Inside the one kilometer huge speed ship, a cocoon-like thing reaching a size of several hundred meters condensed inside the ship, completely filling the originally huge and empty space of the ship.

You must know that it is several hundred meters in size, just like a building with more than a hundred stories on the earth, it is extremely huge.

This giant cocoon, which was so big that it seemed to have its head in the sky and its feet on the ground, was condensing almost in this empty place, and finally turned into a dead cocoon that was almost motionless.

However, inside the cocoon, there was still a faint sound of heart beating.



Although I don’t know what this weak heartbeat means, no matter how huge the giant silkworm cocoon is, this heartbeat can be heard almost everywhere in the entire cocoon.

The beating sound continued, and the fast ship flew quickly.

Soon, under the ejection from the deep space, the speed ship left the genius battlefield and flew towards a more distant place.

A month passed quickly.

More than two thousand light years away from the Genius Battlefield, this is a place called the ‘Chaos Starfield’ by a group of other starfields.

Chaos star field, as the name suggests, is a star field surrounded by a large area of ​​chaotic starry air.

In this star field, there are obvious regional divisions, such as the northern star field, the western field, the barren galaxy, etc.

The Northern Star Territory is the starry sky in the north of the Chaos Star Territory. Although this starry sky seems small, there are hundreds of countries and forces. The chaotic political and geological history of the Star Territory makes her often revisit it until now. The outbreak of war.

In the edge areas of the Northern Star Territory, forces appear and perish every once in a while. Every creature has become an expert in war, and every household is a combat expert.

And on the edge of this northern star field, there is a small country.

The name of this country is called Bile Country, and the main biological race in this country is also very simple, the Bile clan.

The people of Bile Kingdom are a race very similar to the Bella people of the Northern Star Region. They have two feet, hands, and a head. However, unlike the Bella clan, they have no heads on top of their heads and their fighting power is also low. More Xiaoyong.

"Mom, why do our clan always have to fight?"

"That's right, our clan is called an alien race. It is said that our clan, the Bela clan, and the interstellar wandering Kuditan clan are all races from far, far away in the starry sky. The creatures here cannot accept us. "

"But, I heard that many races are also foreigners. Why are we, the Bile and Bella tribes, particularly discriminated against?"

"Well, this mother doesn't understand. Maybe it's because our races are very hardworking and smart. They are afraid that if we become stronger, we will destroy the balance of the Northern Star Territory."


In a corner of Bile Country, a bald little boy supported his chin obediently, looking at the sky in front of the window and thinking.

He looks no more than five or six years old than Earthlings, and it is difficult for him to understand things between races, but this does not prevent him from understanding that his own race has had a big event recently, and it is a major event that will destroy the race. .

"Recently, my father has been running around with many people, saying that he wants to ask for help from the Kingdom of Taiya. The Kingdom of Taiya is the people of the 'Bela tribe' that my mother told me about. They have very beautiful heads and are very tall."

The little boy clapped his fingers and named the characteristics of the Bella tribe, and then smiled proudly because of his memory.

Zooming in on the entire screen, you can see that the little boy is on a huge planet, but the area occupied by the Bile clan is only a small piece of this planet.

At this time, in the territory occupied by the Bile tribe, dozens of cities that were hundreds of kilometers in size were supporting defensive shields, covering the entire city.

And outside these cities, there are endless armies of various creatures.

At this moment, they are completely surrounding the small urban areas occupied by the Bile tribe. Sporadic battles have been breaking out around them. However, the Bile tribe can hardly resist such a large army. They are retreating steadily and almost make the surrounding armies general. The Bile tribe's city was devoured.

The city where the little boy was located was one of the cities under siege.

He stared blankly at the sky. High in the city, a transparent defensive cover seemed to support the sky and the earth, changing the color of the sky.

"Those monsters outside are so big. Is this what dad wants to fight with? When I grow up, I want to be like dad and fight these monsters!"

He admired his father's thoughts.

But just as the little boy was observing the top of his head, he was suddenly startled.

Because at the window in front of the little boy, a twisted space slowly bloomed like a ripple of water.

"What? Is the monster coming? Call daddy!"

When he was startled, he subconsciously thought that a monster from outside had come in. In fright, he made a fuss and shouted loudly into the house.

"Mom, the monster is coming! Mom, come and save me." The little boy almost cried.

But before his voice attracted his mother's attention, he suddenly stopped shouting.

"'s not a monster!"

He opened his eyes and then looked towards the rippled land.

I saw where the ripples distorted the space, and a black man wearing strange clothes stepped out of the space...

Take a step forward!

"It's a human being. What's that thing on his head? Is this his head? It's black and so beautiful."

The little boy's eyes widened, and then he looked at the man who suddenly appeared, floating in front of the window of his home.

The man seemed to be in a strange state of confusion. His eyes looked around without focus, and then he regained a sense of clarity.

He looked at the little bald boy in front of him who stopped shouting and climbed to the window, less than two meters away from him.

"Hello, do you understand what I'm saying?" the black man asked.

"You understand, uncle, who are you?" The little boy blinked his big eyes and asked with some confusion.

The black man smiled, and then he flew gently from the window into the little boy's room.

The surrounding buildings are relatively messy, and there are many tattered pieces of cloth hanging in the air. In such a dilapidated city, even though the black man appeared strangely, no one except the little boy noticed him. 's sudden appearance.

"Uncle, do you want to come to my house as a guest? Okay, I'll go tell my mother."

It wasn't that the little boy was ignorant, but when he saw the black man in front of him flying down, he rolled his eyes and was about to run towards the outside world.

But how could his little thoughts escape the eyes of the black man?

"Kid, your uncle has a bad temper. If you tell your parents, he might kill your parents when he gets angry. Do you still dare to go?"

The black man said with a faint smile.

"Oh, no. I won't tell my parents anymore. Uncle, please don't kill them." When the little boy heard this, he was about to cry almost instantly.

"Don't cry, otherwise uncle will be angry." The black man said to the little boy with a smile.

These words frightened the little boy to the point of tears that were about to burst out, and they rolled in his eyes, but he did not dare to shed them.

The man didn't really have any intention of killing the other person's family, but kept looking around, especially the scenery outside the window.

However, he frowned slightly when he noticed the flying vehicles that surrounded the entire sky outside the city, as well as the battle scenes of various combat robots and so on.

"Come, uncle won't harm your family. Tell him, what race are you from? Are you at war now?"

The black man looked at the little boy and asked again.

"You...Dad said you can't talk nonsense to strangers. I don't even know your name, why should I tell you!"

Unexpectedly, the little boy still had certain principles, so he refused to let go and said.

Judging from his appearance, he seemed to regard the black man as some kind of evil person.

"Haha, this is uncle's fault. Well, uncle, let me tell you, my name is..."

"Jia Yan!"

The man said his name, and even when he said his name, a strange light appeared in his eyes.

Yes, he is Jia Yan.

Of course, the current state is not his real body, but a 'gift package' that Xibala left in the speed ship - a clone that is almost exactly the same as the clone on Earth!

At this time, Jia Yan was still in the process of mutation. However, after a month, his consciousness had recovered, but his body could not come out of the cocoon. He happened to see the clone in the speed ship, so he simply Control the speed ship to the first life planet you see, and directly control the clone to appear.

This led to the scene where I met the little boy before.

Of course, Jia Yan did not expect that when he appeared this time, he would actually see a race that was very similar to the people on Earth. However, within the observation range of his brainwave power, this race, whether male or female, was Young and old, all of them have clean heads, and they all have bald heads!

"It's an interesting race. I actually feel a kinship with the people on Earth in their bloodline."

He instantly guessed that this race had something to do with the Bela tribe where Kama belonged and the Kuditan tribe that he once led.

"Jia Yan, what a weird name, my name is Dongdong." When the little boy heard Jia Yan's name, he seemed to despise it because it was difficult to pronounce, and then said his name politely.

At least the other party said his name, which in Xiao Dongdong's eyes was a sign of friendship.

"Well, Dongdong, are you Bile tribe at war with others?"

Jia Yan asked again.

"Yes, but we can't fight. Mom said that my father is about to go to the Bela tribe for help. Uncle, your head is so beautiful. Are you someone sent by the Bela tribe to help us?"

While the little boy was talking about the past of his race, his head turned and he thought through the black hair on Jia Yan's head whether Jia Yan was from the Bella clan.

"Well, uncle is from the Bella tribe. Don't be afraid, uncle will help you."

Jia Yan smiled and responded casually.

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