Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 26 Monster versus monster!

(Please collect it!!)

If anyone else besides Jia Yan was unmoved in this explosive battlefield.

That would be Shoichi Yokota who watched the changes calmly!

Compared with the vigilance he had when facing the mysterious machine before, when faced with this scene, the so-called monster man raised the corner of his mouth and looked at the changes in the field.

"The man wearing sunglasses is very scary!"

Jia Yan was hanging upside down in the darkness. If anyone could see the whole situation clearly, it was him, an outsider!

"Yokota Shoichi, throw that thing over here. Since this thing was found in China, there is no reason for you foreigners to take it away!"

Captain Bingwang looked at Shoichi Yokota with slightly solemn eyes.

Of all the people here, no one else is as powerful as Shoichi Yokota.

And there are rumors that this monster has lived for more than ninety years, and is about the same age as the world's strongest man from China. However, this man still looks middle-aged and often appears in the world to perform tasks. . On the other hand, the famous old man from Huaxia Kingdom, who is known as the world's strongest man, has been in a state of washing his hands in recent years, and the world has long since lost sight of him.

Even though the situation was like this, everyone was focusing on this monster wearing sunglasses.

Yokota held the blue crystal in one hand and shook his head slightly.

"Do you Chinese know what this is?" he asked.

"No need to talk nonsense, as long as we get it, we will naturally know what it is!"

The captain of the Soldier King narrowed his eyes. Speaking of which, he is also a world-renowned strong man. Otherwise, he would not have fought with two top strong men from the Star-Spangled Banner Country for so long and still not been at a disadvantage!

But compared with the world's top players like Yokota, he seems a little unqualified.

Precisely because he had a face-to-face conversation with the most senior man in the world at the national level in that town in China, he was very nervous now!

He is not afraid of anyone here, but Shoichi Yokota, who claims to be able to go head-to-head with the old man from China, has no confidence at all!

"I'm sorry, our Japanese country will not hand over this thing." Yokota Shoichi said lightly in E language.

"Hey! Monster Yokota, our Star-Spangled Banner Nation must have half of it!" Hamton, with an old face, opened his mouth and screamed in surprise.

Yokota Shoichi frowned slightly.

To put it bluntly, the Star-Spangled Banner is the big brother of the current Japanese country. If it really eats alone, the Japanese country will not be able to eat.

"I said, neither of you is going to take anything away from here. Put your things down for me!"

Captain Bing Wang was very angry at both sides' actions of not taking him seriously!

Finally, he aimed at the Japanese general Shoichi Yokota and pulled the trigger!

Another Bingwang teammate who had been cooperating for a long time also fired suddenly with a tacit understanding!

Captain Bingwang uses China's latest repeating rifle. This rifle is still under internal testing, and the model name has not even been decided.

But Captain Bing Wang has long started using this rifle, and it has even become his main equipment.

Another person used a micro submachine gun. At close range, the firepower of the submachine gun was enough to cover up its lack of accuracy.

Both of their guns spit out flames!

Da da da!

Gunshots resounded in the small space!

The two masters of the Star-Spangled Banner had their pores erected, and they felt like they were being shrouded in death at that moment!

As a 'super mutant', James' mobility increased to the limit in an instant, and the golden color in his eyes became even brighter!

The legs seemed to expand instantly, and the entire thigh became thicker!

The moment the two warrior kings pulled the trigger!

This person jumped away and avoided the bullet's shooting range!

The main target of the two warrior kings was Shoichi Yokota who was standing near the machine.

This monster feels so oppressive that I can't feel at ease unless I deal with him first!

Tongues of fire sprayed towards this immortal monster.

Facing the ferocious firepower coming from the rapid fire in front of him, Yokota raised the corner of his mouth in an arc and raised it even more...

Totally a smile!

At the same moment when the bullet tilted, this old monster that had been around for decades moved to the right with strange steps, as if strolling!

Miraculously, the bullet missed Shoichi Yokota at all!

Captain Bing Wang frowned!

The rifle in his hand suddenly vibrated strangely!

"Huh!?" Yokota shouted in surprise as he dodged the bullet!


His sunglasses were directly hit by the bullet fired by Captain Bing Wang's strange shaking!

The glasses were broken, and debris was flying in the sky.

Yokota revealed Shoichi's eyes that had been hidden under his glasses.

Jia Yan, who was curled up at the top of the cave, felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake when he saw these pair of eyes, and couldn't help but feel chilled all over!

What kind of eyes are these!

Cold and murderous!

"Very good, it seems you learned a little bit from Old Man Hua." General Yokota's eyes seemed to have a dark light, which was scary.

Mr. Hua in his mouth is a strong man in China's country, a figure of the same era as General Yokota.

Captain Bing Wang has learned some of Mr. Hua's unique skills. It seems that this battle will not end so easily!

"Hey, hey! People from China, it's too rude of you to fight me like this. Come on! Try my shooting skills."

At this juncture, the Stars and Stripes people jumped out to disrupt the situation again.

The Chinese Soldier King quickly rushed into a nearby bunker.

The three parties actually started fighting like this.

The scene is very chaotic!

Only one person stood in the hail of bullets without seeking cover. The bullets fired at him seemed to automatically avoid this monster.

In fact, his senses were so strong that he dodged the incoming bullets without a moment's delay!

This is a level of existence beyond anyone present.

General Yokota had an indifferent expression on his face. He stood in the battlefield, one hand slowly reaching towards his waist.

There is a Japanese samurai sword scabbard there. The slender blade lies in the scabbard, waiting to be unsheathed and drink blood!

Even Jia Yan, who didn't understand the E language and was hiding in the shadow of the stalactites, felt the power of this monster!

"Who is this person! You are not afraid of bullets! He is too strong!"

Jia Yan looked at Yokota Shoichi's action of drawing his sword, and felt panic in his heart. In the extremely fast-paced battlefield, this man was the only one who was slowly drawing his sword. The feeling of dissonance is too strong.

No wonder the ‘monster’ they were talking about turned out to refer to this person as a ‘monster’!

So strong!

When this knife is pulled out, it will definitely drink blood.

The Stars and Stripes people were shooting at the Chinese Soldier King, while the other two Japanese men and women were hiding in the blind corner of the machine, aiming at both sides outside and firing bullets at them!

Shoichi Yokota finally draws his katana!

"Jiligua!" He shouted in Japanese and rushed towards the Chinese Soldier King!

It's too fast.

Jia Yan suspected that this person's instantaneous speed had far surpassed that of the world champion, reaching a level that was almost unreachable by humans!

The Captain of the Soldier King was naturally shocked, but what can you do when faced with a monster that can even dodge bullets? !

Seeing that the blade of Shoichi Yokota's katana was about to hit the body under the heavy equipment of Captain Hyouou!

Everyone could see that even if he was fully armed, Shoichi Yokota's sword would probably cut the body of Captain Hyouou directly in two!

Don't use scientific principles to explain the national-level 'monster' in Waguo Town. General scientific principles cannot explain such a guy who is one of the top three in the world.

Buzz! ! ——

This is the moment of truth!

An unprecedented harsh sound broke through the air, suddenly coming from the poisonous smoke not far from the cave!

It's a fluttering sound!

But compared to the ordinary giant beetles that chased everyone in the past, this sound was simply amplified several times!

The frequency is also several times higher!

A certain purple figure seemed to have strong anger in its wings!

Ignore the poisonous smoke and jump out directly from the poisonous smoke!

The speed is too fast!

The sound is almost the same as the sound of a plane taking off!

It directly used its half-meter-long body to knock it out!

"Purple cockroach!"

Jia Yan, who was hiding on the top of the stalactite, quickly curled up even more when he saw this angry figure!

Purple worm, the absolute overlord of this underground world!

I once chased Jia Yan until he had no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth!

Unexpectedly, they were not even afraid of the poisonous smoke and ran directly into it.

Buzz! ! ——

The purple beetle has obviously gone into a rage because too many of its kind have been killed!

When he saw Yokota Shoichi, the most prominent figure in the crowd, he directly used the inertia of rushing forward and bumped into him!

Shoichi Yokota, who was swinging his sword to kill the captain of the Chinese Soldier King, was also startled by the flying monster that suddenly disrupted the situation!

Then he had no choice but to turn the blade and swung it down, hitting the flying giant purple beetle!

Clang! !

The sound of gold and iron echoing from the place where the katana and the purple worm met!


The next moment, there was the clear and crisp sound of the samurai sword slashing into the purple cockroach's body!

Shoichi Yokota's sword actually cut off the giant purple beetle's bullet-blocking body!

But this is not his absolute winning rhythm!

After all, the purple beetle is a powerful creature in the underground world!

Its body was too hard, and just after it was cut into a certain distance by the blade, the purple cockroach became ferocious! Regardless of his own fatal injury, he lifted the tail needle!


It used a life-for-injury strategy, and thrust its tail needle into Yokota Shoichi's chopped arm like lightning!

Although Shoichi Yokota is called a monster, he has no monster-like defense when faced with a real monster attack!

This tail needle actually pierced Yokota Shoichi's arm with one blow, and then the poison in the purple frog's tail needle was poured into his body!


Yokota Shoichi's expression finally changed at this moment. He used both hands hard and swung his katana down hard!

The katana stuck in half of the Purple Crocodile's body was finally completely cut off, directly cutting the Purple Crocodile, the king of the underground world, into two halves!

The two halves of the purple beetle's body hit the ground, struggling continuously. Even if they were cut off, they still looked like they would not die for the time being!

On Shoichi Yokota's side, one arm was injured, and the poison immediately spread. The arm and half of his fingers turned purple!


"Yokota Shoichi!"

The two Japanese people hiding behind the huge machine were stunned by the scene in front of them!

The people of the Star-Spangled Banner and the King of Chinese Soldiers, who were almost wiped out by Shoichi Yokota, were all horrified and showing joy!

Yokota, an old monster who has dominated the human world for decades, was actually stabbed by an unknown real monster in this underground cave!

Naturally, they don’t know that the purple worm is also the king of the underground world! Yokota's ability to cut it off with one sword has shown how powerful he is as a human monster!

To be continued. (The protagonist’s plot is about to break out!)

Thanks to the book friends ‘Buried’, ‘878kh’ and ‘Shouyu’ for their rewards! I would also like to thank everyone who voted for recommendation, thank you very much!

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