Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 27 Strength increases by leaps and bounds!

Boom boom boom boom...

On a piece of land, terrifying destructive power was erupting. w.QDD

In this continent, the gods are the strongest, and even the ordinary gods did not dare to get too close after sensing this terrifying fluctuation.

"That bastard outsider actually caused such a big disturbance, even within the territory of our divine system. Tell us where to put your face."

One by one, the gods approached the sky above this land, looking at the huge fluctuations below, not knowing what to do.

"Forget it, can't we go against him just because of this little fluctuation? Anyway, we tolerated it before, and there's nothing more we can tolerate now. When he comes out of seclusion, we can just let him go."

Several gods seemed to be extremely afraid of the creature that caused fluctuations. Even if the gods suggested that the creature might make a sneak attack when it was making a breakthrough or practicing some kind of practice, they still refused.

"Forget it, there aren't many cities or resource areas nearby, so let him do the work."

Several gods decided on the strategy and felt that it was better to let it go, so they left here one by one.

"I'm scared to death. So many gods!"

Under the earth, a saint-level creature, ignored by the gods one after another, only raised its head in a frightened and prostrate state when the surrounding movement and momentum completely disappeared.

Even though he knew that he was a subordinate of the god behind him and should not kneel down and worship other gods without the permission of his own god, he really didn't dare.

This is Bess of the Scorpion clan. At that moment, as many as a dozen gods came to the sky. For him, it was something he would never experience in his life.

"It seems that among those gods, I also see my enemies..."

He smiled bitterly. The so-called enemy was the one who destroyed his race, but when the other party saw his great enemy, he didn't even recognize him.

That's right. Does a god need to remember a holy creature that hates him? The difference in strength between the two was so great that it was almost as big as heaven and earth. The gods didn't need to remember Bess at all.

It's a good thing I didn't remember it, otherwise recognizing Bess in this situation might lead to complications.

Even in this situation, Bess did not forget his mission and stayed in front of the huge fluctuations behind him. He had even thought about whether he would still protect him if those gods attacked... …

However, before the answer to this question could be found, it had already become an eternal mystery due to the departure of a group of gods. Even he himself did not know what to do in that situation.

The person who caused the fluctuation in the rear was naturally Jia Yan.

But now Jia Yan, even if it causes such a huge fluctuation, he is not without any defense.

"Hmph, it's good that these guys left, otherwise we will have to work hard. Of course, with the experience of being sneak attacked last time, I won't be so easily attacked again now."

Jia Yan did not do anything during the half year he walked with the Flower God. He learned so much about the gods. Now he is prepared for the fighting methods that may be caused by the gods. plan.

Even if they made a sudden sneak attack like the Flower God did back then, he would be able to react now instead of being unable to detect it.

"There is nothing I can do about my current fluctuation, because it will be completely swallowed up..."

Jia Yan felt his body fluctuate, and then continued to crouch down calmly.

Such fluctuations continued for three more days. When the third day came, after several loud bangs, the entire land turned into scorched earth.

The Edisa swayed slightly in the subspace. Fortunately, its hull was strong and was not damaged by such fluctuations.

After these fluctuations, the entire land returned to calm.

Bess was blown backwards for several kilometers by the wave. When the wave calmed down completely, he cautiously approached the place quietly. He didn't see any large explosions, and then he lay down to guard the place.

The performance of this scorpion clan made Jia Yan nod in the sub-space.

That's right, the fluctuation just now was a manifestation of him completely devouring the ghost's blood.

Now, the fluctuations all over his body are extremely fierce, and the power of the domain is involuntarily squirming from his body, making it difficult for Jia Yan to control it.

This is a special state after a big step forward in strength. This state is not so easy to eliminate, but Jia Yan is not in a hurry.

In the Editha space next to him, there are boxes of exquisite small boxes. There used to be many crystals of faith in them, but now they are empty. In fact, more than a hundred boxes of crystals of faith are completely empty. Devoured by Jia Yan.

It was a coincidence that Jia Yan used the crystals of faith obtained from the Flower God. He was almost using them up before he felt that he could digest the star-level ghost blood. Finally, he thought about it and used the remaining A small amount of the Crystal of Faith was also swallowed into the body, giving it a little more as a easing force.

"Are those gods cautious? Or are they timid? They didn't come to make a sneak attack even if they had such a great opportunity. But even if they come, I have a back-up plan."

Jia Yan stood up from the Edisa calmly, with a hint of joy in his expression.

Because the harvest this time was greater than Jia Yan's own imagination.

After all, it is so difficult for even star-level evolved beasts to absorb ghost blood. How can it be an ordinary thing?

"Very good. I think my current state is not far from the peak of the elementary level of a star. I can definitely be regarded as a powerful being in the elementary level of a star!"

Jia Yan's compound eyes were bright.

"And with my strength and ability to cross-level combat, even if I don't use special means now, I can probably fight with an intermediate-level stellar-level creature... But that intermediate-level star-level creature in the stellar academic field The creatures have been in the intermediate level for a long time, and they have probably reached the middle level of the intermediate level. I should not be his opponent yet..."

Jia Yan quickly figured out his own strength.

Of course, this is only a rough distinction. After all, there are too many variables in a real battle. For example, what kind of backhand Jia Yan uses, maybe even the star-level mid-level one is killed by him. On the other hand, even if he was defeated by that star-level mid-level person with another move, it was still possible. After all, if the battle could be calculated, then everyone would not have to fight, and the result would be known after just a quick calculation.

"Anyway, my current strength is still inferior to that group of creatures from the stellar domain, and they must have clearly understood my shortcomings and advantages after the previous battle. If we face each other again, Some of my methods may have no effect."

After thinking so much, Jia Yan didn't have much fear.

After all, before his strength improved, he was able to survive under those star-level men. Now that his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, what's the point of being afraid in turn?

"What's more, even if they had calculated their strength and means, they certainly never thought that my strength would advance to such an extent in such a short period of time, right? It caught me off guard, not to mention whether they would be able to unite. If they are destroyed, it may be another big loss like the last time, and then their military morale will be unstable."

Jia Yan thought so much and smiled slightly.

Anyway, no matter what, the current improvement in strength is a huge good thing for him.

"Also, the Crystal of Faith on the Divine Star actually helps me a lot. Although it is not as domineering as the ghost blood, as long as it is swallowed in large quantities, it is still possible to increase my strength..."


Jia Yan stood up from the ground and headed towards the outside world.

Bess lay on the ground bored.

In fact, for such a long time, he has not even seen the true form of the 'god'. He has only heard the 'oracle' a few times with his own ears. He also has some doubts about whether he is worthy of the god. Love?

However, he also thought that the Lord God did not accept other divine servants and did not let others stay outside the Kingdom of God. He must have a good impression of him. Find bookstore

But the regret in his heart that he had never even seen the true form of the god was always there, which also made him have no foundation and felt that he was not valued very much.

But just today, after he felt a large wave of fluctuations, he was just about to lie down and find a new place to sleep, but suddenly he felt a wave of fluctuations in the space!

"What? There is actually a fluctuation, and such a terrifying fluctuation in strength. Is it difficult? Could it be..."

His expression suddenly changed.

Bess' giant scorpion's head suddenly raised up at a certain moment.

And the moment he raised his head, a terrifying huge creature, far larger than Bess's 200-meter body, slowly stretched out a giant foot from the twisted space...

"Uh uh uh……"

Even though he had expected it, when he actually saw this scene, Bess was still so shocked that he couldn't control himself.

The creature that emerged from the distorted space did not seem to be aware of Bess's existence. Instead, it held its head high and stepped out of the space.

He raised his head and stared at somewhere above the sky.

"Hmph... A strange god is here to see me. Is there something wrong?"

This terrifying huge black creature calmly said these words to the sky it was looking at.

"It's okay, this... sir, I'll leave right now." Suddenly, a voice came from the sky, which seemed to contain a hint of panic.

Not long after, the sky no longer looked like any living thing existed, and now, the huge black flying creature slowly lowered its head.

He stared at Bess, who was already kneeling down and kowtowing repeatedly.

"Bess, you did a good job!" the creature said softly.

Everyone go and save "Wild Survival Female Anchor". My new work is as eunuch-proof as Giant Mosquito. 45898)

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