Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 12: Stab your mother!

Looking down from the clear blue sky, on the endless blue sea, a battle that is definitely not evenly matched is going on!

This is a battle between a mosquito with a body length of one meter and a wingspan of two meters and a fighter jet with a length of 15 meters and a wingspan of 9.5 meters!

Although a giant mosquito with a one-meter-long body is an impossible giant among mosquitoes, compared with fighter jets, the two are obviously incomparable!

But the giant mosquito was still charging towards the F16 fighter jet, which was many times bigger than itself!

The wind roared in front of him, and the hurricane of fighter jets flying past almost swept away Jia Yan's mosquito body!

Yin Yin Yin! ! !

Jia Yan himself flapped his wings crazily, and also used his extreme speed to fly from below to an altitude of more than ten meters, rushing towards the side of the fighter jet!

The two intersect!

"Stab your motherfucker!"

Jia Yan roared crazily in his heart!

The mutated muscles were like incredibly strong ropes, and at that moment, they tightened hard with a 'boom' sound!

With this tightening, one right front foot, like a bow and arrow shot out, pierced the fuselage of the nearby fighter plane!

The front feet with sharp knife-like horns were ejected! The extremely sharp knife-shaped horn cut through the air directly, and the attack speed was so fast that human eyes could not see it clearly!


Almost the moment Jia Yan thrust out his long foot, the extremely sharp knife-shaped horn and the sharp front section severely pierced the solid fuselage of the F16 fighter jet!

Squeak, squeak, squeak! ! ! !

A series of sparks are rising crazily!

Jia Yan's front foot contained incredible terrifying power. The power of his attack was so powerful that he didn't even dare to guess!

But the opponent's armor is for military purposes!

He didn't think it was possible for his horny knife to pierce the aircraft armor, but he could still do it by scaring the opponent!

But what Jia Yan himself couldn't believe was that he had used all his strength. After striking this blow. The moment the horny tip of the knife pierced the fighter plane's fuselage, it felt like it was piercing into something hard!

It actually penetrated into the armor of the flying fighter plane that can definitely defend against ordinary firearm bullets!

A series of sparks popped up, and Jia Yan stabbed a length of knife-shaped horn into the fighter plane's fuselage. And due to inertia, the entire fuselage has holes. In an instant, it was pulled to a length of fifty centimeters, and the knife-shaped horn was stabbed on the fighter armor, cutting all the way!

And Jia Yan's body. It was also suddenly carried by inertia and became almost out of control!

His front foot stabbed the fuselage. I thought it was just a stab to make the fuselage make an extra sound, and then I would be ejected away from the strong fighter armor!

But I didn't expect that this fuselage couldn't resist one of my front feet!

The body was pulled by inertia and slammed backwards!

The front legs that penetrated the fuselage of the fighter plane were almost torn off. Jia Yan could even hear the sound of the exoskeleton twisting! Fortunately, the clots on the surface of the exoskeleton play a great role in defense and buffering, directly protecting the exoskeleton and muscle tissue inside!

Clot tissue for Jia Yan. It's the biggest key to mutation. He didn't know it until now, after mutating several times. Each time, it was because the precursors of the clots, that is, the condensations, were helping him absorb external substances and fill them into his body, and then allow it to gain mass.

And after the condensation completes its mission, it will turn into these soft but extremely tough clots. These clots helped Jia Yan resist bullets earlier, and this time they also acted as a buffer, removing the external force of the impact!

Jia Yan didn't have much distraction in praising Guan Nuan!

In these life-and-death moments, one's entire attention is extremely concentrated.

He discovered that the exoskeleton of his right forefoot was actually inserted into the outer armor of an F16 fighter jet that ordinary firearms and bullets could not penetrate. His compound eyes suddenly lit up!

This horn-shaped knife exceeds my expectations!


Jia Yan raised his other left front foot and thrust it hard into the exoskeleton of the fighter jet in front of him!

Bang! !

Without the help of inertia to move forward, even if Jia Yan used all his strength, the knife-shaped horn of his left forefoot could only penetrate a little more than three centimeters.

This is Jia Yan's power that is terrifying enough!

You must know that fighter armor is not afraid of ordinary firearms and bullets.

At this time, in the cockpit of the fighter plane, the pilot's expression changed wildly!

He was reporting to the command center in a voice of disbelief and fear: "This plane was attacked by that mosquito! He was able to damage the exoskeleton of the fighter plane, and it is now attached to the lower part of the fuselage. Please give the next action plan, he is They are constantly attacking the fuselage armor, please give the order quickly!"

The sound of the big mosquito outside stabbing the armor of the aircraft with its left front foot was like a "bang bang bang" to the pilot's ears, and it almost turned his face into the color of pig liver!

In fact, this is because the fighter pilots think too much. Jia Yan uses his own power to continuously hit the armor of the fighter outside. It is not that he can really dismantle the entire aircraft, but the attack power each time is not enough, which can only cause shallow damage. In order to enlarge this small pit, I kept stabbing with the horny knife of my left front foot!

Of course, if the opponent just lets Jia Yan keep stabbing him, maybe after ten minutes, Jia Yan will really be able to dig a big hole and even destroy the precise design inside.

But does Jia Yan have ten minutes? This is obviously impossible!

If the other party drives back to the air force base, it will only take a few minutes. Jia Yan obviously does not have time to do this.

What's more, even if he doesn't drive back to the base to seek help, this pilot can still leave Jia Yan behind!

Just when Jia Yan was about to continue the attack, the fighter suddenly had a plan!

It suddenly made a large turn in the sky!

You must know that the instantaneous overload change of the aircraft exceeds several G! Sometimes the well-trained pilots themselves will pass out in mid-air due to severe overload!

But this violent turn did not reach the pilot's maximum overload! But under the fuselage, Jia Yan, who was holding on to his body with only one forefoot that penetrated the interior of the plane, obviously didn't feel so comfortable!

His entire body was thrown far away, and the force of the instant change of direction almost threw him off the F16 fighter plane!

"It's not that easy!" Jia Yan's compound eyes shined brightly!

The right front foot suddenly hooked!

Grasp that gaping crack again! After that, the body continued to return to the fuselage, and the left front foot aimed at the slightly opened hole, and stabbed it hard!


The fighter pilot's face turned extremely pale, and the fighter plane changed direction crazily. Why was this mosquito still attached to him?


The pilot controls the fuselage and constantly changes direction in the air!

call out! !

The fighter jet, flying at nearly the speed of sound, flew a very long distance in an instant. It happened to be flying along the coastline, which was Jia Yan's intended route.

But this speed is much faster than Jia Yan flying by himself!

If it wasn't too dangerous, Jia Yan would have wanted to use the other party as his mount!

quick! This is flying!

Jia Yan just had time to feel the flying speed that was almost reaching the speed of sound. He felt that the F16 fighter jet, which was flying at super high speed, suddenly made a violent turn while flying at high speed again!

I can't catch it now! When the plane was flying at high speed, it was a little difficult for Jia Yan to lie on the body of the fighter plane. After all, when it accelerated instantly, he could only rely on his right front foot hooked on the gap in the fighter plane's armor to hold onto his body. It was extremely difficult to do so. , and now suddenly there is another rapid change of direction!

He hooked his right front foot on the gap of the fighter plane, helplessly let go, and his whole body was violently thrown away!


Jia Yan's body flew far away, and the F16 fighter jet rushed to a very far place in an instant.

"It depends on whether you still dare to come!"

Jia Yan stared at the retreating figure of the fighter plane with his compound eyes. At the same time, he vibrated his wings to let himself fly.

The two sides flew at super high speeds in the air and fought for at least five minutes. Such five minutes were equivalent to half an hour's flight by Jia Yan!

It happened to be heading northwest, not deviating from Jia Yan's planned route, and even speeding up his journey. Find the bookstore

While Jia Yan controlled his body to lower, he used his compound eyes to observe the F16 fighter jet that was rapidly moving away!

The somewhat damaged F16 fighter jet in the air actually did not dare to turn around and attack after turning around in the distance. Instead, it flew far away from Jia Yan's direction and flew towards the distant main island of Daiwan Island.

"Don't you dare to come?! I'll run away quickly! Otherwise, there will definitely be more people waiting!"

Jia Yan lowered his body to be parallel to the sea level, only about three meters away from the sea. He launched his fastest flying speed and quickly flew away into the distance!

He knew that the fighter plane evacuated only because it was damaged a little by him and he was afraid that something might happen if it continued to fight, so he left. Maybe there are other fighter planes taking off now and coming to support this sea area!

To be continued.

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