Fighting with such a favorable wind, the commanders of the Orion Arm Fleet doubted whether they were facing the fleet of the Feiheng force that was chasing them every day.

In short, no matter what the reason is, the opponent's lord does not come forward, but without that lord, the giant mosquito senior's combat power is fully released. They only need to follow behind the senior, keep killing, killing, killing!

happy! !

The fleeing Feiheng force fleet was almost blinded. Especially the battleship that was originally closing in on the black hole at the rear had not yet had time to completely close the black hole. As a result, the battleship chasing the giant mosquito in front actually retreated like a tide.

"What happened? Lost? Why, why!"

Before these warship commanders had time to react, they were trapped by a group of warships and fled together.

A defeat is like a mountain. This sentence is equally true when it comes to space warfare, and the larger the scale of the war, the more true it is.

Even if a few fleet commanders wanted to fight back, the impact of the surrounding friendly ships forced them to turn back and join the fleeing army.

As a result, this battle, which was originally very different between the two sides, turned the battle situation around. The Feiheng fleet army, which was originally extremely advantageous, became a loser and suffered a huge defeat.

The sniper battle along the way lasted for hundreds of millions of kilometers, and half of the Feiheng force's warship group of more than 30,000 ships was directly lost.

This battle is earth-shattering.

Finally, when they reached the edge of the war zone, the Feiheng force warships, which already had the speed advantage, finally won the right to speed up. Each ship either fled quickly or turned around to fight.

Then the fleet on the Orion Arm's side also began to suffer large-scale casualties, and only then did they stop their pursuit.

Count the results after the war.

The Giant Mosquito is a well-deserved first in battle. He alone killed more than half of the enemy ships. The reason why the enemy troops actually fled was precisely because of the existence of the Giant Mosquito. Otherwise, where would the battleships of the Orion Arm Alliance alone be? It could make such a huge noise.

The second most accomplished warrior was the Earth Front Army that no one expected!

The fleet dispatched by the earth's civilization to this war zone was only 300 ships, and the finger twister in it was also an extremely young earth girl. However, this time the earth fleet performed even better, and even had several tacit understandings with the giant mosquitoes. Silent cooperation.

The Earth's fleet seemed to be small in number, but it managed to kill more than 700 enemy ships without making a sound, which was extremely astonishing.

Although they were shocked by the performance of the Earth Fleet, they were relieved when the senior officials of the Civilized Fleet knew that Lord Jia Yan was actually in the Earth Fleet.

With the existence of this great god, even if you don't want to become very good in combat, it will be difficult.

Next came the major civilizations, some of which killed 300 ships, some of which killed 200 ships, and some civilizations, which killed not as many battleships as they had lost. They wanted to cry without tears.

Overall, this is a huge victory, especially this victory, which established the general situation of the entire Orion Arm in this direction.

From that day on, the Orion Arm fleet almost showed off its power, strolling in front of the enemy camp, but no Feiheng force fleet dared to come out to challenge.

And this battle, almost instantly, spread throughout the Orion Arm's major media and networks.

"What? The Giant Mosquito led the Alliance of Liberation Army and defeated the enemy's unprecedentedly huge fleet of ships, sending them scurrying away."

"Not only that, but Bitan, the most powerful person in the Feiheng force and the top expert in the entire Feiheng force, is actually indifferent to Master Jumosquito. In a battle situation, he still lost, and he didn't dare to come forward after losing in the end?"

"That's great. Such a big victory is almost the biggest counterattack the Orion Arm has ever had against the Fei Heng forces. Even if it's the Fei Heng forces, their vitality will be severely damaged after this one."

The media and the public were right.

After this battle, the Feiheng forces were severely damaged.

Too many battleships were lost. In the past, when they launched the war against the Orion Arm, a small fleet of a thousand ships was able to defeat several civilizations in succession, but in this battle, more than 10,000 battleships were involved.

You must know that the Feiheng forces are even a bright star in the biochemical star field. They have more than 10,000 advanced warships, and it will take them a long time to gather them together.

In addition to the losses of battleships and personnel, more importantly, the leader of the Feiheng force, Bitan, a pseudo-star-level existence, actually lost to the giant mosquito again after his strength greatly improved, and even After this battle, the injuries caused by too rapid progress and unstable state broke out, and almost half of the strength was lost within a few years.

"We must not let the Giant Mosquito know about Lord Lord's current injury, otherwise they will definitely take advantage of this moment to attack."

The entire army facing the Orion Arm Alliance led by Giant Mosquito was in turmoil at the moment.

To know this feeling, they never thought it would appear to them before.

In the past, they dared to attack a certain civilization as a single fleet or even one or two warships, but now it is better, they are cowered in one place and dare not go out to fight.

In the center of the Feiheng force fleet, on a huge mothership that was more than ten kilometers in length, a one-kilometer-sized creature was quietly crouching on the bridge.

His breath was vague, almost in an extremely weak state.

"Lord Bitan, how are you feeling today?"

A subordinate came to the monster and asked.

The prostrate monster raised its eyelids lightly, and didn't even have the strength to open its mouth. Instead, it used its brainwave power to recover.

"I'm fine. How was the battle today?"

"Back to the lord, today is no different from usual. It seems that the giant mosquito has no intention of launching a direct attack. It is just inviting a fight outside our army."

"That's it, let's rest here for a while, and when I recover a little, then..."

When Bitan said this, he shook his head and sighed: "Just give up on the results of this aspect. Anyway, the main purpose of our coming to this Orion Arm is the great empire. Now there is no progress in this aspect, so just give up. He Giant Mosquito will never Just chase us and fight all the way.”

The subordinates who were originally expecting the lord to say something about counterattack, their eyes widened when they heard this. He did not expect that his lord, who had just been promoted and was originally arrogant, actually said such a statement.

Give up this entire starry sky?

In other words, the Feiheng forces bowed their heads to the giant mosquito...

The subordinate moved his mouth, wanting to say something, but when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them back.

The Giant Mosquito can't even fight against the lord who has broken through to the pseudo-star level. What's more important is that the lord's strength is only half of its original strength. There is no point in fighting him anymore except for death. It's better to take advantage of the fact that the other party doesn't understand our side, negotiate for peace directly, and then use all our strength to deal with the Great Empire.

A few days later, the Orion Arm warship that was invited to fight unexpectedly received a communication request from the Feiheng forces.

Then when he saw this request, the commander-in-chief of the fleet who invited the battle had a strange look on his face.


Not long after, the content of this communication was in the hands of Jia Yan, who was on standby not far away to prevent the opponent from counterattacking.

Of course, this Jia Yan is not the giant mosquito Jia Yan, but Jia Yan, a clone of the Earth Fleet.

As the so-called 'apprentice' of Giant Mosquito, Jia Yan was not afraid in the face of danger before. After toying with the senior officials of Feiheng forces, he calmly escaped from the opponent's army, which made the enemy angry and pleased his own people. His prestige was once again raised to the limit. .

Although it is not as good as the giant mosquito, it is more popular because it is approachable and not like the giant mosquito and dragon.

In addition, he is the disciple of Giant Mosquito, so this peace request letter came to him first.

Jia Yan's clone sneered.

Although I don't know what the problem is with the Feiheng forces, if I look back and think about it carefully, I can understand that the so-called lord Bitan must have had some physical condition when he didn't go to war before.

If not, why didn't he, who couldn't deal with the giant mosquito's true form, make any move to prevent his side's defeat in that kind of level battle?

"It would be naive to try to push us back."

Jia Yan's clone's eyes sparkled.

"They must want to take action and find Shuyuan to deal with the Great Empire with all their strength. As far as I know, the Great Empire has been in a losing streak after a small victory some time ago. If the fleet here Withdraw your hand and the great empire will be destroyed in just a thought."

Jia Yan did not want to rescue the Great Empire, but he understood that one of the main reasons why the Feiheng forces came to the Orion Arm was for the treasures in the Great Empire. According to his estimation, what the other party wanted was the essence and blood of Senior Tianji. Most likely.

"I am bound to get this blood essence. Forget about other things. If the Feiheng forces want to go over and grab the blood essence, that is not what I want to see."

"But how should we respond to the current situation? If we really start fighting with them again, not to mention whether we can win again, even the Orion Arm army here seems to have many different voices wanting to retreat."

After several major victories, the battle line on this battlefield has been drawn extremely far forward, almost reaching the Kawuwo defense line. The armies participating in the battle here are almost all civilizations in the war zone on the earth. They have already reached this point. Far away from their motherland, even if they continue to fight, it will not be of much benefit to them.

The Giant Mosquitoes will definitely not agree to let them divide the land they conquered, so some of them are no longer willing to fight anymore.

"Since the Feiheng forces want to negotiate peace, you can reply to them. But we need to pay compensation." Jia Yan said lightly.

After thinking a lot, he finally felt that he had to agree to the other party's request at this moment.

Even though he understood that the strength of the opponent's fleet was far weaker than when the war started, he also knew that his own side was in the same situation.

And if the Giant Mosquito Avatar goes to fight alone, Jia Yan doesn't think that the enemy who is fully prepared will really be wiped out by the Giant Mosquito Avatar alone. You have to know their black hole warfare method, which is very important to Jia Yan now. There is still a big threat. 8)

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