Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 28 Total Destruction (4)

"He actually didn't die even in the sixth dimension."

"I don't believe this."

"The six-dimensional subspace has not even been explored by scientists. How can this Jia Yan survive at such a deep place with his own body?"

"This is such a heaven-defying sub-space talent, it is, it is."

"No, we have to attack again. This Jia Yan is in the sixth dimension. It is definitely the last depth. We have completely covered the six-dimensional subspace where he is. I don't believe it. This can't destroy him directly. kill."

The God-Emperors believed that Jia Yan was in the sixth dimension of the sub-space and thought it must be the last depth.

The six-dimensional subspace is indeed very deep, but generally speaking, it is not absolutely impossible for them to attack.

As is the case now, they are not just one person.

One person can attack the six-dimensional subspace, and a group of people working together can easily attack the six-dimensional subspace.

So even though Jia Yan reached the sixth dimension for the first time, they still didn't think anything unexpected happened.


And when their joint attack came out again, sure enough, the power of this attack actually reached six degrees of depth.

But something happened that shocked a group of God-Emperors.

That was when they attacked Jia Yan, who was retreating further and further inside the six-degree deep subspace.

Finally, he retreated into an extremely deep space that even Jia Yan himself had never entered.

Seven degrees!

Within the depth of this seven-degree sub-space, Jia Yan suddenly felt that the twisting power not only made people feel a sense of distortion, but the surrounding space was completely in a state of tearing, almost like Nothing could possibly stay.

But Jia Yan's talent for subspace gave his body a sudden hint of resistance.

At this moment, Yin Yang Dao also suddenly activated, using the positive and negative brain wave powers outside the body to isolate the twisting and tearing forces outside Jia Yan's body from the body.

So when he reached the seventh dimension, Jia Yan suddenly endured it.

The huge attack from the outside world by a group of God-Emperor creatures stopped in front of this place in the seventh dimension.


A group of divine emperor creatures were completely stunned when the outside world saw this scene.

In the seventh-dimensional subspace, even scientists in the realm of the gods have never explored such a deep place. It is not that science and technology cannot explore, but it is not necessary. Once science has explored such a place, there is nothing worth studying and using. Therefore, no one spends a lot of money to study such deep subspace.

But in the subspace that no one can reach, a living exception appeared in their eyes today.

That is the so-called powerful creature in the universe, and the biggest enemy in their eyes - the evolutionary beast Jia Yan.

In other words, giant mosquito Jia Yan.

This foreign creature, in the eyes of a group of God-Emperor creatures, not only entered the third depth of the sub-space in one breath, but also reached the fifth and sixth dimensions of the sub-space. In the end, it was unprecedented, reaching Entering the seven-dimensional subspace, this made a group of creatures completely unable to believe it, as if they had seen something and were looking for clues.

But unfortunately, this miracle was not caused by their teammates, but by a very troublesome enemy. This made a group of creatures feel deeply uncertain about Jia Yan's behavior this time. sex.

"He actually reached the seventh dimension."

"Our joint attack cannot enter the seventh degree. This..."

"The seventh dimension of the sub-space is no longer something that our attacks can reach, but it requires the existence of the God Emperor's attacks to reach that level."

"Don't worry, Jia Yan definitely has no way of staying in such a deep sub-space for how long. He is not a god-emperor, just a god-emperor. How can he possibly go to a realm that only a god-emperor can reach. "

The God-Emperors are still deceiving themselves.

They believed that Jia Yan would definitely not be able to stay in this seventh-dimensional subspace for long, because they believed that even the joint attack of a group of God-Emperors could not reach such a deep level in that seventh-dimensional subspace, so this Things on this level belong to the God-Emperor level.

Since Jia Yan is not a God-Emperor-level creature, no matter how powerful he is, it involves things at the God-Emperor level. Even if he can temporarily borrow this kind of power, he may not be able to stay for too long. After all, this It belongs to the Yuanda level. You must know that the gap between the star level and the God Emperor level is as big as the sky.

In fact, their guesses were not too wrong, because even Jia Yan now felt extremely strenuous in this seventh-dimensional subspace.

"It's scary. If it weren't for my azure defense and the strength of Yin and Yang Dao, I probably wouldn't have been able to survive in this situation. Compared with the sixth degree, the seventh degree is only one degree higher, but this degree The gap is like the terrifying difference between star-level creatures and galaxy-level creatures. Fortunately, I didn't try to enter this seventh dimension before I improved my strength, otherwise I would definitely be seeking death."

Jia Yan only felt his body cracking.

He also knew that he would only be able to stay in this space for a while at most. If it goes any longer, you will definitely be seriously injured, and there is even a slight risk of death.

But because in this seventh-dimensional sub-space, the feeling of space is instantly different from the sixth-dimensional space, so Jia Yan also felt some good things.

That is the situation where the distortion suddenly increases or the distortion becomes unstable, which has become very rare. There are still large areas of distortion superimposed on the Sixth Degree, which is what caused the monster in that space, but In the depth of this seventh degree, it is rarely seen, because the distortion in the seventh degree has reached the level of transformation, so it is difficult to maintain an unbalanced state here.

Moreover, Jia Yan has the experience of ejecting to places deeper than this on the Edisa. He knows that the deeper the subspace, the more stable it is. Among the unknown depths where the Edisa finally ejected The ground is even like a pool of stagnant water. Only when outside creatures enter it can people see how terrifying the terrifying depth of the place can be.

Buzz buzz.

The attacks in front of Jia Yan's eyes seemed to be completely resolved by those distortions in the sub-space.

The attack that could have hurt Jia Yan or even killed him was actually resolved bit by bit and could not reach Jia Yan.

"Hmph, I'll leave first."

Jia Yan suddenly started to move with difficulty in the seventh dimension.

But what he didn't expect was that although he knew that moving in subspace would become very exaggerated, Jia Yan believed that the sixth and seventh degrees should not be much different, but in Jia Yan During this movement, I suddenly felt that my body was traveling as fast as a roller coaster.

Moving within the seventh dimension, even if Jia Yan only struggled to move a little, his speed was like riding a roller coaster, suddenly moving a lot.

"Oh My God."

Jia Yan suddenly felt that with just a slight struggle, he reached an area more than a thousand kilometers away from the battle.

This is the reason why the Edisa, when ejected from the depth of subspace, has a speed that is about a thousand times faster than the speed of light.

"go out."

In the eyes of a group of God-Emperor creatures, Jia Yan suddenly lost his trace. They all couldn't help being shocked.

"This Jia Yan definitely escaped."

They all looked ugly, because so many of them God Emperors attacked Jia Yan, but Jia Yan killed nearly ten of them, and then he escaped.

"It's obviously just a little bit close. If he dares to stay a little longer, we will definitely kill him."

"Speaking of hindsight? Jia Yan knows that we can't defeat us together, so it's normal to escape. Is he still leaving this place for us to kill?"

"No, he's in the seventh dimension. We can't hit him at all."

"What's the matter? He's in the seventh dimension and won't be here for long."

The God-Emperors looked at each other in shock. They were caught off guard by Jia Yan's sudden escape this time.

But thinking about it carefully, they also understood that when Jia Yan was besieged by more than thirty God Emperors, he was able to kill nearly ten of them. Now that he was exhausted, he could escape calmly. This was something that had never happened in the history of the Divine Realm. This was enough. He had used it as his best record for a long time. Why stay and fight them again? There was no chance of victory and he was just looking for death.

"Forget it, let's clean up and report back later. This Jia Yan issue is no longer something that our God Emperor can solve. It is only possible if the God Emperor comes forward."

The twenty or so God Emperors were silent for a while.

Although they were reluctant to admit it, after Jia Yan left like this, they knew that there was absolutely no chance of killing Jia Yan.

Because even if they use subspace interference instruments, Jia Yan possesses a high degree of subspace ability. For them, there is no way to interfere with this ability.

Then they knew that Jia Yan was an existence that they could not possibly deal with or kill.

Even if Jia Yan fights them, he will be exhausted, he can leave at any time if he wants, plus several other extremely powerful abilities, if you think about it carefully, it is really impossible for them to deal with Jia Yan, or even fall. On its own, this evolved beast could easily kill them.

The threat from outsiders like this is too great. Not only are they extremely afraid of Jia Yan's future harm to the realm of the gods, they are even thinking about whether Jia Yan will suddenly attack them, the God Emperor, in subspace. , it is estimated that no one can escape if they are alone.

So they were all thinking about it, and then went back to persuade several God Emperors to let them personally take action and kill Jia Yan directly.

As for whether the God-Emperor can beat Jia Yan, this is a question that goes without saying. Even the God-Emperor can't defeat this guy? It's simply not possible.

"Let's go. Fortunately, our battleship is not damaged. Turn back quickly. Those who are able to do so will immediately use the ultra-long-distance communication method in the battleship to inform the God Emperor of the accident here."


Within a few seconds, the several God Emperors came to their senses from their stunned state and made plans for the future.

After all, Jia Yan left, and they had no choice but to leave.

But just when they were about to leave and relaxed their vigilance, the subspace suddenly opened next to a God-Emperor who was far away from the main force.


The power of ripples suddenly spread out.


The God-Emperor didn't notice at all, and was completely controlled by the power of the ripples.

In this area, the damage to the first level of the subspace is not that big, so the existence moving in the subspace is still not greatly affected.

So this gave Jia Yan a chance.

When the God Emperor was controlled by the power of ripples, Jia Yan's front foot suddenly thrust out from the sub-space.


The God-Emperor died immediately.

"Ah, he appears again."

"Why, how dare he show up."

"He killed another one, and this time there was still such a huge sense of energy. Won't he be tired?"

"Come in, the evolved beast is really scary, but we don't have to worry, there are so many of us, he can't beat us no matter how hard he kills."

Some of the God-Emperors were frightened, looking for Shuyuan www. Some were furious, while others wanted to run away.

Jia Yan's display of his strength again and again made some of the God Emperors feel extremely frightened. Godly creatures are very precious to their lives. For the God Emperor, especially such a top God Emperor, in this great realm of gods, Among them, except for the most powerful people under the God Emperor, they would certainly feel that since Jia Yan's strength was too weird and too dangerous, it would be better to leave directly.

So at this moment, the indestructible ability of the God-Emperors to join forces actually became a little loose.


The death scene of the God-Emperor was very terrifying. Because the distance was relatively far, Jia Yan actually inserted his mouthparts directly into his body and sucked the other person's blood desperately.

This scene made all the God-Emperor creatures feel a sense of panic.

"This guy actually sucks blood."

"Well, how painful this must be. A majestic God-Emperor is actually so painful that he twitches. It's simply..."

You must know that the God-Emperor creature's ability to withstand pain is extremely exaggerated, but under Jia Yan's blood-sucking, the God-Emperor was actually frightened and painful to the point of convulsions. So how much other God-Emperors were to Jia Yan's blood-sucking It was uncomfortable, and I felt a sense of fear.

"It's better to escape separately. Otherwise, Jia Yan is too unfaithful. If we stay and fight, the team will probably be wiped out."

"No, since this is the mission of the God Emperor, what does it matter if we escape? There will be no chance to climb up in the future. Maybe we won't even have the chance to be promoted to the God Emperor, so we might as well give it a try."

There is a growing gap among the God Emperor.

Even the powerful God Emperors who took the lead felt a lot of pressure. There is not much difference in strength between them. Even if these few have a higher status, in fact no one can give orders.

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