Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 33 Two lives must be left!

There are data displays on this clock. In short, people who don't have instructions will definitely not be able to understand them.

But they all understood it.

"Just over there..."

"Let's go and arrest him. Haha, subspace talent is nothing. We will definitely win this time."

Every star-level creature has completely forgotten how they were so frightened by Jia Yan alone on the white planet that the entire team could not move. Now that they knew that Jia Yan was pointing in the direction of the detector, they all happily prepared to arrest him.

After all, for them, this mission was simply too long, and it was just to capture an alien star-level creature. They actually killed and injured so many people. They even trembled for a certain period of time. They were afraid that Jia Yan would kill them.

And having mastered the ability to crack the sub-space, they became bolder, especially because they felt that Jia Yan's strongest talent was the sub-space talent. Apart from this, any one of them could easily kill Jia Yan if they stood up. Complete abuse.

So they all couldn't wait to teach Jia Yan a lesson, and even if they caught Jia Yan with their own hands, even if they couldn't get the credit for grabbing things, they would definitely get a lot of profit.

So when Wu Da didn't even leave, more than twenty of them, star-level experts, rushed out like this.

"These guys, forget it, they also have the ability to restrict subspace. I guess Jia Yan, even if he makes some progress in strength this time, will not be able to escape again."

Wu Da flew slowly. In front of a group of younger subordinates, he did not show so much urgency. After all, as a senior, he still had to do superficial work.

At the other end, in subspace, the Edisha was flying slowly.

"Edisha, the fake body we arranged seems to have worked. Well, since they have come to trouble me, then I will go out to meet them. Don't forget to sweep the formation for me later. If If there is any accident, I will eject quickly when I come in, do you understand?"

Jia Yan said to Adisha who was beside him.

"Yeah, I understand, Master, I'm ready to eject."

Editha was flying around, seeming to be very worried about Jia Yan's adventure.

You know, this time Jia Yan is going to face a strong mid-level star, not even the last wandering battle. He wants to fight him head-on when the opponent has twenty subordinates. , for Edisha, this was something that went against his original intention of protecting Jia Yan.

However, Jia Yan insisted on trying his own strength, and he had no way to refute.

Outside the subspace, the detector beeped rapidly. This was a sign that the target creature was not far away in the nearby subspace.

"We're here, let's work together to open this space."

A group of star-level experts from the stellar field dispersed to the surrounding area, and then ten of them blasted out brainwave power.

Their brainwave power was aimed at a certain place in the space. Under the brainwave power of these ten powerful men, the space in that space began to distort, and even exposed the sub-space inside.

You must know that ordinary star-level creatures are not strong enough to blast open the sub-space at will. Even if they do it, it will consume a lot of power. But now this group of star-level creatures do not consume much power, and the sub-space also follows their wishes. , after an instant separation, the entrance was quickly stabilized without causing chaos or explosion in the sub-space.

"Okay, Jia Yan, should we ask you to come out, or should you come out on your own."

A star-level creature spoke calmly to the twisted place.

"Oh, you have made some progress."

Just as he was speaking, a voice replied softly inside the twisted black hole, and then a dark black front foot stepped from the sub-space onto the outside ground with a 'snap' sound.

The stellar powerhouses around him couldn't help but take a step back instantly.

Even though they all said that they wanted to take Jia Yan's life, in fact, they still vividly remembered the battle a few years ago. Although Jia Yan was not powerful, his elusive figure had become more and more elusive in these years. To them, it was a nightmare, so when they saw the front foot that had killed several of their companions again, they all subconsciously took a step back in fear.

sulfuric acid!

Another step, two front feet stepped out. Then Jia Yan's black figure slowly stepped out of the sub-space.

A group of star-level experts looked at each other solemnly. They began to feel a little bit of pressure.

Originally, they thought that Jia Yan would not dare to walk out, but now he not only walked out, but also appeared in the middle of a group of star-level powerhouses. You must know that their strength is compared to that of the past. There is not much progress, but each one has the strength to fight against subspace. If they use that strength to control the surrounding subspace, then even if Jia Yan is twice or twice as powerful as before, what's the use?

With their joint efforts, if there was a head-on confrontation, they dared to believe that ordinary star-level mid-level creatures would not dare to resist their edge head-on.

But Jia Yan still appeared in front of them carelessly.

What does this mean?

They would not believe that Jia Yan was a strong man without a mind. If this were true, he would have died in the last battle of the White Star.

But what confidence does he have when he dares to show up?

"If you do it, I don't believe it. We have Master Wu Da behind us. Is there any way he can escape?"

A star-level creature, who did not believe in evil at all at this moment, was about to take action.

Another group of star-level experts also had an instant understanding of his words at this moment.

That's right, even if Jia Yan has some means, there is still a "Master Wu Da" behind them who has reached the mid-level star level and is not even an ordinary mid-level strong man. What are they afraid of?

"Yes, let's do it. He can't defeat even one of our twenty stellar geniuses, and he still wants to fight twenty of us?"

The stellar geniuses finally boosted their morale.

They moved in unison.

Their opponents feel like those gods who fought before Jia Yan, and they actually have certain combined attack methods. Of course, compared to the gods, there is always a little less energy interoperability between the strong ones. After all, the energy of each star-level powerhouse is different, and the gap is even very large, so it is impossible to truly join forces to attack.

However, the effect was similar. When they took action, the whole world seemed to be completely enveloped by a piece of energy.

"Ha, so you don't understand the horror of evolved beasts..."

Just when they were about to pour their energy into the place where Jia Yan was, suddenly, a laugh came out slowly from Jia Yan, who was surrounded by a group of star-level creatures.

Then, a group of star-level geniuses who were about to release their power saw Jia Yan at the center of their encirclement, and there was a buzzing sound all over their body. In a moment, a burst of energy suddenly erupted. Terrifying power.


"What's this?"

Before the ripples of this shocking force spread into their bodies, every star-level creature knew at this moment that this was the biggest negative that Jia Yan dared to face them. In an instant, they all He quickly flew back.

But their retreat speed was far slower than the erupting ripple power.

I saw a star-level creature suddenly enveloped by this power.

"What? Domain?"

"No, this is not a field. Damn it, why did I find that I couldn't move."

"What is it? The realm is not like the realm, the power of the gods? That's not right. I only feel a trace of the power of the gods. Most of them are the power of the powerful ones in the universe. What on earth is this?"

"Space has completely controlled us. This is not Jia Yan's own power, but the power of space itself. He..."

"Can you actually borrow the power of the universe?!"

"Oh my god! How did you do this?"

At this moment, the stellar masters had no way to avoid the capture of Jia Yan's ripples. They were all caught by the spreading ripples in an instant, and then they were all immobilized and unable to move.

"Quick, quick, quick. I feel that we still have a chance to destroy his power. At most, it can exert absolute control over ordinary star-level experts. Find Shuyuan Let's move quickly. If you use your own domain, you can break it instantly."

"Yes, hurry up!"

After all, this group of star-level powerhouses are star-level powerhouses cultivated by geniuses from the stellar academic field. They are more powerful than ordinary star-level powerhouses, and they are even more powerful than the group of gods that Jia Yan previously dealt with. a lot of.

So when Jia Yan used the power of ripples to completely cover them, their demeanor changed drastically, and they suddenly discovered to their surprise that they were actually able to break through Jia Yan's power of ripples.

"It's really amazing. It's worthy of coming from a stellar academic field with many geniuses, but..."

"You can escape, but you must leave one or two lives behind!"

Jia Yan's expression turned cold when he saw that his ripple power was about to be broken away by a group of star-level experts in an instant.

This was actually part of his calculations.

It's just that it was so fast, a little beyond his expectation.

Of course, everything is still under his control.


When they shouted to release the domain to break Jia Yan's ripple power, Jia Yan suddenly let go of the spread of the ripple power.

Then his own body would be able to move.

As he moved, a circle on the surface of his body exploded instantly.

It turns out that this is the realm of stellar powerhouses that Jia Yan has prepared in his body for a long time.

"Ah, how come he still has a domain, bastard, and he releases it faster than us."

"Impossible, he just used up that kind of power, why can he release the field immediately?"


When the star-level powerhouses were about to release their domains, Jia Yan was one step ahead of them and released their domains. After controlling a group of star-level players in an instant, he stabbed out with another front foot and defeated them. The star-level strongman beside him felt a chill in his heart.

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