Just as Jia Yan judged, in the main city of Huangsha God, a creature that looked like it was covered in sand was hesitating.

"There seems to be some faint fluctuations outside. It should be the stellar powerhouse from Jia Yanfang. So what should I do?"

He was extremely depressed. As the main front line in the war with the seven stars, his territory had withstood more than half of the army attacks. Not only the 300,000 troops attacking from outside, but also the total number of troops in his territory was no less than 200. Wan's coalition forces are fighting.

And he asked for help from the gods behind him, but the reinforcements from the gods were blocked by a small group of stellar-level surprise attacks.

If the gods don't take action, his territory will fall.

He was extremely depressed. In fact, everyone knew that this was a deliberate trick by the other party to let the strong ones in the spiritual system take action, and then look at the back-up and reaction of the spiritual system.

But knowing it’s useless, how to break the situation is the key.

"I lost the ordinary creatures in the territory, and the source of the power of faith is gone. Even if there is a chance to regain the territory in the future, ordinary creatures don't know how many deaths they will have. After all, star-level powerhouses will not care about the life and death of ordinary creatures. Then it will still be me who loses.”

This is what worries him now. Temporarily losing his territory, or even losing his palace, is not something worth paying too much attention to from the perspective of a powerful god.

The most important thing is the ordinary people who believe in him. You must know that every god must try his best to protect his territory, and then gain the sincere faith of his people. Only in this way can he gain the power of their faith, otherwise the power of faith will definitely is impure.

This involves the spiritual realm of living things. Jia Yandu has not been too involved in this aspect, but this kind of thing is the most important thing to the gods.

Precisely because the people are difficult to cultivate, Huangsha God is really reluctant to give up.

"To fight, or not to fight? If I fight, maybe they will retreat because they are afraid of the support from the gods behind me at any time?"

Huangsha God has been hesitating.

Jia Yan and others in the sky were silently observing what was going on below.

"This Yellow Sand God hasn't shown up yet. He is probably still struggling." A star-level creature sneered.

"This is the disadvantage of their gods. Once they take root, it will be difficult to move their territory. How can we be as free as stars?"

Several star-level warriors tried their best to destroy the powerful god-level warriors.

The Flower Goddess Luolongsi on the other side is more embarrassed. She has betrayed the divine system and wants to speak for the divine system. She feels unwilling to do so if she doesn't speak.

In any case, she is still a spirit that has condensed the divine crystals. Strictly speaking, she is still in the category of gods, so she always feels uncomfortable if she does not speak for the spirit system.

Fortunately, she didn't speak, but it was Jia Yan who rarely spoke up to help the God System.

"You are wrong to say that. There is a reason why the spirit system has been able to stand proudly in this universe for so long. They have many disadvantages, and their strength is slightly weaker than the strong system of our universe. But there is only one advantage, that that is……"

"It is very possible for a strong person in the spirit system to reach the level of Galaxy level. Although most of the gods with Galaxy level strength are still at the bottom of the list, with more people, they are still a huge force. This is their true strength. The real reason why it has been able to stand in the universe for so long."

Jia Yan's words made all the star-level creatures fall silent for a while and stopped talking.

Because what Jia Yan said is right, no matter how unbearable the creatures of the divine system are, it is undeniable that even if their strength is a little bit lower than that of the same star level, the difference is not much. After the initial burst of strength, At the right time, if used properly, it might even be possible to kill a star-level powerhouse of the same level. So even if it is weak, it is not that weak.

Then, the probability of a star-level powerhouse coming out of the divine system, or even being promoted to the mid-stellar stage, which is the mid-level god's strength, is much greater than the chance of a star-level powerhouse being promoted.

In this case, if the number of strong men in the universe exceeds that of the god system, and the real top powerhouses are far stronger than the gods, they are suppressed in the realm of the gods. Otherwise, there are no strong men at the cosmic level. What to be proud of?

"Well, that's true. I heard that the last time, it seemed more than fifty years ago, a strong man from the God system advanced to the middle level of God on this God star and killed the strong man from our universe system. A little less than half of it, and finally returned to the Divine Realm calmly, but none of the strong men in our universe have successfully advanced on this Divine Planet."

A star-level creature restrained his contempt for divine creatures and spoke with a long sigh.

"Huh? How could a divine creature be promoted here so recently?"

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. After Jia Yan suddenly heard the words of this star-level creature, his expression froze slightly.

If a god is promoted so recently, doesn't it mean that there is still a certain possibility that a god will be promoted in this god star?

Especially when a general war occurs, any kind of strong person can improve his strength. If Jia Yan is not careful, a person who has reached the middle level of a god suddenly appears on this giant planet where there is no intermediate star strength. It would be so depressing if the gods were fighting against themselves.

"Lord Jia Yan, don't worry, that god is actually a god with good talent. On our god planet, at least now, there is no god with that kind of talent. I can guarantee this, but there are a few Those who have reached the peak of the primary level, I don’t know if they will have any breakthroughs in the war."

The Flower God's words made Jia Yan feel slightly relieved. It turned out that the God's breakthrough was not that simple.

But since this possibility exists, he must try his best to take this into consideration in future wars.

After all, he is not too worried about the combat power of the early stage of stellar level now, but if a mid-level star suddenly comes, it will be troublesome. Especially in the god system, there are many helpers, and several junior levels are teamed up with mid-level ones. Even he can only run away.

Of course, all we need to do now is to be on guard. After all, whether a god with mid-level stellar strength will emerge is a matter of two minds.

"Hey, sir, the yellow sand is moving."

"He really wants to resist."

When Jia Yan was still thinking about fear, his subordinates reported to him.

Jia Yan slightly released his brain wave power and took a look. Sure enough, below the earth, the 300,000 star-level coalition forces had defeated the Yellow Sand God's army they faced, and then roared towards the Yellow Sand God's army. Attack the main city.

Even the people in this group of troops know what is in that palace, but the creatures in the star-level system are much less afraid of the powerful gods, even if they call the ruler in their own territory Their stellar powerhouses are also called gods. However, in their education system, it is often mentioned that all gods are fake. Even the strongest man in their territory is just a cosmic figure. They are just powerful creatures in the world. Calling them gods is just a title.

Therefore, this group of troops does not have that great fear of the gods. Moreover, their leader also said that the Yellow Sand God may not dare to take action. Even if he does, there are real adults behind the army - those star-level beings who will take action. .

With so many guarantees, what would the military be afraid of?

boom! !

However, the military creatures must have misunderstood the stellar powerhouse's love for the military.

When the first star-level front army creature laughed wildly and stepped into the main gate of the Yellow Sand God's main city that had been attacked.

The huge divine power, that is, a brainwave power that has reached the strength of a star-level powerhouse, exploded, instantly killing ordinary biological soldiers who dared to step into the main city into powder.

"Let's do it! Hum, go down and meet him."

Jia Yan saw this scene from a distance and knew that the Yellow Sand God had taken action.

Then he asked the beetle monster who was the first to subdue him to go down and deal with the angry god.

"Yes, sir." Tian Niulang nodded to Jia Yan and flew to the land of Huangsha City without any fear.

As a star-level powerhouse, it is understandable to be afraid of Jia Yan, but if the beetle monster is afraid of a god with only three minutes of fighting power, how can he be afraid?

"God Huangsha, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshhcom.com. As a stellar-level combat power, you actually attack an ordinary army. You did it first, so don't blame me for killing you."

The voice of the Heavenly Cowherd spread throughout the world, and then he emerged from the invisible sky and rushed towards the main city where the Yellow Sand God was located.

"Tianniu Lang, I didn't expect you to be so willing to be Jia Yan's lackey now. Aren't you famous for your tough bones? Now you are so skilled at licking your master's toes."

The figure of the Yellow Sand God also appeared in the sky above the main city. When the burst of strength just broke out, he knew that there would definitely be a star-level strongman coming out to fight him. He had no intention of avoiding it, but faced him head-on.

In his opinion, the gods from behind will definitely come forward, so he is not afraid, but is prepared to let the opponent retreat after a battle.

He needs his territory too much. Without it, his strength will soon decline.


The two powerful men quarreled and bickered, but when they fought, they showed no intention of dragging their feet.

The brainwave power of the two sides bombarded each other, instantly detonating the entire sky.

If the Yellow Sand God had not deliberately guarded the main city below, his magnificent main city and palace might have disappeared.

The body of this Yellow Sand God is a fox-like creature that reaches about one kilometer in length. There is faint yellow sand flying on the entire surface of the body. His name must be related to this appearance.

"The attack mode of this Yellow Sand God is quite interesting."

Jia Yan was high in the air, looking at the two fighting parties below with a faint expression of interest.

A battle at a stellar level is, after all, a battle at a stellar level. Even if Jia Yan is confident that he can defeat the two creatures in the battle, it is normal to learn something from their battle.

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