Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 18 Chasing the Armored Vehicle!

At this time, a heavily armored vehicle was parked next to the embankment fence!

This vehicle has thick exterior armor and is extremely heavy.

There is a Japanese flag pattern on the surface of the vehicle. Obviously, this is an armored military vehicle from the Self-Defense Forces!

On the roof of the car, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties stuck his head out of the sunroof.

He holds a 'super long-range sniper rifle' in both hands. This is a super sniper rifle with a length of more than two meters. It is an extremely outstanding anti-equipment-level sniper monster in the entire world!

With a caliber of 14.9 mm and a gun body of over two meters, the shooting accuracy and shooting range of this monster are jaw-dropping!

The bullet is not only powerful, but also has strong shooting kinetic energy. After being discharged from the chamber, the bullet travels five thousand meters and can maintain the speed of sound!

This kind of weapon is originally anti-material level.

However, the expression of the middle-aged man who was using a sniper rifle changed immediately after he fired a few rounds of bullets!

The monster-level sniper rifle in my hand couldn't kill that monster? !

Not even a little damaged? !

Suddenly, the middle-aged man seemed to react and jumped up!

"Come on! That's the real monster! It's not even afraid of anti-material-level firearms!"

This middle-aged man is wearing a high-level military uniform of the Japanese Self-Defense Force. It has a khaki background with three small golden flowers and a round yellow pattern on it!

The middle-aged man represented by this military medal is actually a big shot at the level of a sergeant in the Japanese Self-Defense Force. His rank is equivalent to the level of a colonel in China and other countries. He is about to enter the general level and become a high-ranking member of a country's military!

However, this man looked a little ugly at this time and urged the Self-Defense Force soldiers driving below to drive quickly!

The soldiers below had no way of knowing the results of the battle outside. They just followed the orders and started the armored vehicle. The vehicle roared and drove away quickly along the seaside road!

"Since you are hindering me, you are using such a powerful weapon to intercept and kill me. Do you think you can leave so easily?"

Jia Yan was in the reef area on the coast, looking at the armored vehicles driving fast not far away, and a cold light suddenly flashed in his compound eyes!

He flapped his wings!

Yin Yin Yin! !

It's the ultimate speed!

Go in pursuit!

Jia Yan didn't really want to take revenge on the person who shot him. He preferred to directly pursue the two mercenaries who escaped!

Because they are the ones they want to take revenge on!

but. This armored vehicle felt dangerous to him!

If the opponent is somewhere he's not paying attention to, keep shooting at him. That would be very troublesome!

Although his body can withstand such powerful bullets, this is definitely the reason for the weird blue exoskeleton!

Jia Yan didn't know why the exoskeleton turned blue when it resisted bullets!

This color easily reminded him of the azure crystal that he fused when he mutated!

It's just that I really don't understand the principle yet. What is the reason that caused his body to change. What about one with such terrifying defense power?

It’s just that this is not the time to think about it that much!

Jia Yan pursued the armored vehicle for two reasons. The first was that when he wanted to kill the mercenary this time, the other party shot to stop him. He can't guarantee whether the other party will stop him next time!

As for the second point. It has something to do with the defense of the exoskeleton!

He didn't know if only the exoskeleton of his body had that blue color. If the compound eyes, wings and other parts of his body didn't have that blue color, he would be attacked again. It will be very dangerous! Instead of waiting to be attacked by the opponent, it is better to pursue them directly!

So he chased after this armored vehicle! No matter what happens, he has to drive the other party away so that he can safely turn around and deal with a few mercenaries!

We can't just let go of the grudge that hurt our father!

As for the two killers, if they are still caught by the Self-Defense Forces or the Japanese police, they can only blame them for being so useless!

After all, the biggest danger, that is, several mercenaries, Jia Yan, helped them drive away. If they were caught without any help, Jia Yan could only say that there was nothing he could do!

Yin Yin Yin! ! !

The speed is extremely fast!

"Izuo! That monster is coming after me!" There were a total of five passengers in the armored vehicle, and these five people were all soldiers belonging to the same battle order!

The commander they call is naturally a middle-aged man!

As an ace in the Self-Defense Forces, this man is known as the strongest ‘sniper’ in Japan!

It is said that his sniper prowess was approved by the mythical figure "Yokota Shoichi" in the Self-Defense Forces. Even when he was promoted to colonel, it was Yokota Shoichi who personally hung the badge on him!

This man was holding the anti-material sniper rifle in his hand, with a shocked expression on his face!

What kind of monster is this!

Originally, the Self-Defense Force heard that there was a big battle happening here and came over urgently to provide support.

But their armored vehicle was delayed on the road and fell behind.

However, before they reached the location indicated on the walkie-talkie, they heard violent gunshots not far from the battlefield!

As a member of the Japanese Self-Defense Force, I will definitely not sit idly by and ignore the sound of gunfire!

So much so that the commander saw a giant mosquito that looked like something out of a science fiction movie attacking humans!

That's why he opened fire when the masked man was in crisis!


That monster received the 14.9mm anti-material bullet fired by his favorite gun head-on, and there was nothing strange about it? !

You know, this is a bullet fired at supersonic speed!

The kinetic energy contained in it is enough to shoot through the protection of ordinary armored vehicles, and it can even shoot bullets with large holes in some tanks whose armor is not very strong!

Such a powerful bullet, when it hit the big mosquito, it should have turned it into a cloud of blood, and not even the dregs could be found!

But why!

The other party didn't even react at all!

What kind of monster is this!

"Kiyo Isa! Kiyogen Isa! Please cheer up!" Suddenly the voice of an adjutant next to him brought the self-defense force man back to reality from the shock!

"What's wrong?"

He seemed to have come back to his senses and asked. It seemed that several soldiers in the car had very surprised expressions!

"That monster is coming after me!"

The adjutant repeated again.

"Huh?!" The middle-aged man's expression also changed slightly!

Through the rear window, I saw a dark flying monster chasing after me with a ferocious flying sprint!

The armored vehicle was already traveling at top speed, but the terrifying big mosquito behind was still getting closer and closer!

At this time, he had just put the weapon back into the sunroof from outside the car, and now he wanted to unfold it again. It's a bit troublesome!

"Don't worry! Although we are riding in a light armored vehicle, it is not something that this mosquito can defeat! When we drive to the meeting point of the large army, he will naturally escape!" Middle-aged Yizuo calmly said Analyze the situation.

Hearing what he said, the soldier driving the car suddenly felt relieved, and the car no longer swayed so anxiously!

Just when these people were talking!

Jia Yan finally opened his eyes with a faint look. Chase to the side of this Self-Defense Force armored vehicle!

There was a hint of ferocity in his cold, deep compound eyes!

Like the cold-blooded nature of today's insects. It seemed like it had just affected him!

"These people are just Japanese people! The ancestor Li Qicheng who wrote the note was very hostile to Japanese people! And the Chinese people are also very hostile to Japanese people!"

"Although I have become a mosquito, this country's historical hatred has nothing to do with me! But this does not prevent me from hating them too! Especially the Japanese soldiers!"

Since these people dared to attack themselves before, they must bear the consequences of attacking themselves!

The coldness in Jia Yanfu's eyes was even worse!

He raised one front foot. The sharp and tough knife-shaped horn on the top of the forefoot flashes with a frightening cold light!

Then this knife type horny.

Stab hard towards the side of the armored vehicle!

when! !

Bang! !

The heavy armored vehicle body made a dull sound!

All the passengers were stunned! This sound. It was so huge that even the armored vehicles were shaken by the huge force. This shows how powerful the flying monster's attack must be!

They looked around one by one and saw only the armor parts that had been attacked. Nothing serious happened, so I breathed a sigh of relief!

The two young Self-Defense Forces members riding in the back row also looked at each other at this time!

A relaxed smile on your face!

No matter how powerful this monster is, it can only fail in the face of the armored vehicle defense built by humans with a lot of money!

Monsters are just mindless monsters after all!

Just outside the car body, which was separated by an armored defense, Jia Yan's long legs pulled the car body and stopped directly on the car body!

"An armored vehicle is indeed an armored vehicle! The protection is not much different from that of an F16 fighter jet!"

"But... do you think it will be okay if you hide inside?"


Jia Yan's five long legs stretched over the car body, and then the knife-shaped horn of his right front foot continued to rise!

The previous attempt was just because the body was not heavy enough when attacking in the air, and the inertial force of flight was not great, so it could only cause a shallow dent on the armored vehicle!

But now, his five long legs are grasping the body of the armored vehicle. With a fixed place, all his power can be unleashed!

"Break it for me!!"

The knife-shaped horn on Jia Yan's right forefoot has incredible power, and it penetrates downward fiercely!

Bang! ! ! ! ——

The sound of this attack was definitely several times greater than last time!

Poof! !

The front end of a knife-shaped horn filled with blood suddenly made a dent in the protective armor of the car body!

The dent quickly enlarged!

Then the horny tip of the knife finally broke through the car body! !

Get in quickly!

Poof! !


A self-defense force member who was still looking at each other and laughing at the flying monster asked Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com A scream came from the mouth!

Everyone in the car was shocked and looked away one by one!

A scene that made them pale appeared!

One of the flying monster's long legs actually penetrated the armored vehicle's defense with one blow, and its extremely sharp knife-shaped forefoot pierced the back of a young self-defense force member!

"How can it be!"

This was the scream in the hearts of everyone, including the middle-aged Yizuo!

To be continued. (To be continued.)

PS: Please subscribe to the official version! Thanks for the Double Ninth Festival reward, brother ‘I laughed after watching it and then cried and forgot’! Of course, I also want to thank several other brothers for their rewards. In the next chapter, I will specifically thank the brothers who have rewarded me in the past few days! Activate new URL

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