquid in front of him now, he probably wouldn't even take a look at it.

It's not that Jia Yan has a good eye but a weak hand, it's that the purple-red liquid must have lost its effect on him.

And now this blue semi-solid is actually attracting him greatly. This is obviously something unusual

Jia Yan looked at the things in front of him and wondered whether he should devour them.

Everything about him, if all the mutations are connected in series, are probably inseparable from the mysterious machinery underground in China.

That is to say. The wonderful atmosphere and ecosystem in the entire underground world might be the result of mysterious machinery.

The factory is created to obtain the air rich in certain things from the ground, and then produces a black liquid, which is then processed into a purple-red liquid.

All of this is related, and Jia Yan mutated all the way, trying the purple liquid, and then the black liquid. Next comes the underground world, the mysterious juice in the brains of living things

Even in the last mutation, a piece of azure crystal was mixed in. Looking back on the whole process. In fact, they are all related to the mysterious machines in the underground world.

And now, in this land of Japan, Jia Yan once again discovered something related to the underground world.

This kind of thing seems to be related to my own mutation.

Blue semi-solid liquid

So this time, should you try using them?

Jia Yan pondered, his original intention was to find the sacred object of Japan. Some blue crystals were found, but now the blue crystals are not found, but such a blue semi-solid appears first.

The degree of danger of such a thing is unknown.

And this time, he relied on his biological instinct to judge that this item seemed to be useful to him.

In Jia Yan's opinion, this is really unreliable. If his biological instincts are so accurate every time, then his biological instincts are really amazing.

There comes a time when you rely so much on this instinctive judgment. Will take his own life

But if you don’t use it, it might just be another mutated creation wasted.

Jia Yan thought for a long time.

Until a strange sound was caught in the hearing of his antennae ears

Only then did he respond

"What is this sound?"

Soso soso…

Jia Yan looked around in surprise, and then finally realized that the sound was transmitted from the metal pipe.


Jia Yan felt a little confused and confused. Could there be another machine coming?

But the sound is not very similar.

Jia Yan came a little closer and thrust his compound eyes into the metal gap that he had broken.

at this moment

call out

Just when Jia Yan relaxed slightly, he only felt a red light that was difficult to see, penetrating from the bottom of the passage.

This ray of light is extremely fast and cannot be avoided by him.


After a crisp sound

Jia Yan threw his head backwards

He was actually hit in the center of his head by this red light.

The huge attack power contained in this light directly caused his body to shoot backward wildly.

The powerful attack power made Jia Yan's body go crazy and fall.

Boom boom

His body flew up wildly and hit the top of the cave, causing the entire cave to shake violently and make noises.

Boom boom

bang bang

Countless gravel splashed down, and this scene was several times more chaotic than the previous high-pressure explosion in the pipeline.

It can be seen how terrible the attack on Jia Yan was.

Just under this attack, the top of the cave was hit by Jia Yan, causing a small-scale collapse to a certain extent. Several large volcanic rocks fell to the ground, raising dust all over the sky.

And Jia Yan's body. They fell together in this large piece of stone, and then hit the ground, becoming confused about life and death.

After a while, in the pipe. A body shining with red light slowly rose.

This is a structure also made of metal as its main structure.

It's just that there seems to be life inside the metal surface.

Some muscles are linked to the metal skeleton, and there is even a fiery red heart, which is directly exposed. keep jumping

Jia Yan already belongs to a very terrifying monster level, but this monster has an even more ferocious appearance, looking like a demon from hell.

At this time, the monster passed through the inside of the metal pipe and arrived here.

It pushed away the carrying machinery that was originally stuck in the ground, and then continued to struggle out of the pipe. It actually squeezed out easily from the twenty-centimeter gap in the pipe.

That's right

Although it looks ferocious, this is just a small monster.

His body length is only 70 to 80 centimeters, which is inferior to Jia Yan. But no one dares to doubt the fighting power of this monster

At this time, the top of its forehead, which was emitting a faint red light, had a tube-like structure that looked like the muzzle of a gun.

This structure is entirely made of metal, and this metal is very similar to the metal used in the mysterious machinery in the underground world.

It is filled with light and has an indescribable futuristic sci-fi beauty.

But the most eye-catching thing is not the tube itself, but inside the tube, there is a red light that looks like a flame flashing.

This red light keeps spitting out, it seems that it is not a light, but a kind of creature

The red light that attacked Jia Yan before came from this tube.

If those top Japanese researchers on the surface saw this weird metal structure. Will definitely be shocked

Because this metal machine is what they call the source of divine punishment.

On that day, Japanese scientific researchers wanted to cut open the tube of the fetish and study its internal structure.

But it takes countless ways. Finally, after reluctantly cutting the pipe a little,

Two such metal monsters also appeared along the pipe.

After that, it was the doomsday time for that scientific research institution. The massacre at that time lasted for at least three hours.

Later, Japan even mobilized a nearby Self-Defense Forces headquarters. Nothing could stop the carnage of that metal monster

Three hours later, the two monsters seemed to have run out of energy, so the red light went out.

Later, the Japanese country made great progress in science and industry because of its research on the mysterious metal monster. Only then did the Stars and Stripes Country have many related research results and became an industrial power in one fell swoop.

As for the massacre and the related personnel who died, the Japanese side covered up the cause of their death and the accident.

Even ordinary people don't know that the prosperity of their country is actually related to the machine underground.

And now below the cave, this weird metal machine is also climbing up.

The red light on the top of his forehead kept flashing, as if he was detecting whether there were other life forms here besides the black monster he killed just now.

As for the dark monster?

He seems to have identified the monster that was hit by his red light before and is looking for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.comm is definitely dead.

Yes, even if a human were to come over and see the scene before, he would definitely think that the big black mosquito monster is dead.

But what about the facts?

Just where the smoke and dust were billowing, a long black foot seemed to be shaking slightly.

This attack is absolutely terrifying

Even if it is not as simple as a missile or a nuclear bomb, it is definitely not as simple as an ordinary bomb.

What's more, that little bit of red light directly shoots a small area of ​​half a centimeter.

How terrifying is the attack power that can be caused by concentrating such violent energy on a small point? …

To be continued. To be continued.

ps: Please subscribe. I don’t want to create any anti-piracy chapters. Don’t let Jia Yan use this method.

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