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There was a loud noise in the air, and then the only half-star existence in the Helong Galaxy turned into a ball of blood mist.

"Jia Yan, who are you and what are you going to do!?"

On the side of the Helong Galaxy, a sub-level leader witnessed this scene. He knew that the Helong Galaxy was missing a half-star leader and had no way to save it. The group was destined to be destroyed, so he roared out in despair. .

"Me? I am Jia Yan..."

Jia Yan let out a long sigh, then turned and stepped back. Under the attack of this sub-level creature, he completely entered the sub-space.

"What kind of move is this? It can also enter subspace..."

The creatures that were following in pursuit did not expect such a scene to happen, and they were all shocked.

But then, the battle between the two sides started again.

No matter where this creature named Jia Yan belongs, in short, he has left now. Although it is definitely not to do any good things, there are still other opponents in front of him.

The two sides continued to fight.

Jia Yan, who retreated into the sub-space, was not pursued at all. He sighed and flew slowly towards the direction of the Edisa.

The real body on the other side was still following behind the bird star-level creature, but the roaring voice of the pass-level creature before made him feel a little sigh.

"Who am I?"

Jia Yan himself didn't expect that an enemy's words would affect his heart for a moment.

But after this moment, he immediately came back to his senses.

"I am who I am."

"Jia Yan, an evolved beast, is also a..."

"Starry Sky Beast!"

The sparkle in Jia Yan's eyes flickered again.

Not long after, the clone returned to the Edisha, while Jia Yan's real body continued to follow the bird star powerhouse.

Even though he was relatively confident about his subspace talent, he still maintained a certain distance.

"I have created so many opportunities for you, you should be able to succeed now, right?"

Jia Yan looked at the bird creature outside the space indifferently, watching him break through the levels one after another that seemed to be very familiar. He couldn't help but nodded slightly. It seemed that this stellar powerhouse was very interested in this business. Already prepared.

"The items in those three rooms are good for me, and I feel that these things are also good for other star-level powerhouses. Even because I am an evolved beast, I have used a lot of energy materials. For this The tolerance of planting things is higher, so it may actually be more effective for ordinary creatures."

Even so, Jia Yan would not let go of such an item that could help him.

At the star level, there are not many items that are helpful to the powerful. Every star level must cherish any opportunity to gain strength, and Jia Yan is no exception.

Sure enough, the star-level bird creature did not stay in the first room, but rushed directly to the second room. After inputting a series of passwords with a brain-like electronic device, the second room The doors to the two rooms opened instantly.

"I see. Is there any particular order in opening the doors?"

Jia Yan saw it from a distance and couldn't help but feel lucky that he didn't snatch it. If he did, he would definitely not get anything.

"Now let me see what's inside!"

When the stellar bird quickly entered and came out of the second room, Jia Yan, who was hiding in the subspace, suddenly felt a strong desire to absorb in his body!

"Hey, why do I feel that this thing is very similar to the starry sky ghost I saw before? It attracts me very much?"

"It must have something to do with the Starry Sky Ghost!"

Jia Yan felt something similar to the feeling he had when he saw the starry sky ghost in the bird monster that day, and immediately concluded that this thing must have something to do with the so-called starry sky ghost.

"Hold it for now, now is not the time to take action..."

Jia Yan looked at the giant bird, which was still moving quickly, and resisted the desire to take action.

Because the other party is obviously still collecting things from the other two rooms. If he takes action now, he will lose the amount of those two square rooms.

The big bird creature has no idea that another star-level powerhouse is targeting him. He just wants to act quickly now. After all, the power of the Garrison Star is still very scary. If he moves slowly, maybe the Garrison Star will be destroyed. The weapons on are restored to use. At that time, we will be at a loss.

He quickly followed the same method and entered the first room.

Within a few seconds, he appeared in the building again. It seemed to Jia Yan that he had obtained another mysterious thing.

More than twenty seconds passed, and the third item also arrived in his hands.

"Okay, leave now!"

The big bird creature has felt that most of the entire planet's defenses have returned to normal, and an earth-shattering energy is faintly aimed at itself.

He quickly flew up from the building complex.

But when he flew up, a fierce light with unique characteristics flew towards the bird creature and suddenly attacked!

"Can it actually attack? This garrison star is indeed the strongest border guard in the white galaxy."

The big bird creature instantly felt a crisis.

"But I've already got the thing. With a weapon like this, you can stop me, but if you want to cause harm to me, it's just a dream!"

This big bird creature moved suddenly, and at the last moment, it avoided the artillery attack containing strange power.

But when he dodged the gunfire, the entire starry sky was suddenly filled with similar rays of gunfire as if by chance.

Even this light can automatically aim and turn, attacking this powerful star-level creature one after another!

"Hmph, you are so ignorant! If I hadn't worried about whether that white guy would come, I would have destroyed your garrison star today with one person and one claw!"

The big bird creature looked slightly unhappy, but it just continued to dodge the attacks of artillery fire under the attack of rays of light.

After all, the stellar level is a stellar level. Even if there was artillery fire that could hit him during this period, it would only cause a little blackening of the feathers in his bird-like appearance.

Not long after, this creature with stellar strength slowly flew into the starry sky.

But on the garrison star below, there was no way to stop him.

"If you leave, those things must have been taken away by the other party, right?"

"Well, after all, He Long has personally taken action. We have been robbed by him and there is nothing we can do. He even used that Jia Yan. His strength is too weird. Under such circumstances, it is not bad that our garrison planet is not completely wiped out. matter."

"Yes, this is not our fault. The white adults will definitely not blame us."

Under the Garrison Star, every high-level executive was helpless at the scene before them.

What they said was right. If there really was a fight, the river dragon could completely destroy this powerful garrison star. They were able to save most of the soldiers and military facilities on this planet, which is already a good result.

Of course, there are many people they have to be responsible for this time, such as the person in charge of the competition venue and several senior officials who will all take the blame for this.

But this is no longer something Jia Yan and the big bird creature would consider!

"I've got the stuff. I heard that the white man has been saving this stuff for twenty years. If I use it, I might be able to break through a small level now."

The big bird creature was flying in the sky.

The direction he was flying was his own battleship.

"This thing comes from the so-called starry sky ghost. It is a great supplement for our star class, but it is also toxic to a certain extent. Therefore, the old white guy has not used it in these years. As for me, I will definitely get it. It also requires a certain process before you can take it. But once you get it, you get it. No matter if it’s a white guy or whoever comes to ask for it, I won’t take it out!”

The more it flew, the more excited the avian creature became.

As a primary-level creature from a star, he is completely at the bottom.

Not to mention compared with a mid-level stellar master, even compared with a newly promoted stellar master, he is not much stronger.

Therefore, his desire for power is extremely strong.

"By the way, what is the origin of Jia Yan who was stationed in the military star just now? I can vaguely feel that that guy doesn't seem to have died in the competition area. Even my half-star subordinate is dead. He Just disappear like that?"

Thinking of the flying star-level creature before, he suddenly felt a sense of surprise at Jia Yan who had just disappeared while he was trying to break out.

He also felt a faint sense of disobedience to this sub-level creature with explosive strength and the ability to fight against a half-star level creature.

After all, such an existence should not be a simple existence.

"It seems that only certain geniuses can do it in the second level. It is said that there is a place called the Stellar Academy thousands of light years away. It is a place for cultivating stellar classes. Many who enter are He is such a genius who can fight across different levels. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua.comm. Moreover, almost every creature that has graduated is a star level, and their strength exceeds that of ordinary star levels..."

"Oh, why did I want to go to such a far away place? I don't want to think about it anymore! The stellar academic field is too far away. How can I meet any genius-level stellar-level experts in this place? What kind of genius is that? Why did you come to this dangerous place?"

The avian creature smiled to itself.

But just when he put this idea aside!


puff! !

A sharp thing.

Without any warning, it penetrated directly into the belly of his bird creature!

"Ah, this...what is this!"

The bird's stellar creature was stabbed in its vitals, and almost instantly, it screamed in shock...Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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