Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 37: Destroy you and prove my innocence


The genius creatures in the entire ceremony were all extremely shocked.

Before the sound sounded, they didn't feel any creature above their heads at all. But when the sound suddenly sounded, didn't it mean that everyone present was not aware of his arrival?

The opponent's hidden strength is evident.

Especially those few high-end talented semi-star level beings were extremely shocked.

Their strength is already considered to be top-notch creatures, but it is also intriguing that they did not notice the coming person before the sound sounded, because this being is either a top-notch strongman who is good at this, or someone who is stronger than them. genius.

All the creatures looked up and saw, high in the sky above the star, a dark creature with metallic light all over its body, standing so proudly above all these creatures.

He looks like a bird. If there are humans on earth here, they will understand that he looks like a very common ominous bird on earth - a crow.

This crow was extremely huge at the moment, and faced a group of high-level geniuses from nearby forces without any fear.

"Who is your Excellency? I just said that you killed these brothers in my Northern Regiment. I also ask you not to cause a fire** and don't make such a joke."

One of the senior officials of the North Group who presided over the memorial ceremony was a highly gifted half-star creature. At this moment, seeing Jia Yan floating above all creatures, a flash of anger surged on his face.

You must know that they are using the topic this time to blackmail a group of forces, especially the Tianhe forces. They got some kind of genius some time ago and they have been very active recently, so they must suppress them.

But now that the matter has reached the final stage, how come a stupid guy suddenly appears and says that he killed the person himself!

Of course, the opponent's strength is definitely not weak, otherwise he wouldn't be able to reach the top of everyone without him noticing.

"I said I killed the person, so I killed him." The crow monster flew above the sky, looking proudly at the creature below, as if it didn't take him seriously at all.

The highly gifted half-star creature in the Beituan who presided over the memorial ceremony had his expression slightly stagnant, and then a fierce light flashed.

You must know that Beituan has been in the nearby star field for a long time. Their strength is sufficient, and there are not many powerful forces around them, so they are rarely looked down upon like this.

After carefully looking at the flying creature, the high-ranking member of the Northern Regiment paused.

"Your Excellency, you are so brave. You are only a second-level pass, a mere second-level pass, and you dare to come to our Northern Regiment to cause trouble. You are so brave!"

He saw the strength of the flying creature and almost became furious.

Just when this creature was about to jump up and kill the creature flying in the sky with one blow, another high-end talented semi-star colleague beside him suddenly stopped him.


The creature that wanted to attack Jia Yan stopped moving. He knew that his colleague would not make such a move casually.

I saw the half-star creature with the same high talent, a look of confusion flashing in his eyes, and then he looked at the flying creature carefully for a few more times, and then asked with a startled look...

"I dare to ask your Excellency, you are a moccasin."

The flying creature above is of course Jia Yan.

Now he wears battle armor and transforms into the image of Mokna's bird monster again.

"Yes, I am Mo Ke." Jia Yan said calmly.

His voice shocked all the creatures below.

Then there was someone who was proficient in space talent. He quietly explored the surrounding subspace, and then his expression changed drastically.

They saw a man-made black hole in subspace.

You must know that it is a deterrent-level weapon that can detonate a huge force like the Disciples into cripples.

Having a panoramic view of all the expressions of the creatures, Jia Yan's expression remained unchanged.

"I work alone and bear the burden of others. When I passed through this star field, the fleet of your Northern Regiment actually came to rob me. Of course I killed them to pieces. Now I have come to surrender, tell me. , What do you want to do to me, Mo Ke!"

Although Jia Yan said 'surrender', his words and actions did not mean to surrender at all. When he finished speaking, a slight wave of attraction spread outside the star, which made him even more attracted. The high-ranking officials from various forces below all had a sudden surprise in their hearts!

This is the man-made black hole.

"This... Sir Moke, I think we have some misunderstanding."

The high-level creature of the Northern Regiment that wanted to attack Jia Yan before now understood Jia Yan's identity.

He cursed himself in his mind, why was he so impulsive before? No wonder when he saw Jia Yan's face just now, he felt like he had seen it somewhere before. He didn't expect that it was the 'Crazy Mo Ke' who had become popular in the entire Central Star Region recently.

This lunatic's talent and combat prowess are so overwhelming that almost no one in the entire genius battle field believes them. Some people have already said that he may be more than a top genius.

Unexpectedly, a being with such terrifying combat power is also a fiery-tempered person who throws himself into black holes at every turn. Another dark area force of the Disciple Regiment, which is not much different from their Northern Regiment, has a gap with Mo Ke, and the entire force destruction.

A few days ago, Moke had a head-on battle with the last remaining high-end strength team of the Disciple Regiment. As a result, Moke completely destroyed the entire team of semi-star-level beings without using the means of self-exploding black holes. destroy.

He, the Bei Tuan, didn't want to mess with such a scary guy.

"Is there a gap? I also think it is a gap, but in fact I did kill those creatures you are mourning. You tell me, what should I do now?"

Jia Yan pretended not to accept the other party's kindness, but was aggressive.

"Your Excellency Mo Ke, our Bei Tuan is willing to let go of this hatred, so don't take it to heart."

The two high-level talents of the North Regiment were half-star level. When they spoke, even the senior officials of several major forces on the side were dumbfounded.

Especially Tian Rongguang from the Tianhe force. As a half-star with the same high talent, he thought that he might receive better treatment when he came to the Beituan force, but he didn't expect that he would not have a good face at all. But now I saw that the two masters of the Northern Regiment, who had no good feelings towards me at all, actually showed great respect to the 'Moke' who was at the level above, and their eyes almost dropped in shock.

The semi-star level is just like the previous levels. It is also divided into four small levels: Beginner, Intermediate, High, and Peak. Although among these four levels, the division of strength is not so clear, and there are often even people with the same talent, but they can The higher the level, the higher the level, the enemy will be killed, but generally speaking, the higher the level, the stronger the strength.

The two highly talented half-star level terror masters from the North Group have both reached the mid-level half-star level. Although the top leaders of the Tianhe force and several other forces are also highly gifted, they have only entered the half-star level for the first time. That's why they suppressed him to death.

But that 'Moke' in the sky was not even a half-star level, let alone a junior or senior level. Facing him, the two great masters of the Northern Regiment were like a mouse seeing a cat, they almost bowed to him.

"Very well, you, the Northern Team, are willing not to hold me accountable for my fault."

Jia Yan, who was in the sky, seemed very satisfied after hearing that the two masters were unwilling to hold him accountable.

But before the two masters below could show their joy, his tone suddenly changed again!

"Since you, the Bei Tuan, are unwilling to pursue the case, I will tell you how many major responsibilities I will hold you accountable for."

"Uh, Sir Moke, do you want to hold us accountable? Why."

"Tell me, I, Mo Ke, was busy with my affairs, but you subordinates actually intercepted me that day, which prevented me from completing the production of an artificial black hole on time, which almost affected my subsequent battle with the Disciple Regiment. You said, this Is it a big responsibility?”

"Also, your Bei Tuan investigated my killings several times and talked about the murderer everywhere. Now everyone knows that it was me, Mo Ke, who killed the person. What will happen to my reputation in the future? I, Mo Ke, am not from your Bei Tuan. People, it would be too unpleasant to be called a murderer when you go out in the future."

"Tell me how to resolve these two responsibilities. If you don't give me Mo Ke justice today, I won't leave. It really can't be done. No matter how hard I try to damage my reputation, I will let you Bei Tuan and that fugitive I will kill you all and prove my innocence!"

Oh my God!

What Jia Yan said was too unreasonable.

As for the previous point, it is said that he was worried about making a man-made black hole, which is probably nonsense. With his strength, if he wanted to destroy those weak subordinates back then, wouldn't it be time for him to blow his breath? How much time could he be worried about?

As for the latter point, that's even more ridiculous. If he hadn't jumped out now, who would have known that he killed the person. Even the reputation is almost a joke. What kind of reputation does Mo Ke have now? Everyone is calling him crazy. Compared with The title of murderer is no better.

What's more, destroying Beituan can prove innocence? Where to find the truth!

"Here, look for Shuyuan Mr. Mo Ke, I apologize for your loss. Let's do this. If you want our Bei Tuan to do anything, please tell us directly."

The top leaders of the two Northern Regiments finally understood that Mo Ke came here just for blackmail.

But they couldn't give in. Although they seemed to be facing a junior level, in fact, as neighbors, they understood how terrifying this Mo Ke was.

Even the Disciple Group was wiped out, and they, the Northern Group, couldn't afford to offend.

"Very good, then I will send you a list. These are some supplies that I am in short supply of recently. If you can help me a little bit, I will be merciful and will not hold you responsible."

Jia Yan said calmly, and then sent a piece of information from the Zhinao terminal to the Beituan external liaison terminal.

"They are all high-grade minerals and energy, this..."

The two high-level officials of the Northern Regiment almost vomited blood when they saw the list of items sent by Jia Yan. You must know that the value of these items is not low.

But for the sake of power, they endured it.

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