When everyone was thousands of miles away from everyone, Jiang Xuan stopped and said to everyone: "Among those strong people who came in earlier than you,

There are also people who are unwilling to reveal their true origins. They just do some shameful things. You can tell them. If you don’t tell them, you will die. If you tell them, you may still live. "

As soon as these words came out, the pupils of the ten strong men shrank instantly.

Obviously, no one expected that Jiang Xuan would know everything about the fact that he and others were not successfully marked with the mark of their home planet.

In desperation, everyone spoke one after another.

Listening to everyone telling their stories, even a strong man like Jiang Xuan, who had fought all the way up, felt angry.

In the end, according to Jiang Xuan's innermost judgment, six of the strong men were killed immediately.

As for the other four, just like the first one, they all punished each other. After being completely promoted, they went to the city and kept killing insect soldiers.

When these four powerful men were successfully marked with their home planet, Jiang Xuan discovered a strange problem.

That's because for some reason, Jiang Xuan felt that Xiao Jiang Lan seemed to have gained a little weight.

On the other hand, Xiao Jiang Lan was also feeling dizzy at this time. After successfully marking everyone with the mark of their home star, he ignored Jiang Xuan and disappeared.

Jiang Xuan couldn't figure out what was going on with the little guy, and finally he could only start thinking.

In the first three batches, a total of thirty-eight strong men were successfully marked with the mark of their home star. This time, of the fifty people, thirty-five were successful.

This terrifying penetration ratio made Jiang Xuan instantly think of the other two giant starry cities.

No wonder Xiao Jianglan said at the beginning that Blue Star had been riddled with holes.

You must know that the powerful people who can come to Starry Sky North City have all been screened by the Human Emperor and the Azure Dragon Beast Emperor. Even so, the ratio is still so terrifying.

But at this time, there were nearly two hundred strong men outside Starry Sky North City.

In desperation, Jiang Xuan could only go to the entrance to screen again, but Jiang Xuan had to control the number of people coming in.

Otherwise, a war may break out in an instant.

At this time, everyone at the bottom of the Great Fissure in Norway had been waiting for nearly a day after fifty people entered.

Obviously, everyone thought that the energy of the giant city should be insufficient, so everyone gave up hope.

But the next second, Jiang Xuan's figure appeared at the entrance.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Lan and Shangguan Hong gave Jiang Xuan a vague look.

Jiang Xuan nodded slightly calmly.

The next second, Jiang Xuan said directly: "Most of the powerful people have not fallen into deep promotion. I think there are about a hundred or so of you here, all of whom are in the late stage of Beast Emperor.

Let’s all come in and try together. As for the strong ones who have already reached the peak of Beast Emperor, please wait a little longer. "

At this moment, Jiang Xuan no longer waited for anyone's reaction. He just nodded to Shangguan Hong and Emperor Lan and went directly into the entrance.

This group of people included Wu Gu, A Yao, Hayao Miyazaki and others!

At this time, many strong men outside, as soon as they heard that they still had a chance, followed Jiang Xuan and burrowed into the giant city.

But those strong men who had successfully broken through to the peak of the Beast Emperor had begun to stare at Jiang Xuan with confusion as he disappeared.

When more than a hundred strong men first entered Starry Sky North City, they met more than eighty strong men headed by Jiang Xuan.

At this time, Jiang Xuan no longer wanted to talk nonsense with everyone, and went straight to the point: "The smell of blood is to kill the Zerg spies.

Now, you go directly to the city wall, absorb energy, and open your source. If there are too many questions, don’t ask! "

For a moment, the huge crowd suddenly became restless!

But Jiang Xuan and others had already blocked the entrance after everyone came in.

In desperation, many strong men could only fly towards the giant city and begin to absorb energy.

As for the little fat guy Jiang Lan, when everyone started to absorb energy, he appeared as promised and quickly marked everyone with the mark of their home planet!

At this time, Jiang Xuan stared at the one hundred and twenty-two strong men with calm eyes, and began to think about what was going on with the little Jiang Lan jumping up and down in the crowd.

With an average of about two minutes for a strong person to brand his origin, it took Xiao Jianglan nearly four hours to screen everyone.

At this time, Xiao Jianglan had completely transformed from being slightly chubby to a chubby little one.

The other party swayed and walked to Jiang Xuan as if he was drunk, and said in a low voice: "Twenty-two strong men have already possessed the origin of the Zerg race.

Now, it's just them, and thirty other guys, ignoring me, it's so annoying! "

After the other party finished speaking, he instantly turned into a point of light and penetrated into Jiang Xuan's eyebrows, looking a little impatient.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan looked at Bai Shen and others, thought for a while, and then started transmitting messages to the more than seventy strong men behind him.

Jiang Xuan must ensure that among the twenty-two strong men, they will kill each other directly at the same time.

After a while, after Jiang Xuan arranged the targets for everyone to kill, he whispered: "Get ready."


The moment Jiang Xuan said the word "kill", more than 70 strong men behind Jiang Xuan exploded at the same time.

Yes, at this moment, Jiang Xuan, for the sake of safety, chose to fight directly with everyone!

For a moment, when the hundreds of strong men in front of them were aware of it, twenty-two late-stage Beast Emperor masters were instantly killed at the same time.

Before anyone could ask, the sharp-eyed man noticed the situation instantly and spoke quickly.

Because everyone is too familiar with some of the Zerg's body parts and body parts.

In addition, everyone has been successfully imprinted by Xiao Jianglan, and for a while, everyone has a sense of belonging at the same time.

Combining several reasons, everyone gradually began to believe Jiang Xuan.

After all, the more than 70 strong men behind Jiang Xuan are examples. If Jiang Xuan really has any problem, how come there are so many strong men who believe in him?

Seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Jiang Xuan directly named the thirty strong men who were unwilling to reveal their origins, and flew into the distance just like the previous times.

Many new strong men who came in looked at Jiang Xuan who led thirty strong men away, and they all had doubts.

On the other hand, other strong men also began to answer everyone's questions.

However, less than ten minutes after Jiang Xuan and others had left, a battle broke out in the giant city's defense line thousands of miles away.

For a moment, everyone only felt bursts of roaring energy, resounding through the sky!

Half a day later!

Of the thirty strong men who originally went with them, only five came back.

As for the fate of other strong men, it is self-evident!

Of the one hundred and twenty-two strong men, only seventy-five successfully passed the screening. This ratio once again illustrates the severity of other giant starry cities!

Chapter 212 Eliminate the Peak of Beast Emperor

The five powerful men who flew over first were instantly surrounded by everyone.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"I wanted to have a chat with you, but why did the conversation lead to a fight?"

"Why are we looking for you?"


Listening to everyone's inquiries, the five powerful men kept silent and just stood silently with everyone.

A moment later, Jiang Xuan also flew over.

Looking at the one hundred and forty-eight strong men, Jiang Xuan thought for a moment and said directly: "Everyone, start absorbing energy now and advance to the peak of Beast Emperor.

The situation is as you can see. The seventy or eighty strong men outside are all at the peak of the Beast Emperor. I will give you three months.

At that time, I want to see that you have all reached the peak of Beast Emperor. In that case, we will be qualified to suppress the unrest! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Xingkong Beicheng, under Jiang Xuan's deliberate guidance, bursts of rich and pure energy spurted out instantly!

Everyone was surprised and quickly absorbed the energy that spewed out.

After all, in everyone's perception, it is impossible for Starry Sky North City to have so much energy.

But Jiang Xuan will definitely not tell everyone that these energies were stolen, uh, borrowed from the other two giant cities.

Looking at the people who had completely immersed themselves in the situation and begun to absorb the energy, Jiang Xuan also casually looked at Chen Yi and Gu Dong who were tens of thousands of kilometers away.

In fact, when Jiang Xuan was about to implement the plan, he had already moved the two of them to a corner of Starry Sky North City in advance.

After all, the current energy of the two of them is at level four, and any slightest move can kill them both.

Seeing that the two of them were staying quietly in the giant city tens of thousands of kilometers away, Jiang Xuan felt relieved and began to absorb energy.

For a moment, there was no sound in the already empty Starry Sky North City, and it was as quiet as an empty city.

Time passes slowly!

It wasn't until the thirteenth day after everyone absorbed the energy that strong people began to break through one after another.

For a time, the entire Starry Sky North City was filled with terrifying beast figures one after another!

Even two months later, the huge Starry Sky North City could no longer accommodate the bodies of many powerful people.

In desperation, Jiang Xuan could only order other strong men to go outside the giant city and start a breakthrough.

In the black mist, the Purple Crystal Insect Queen looked at the powerful man with a body of ten thousand meters outside the giant city, and swallowed hard.

Because the other party also knew that if he dared to step out of the black mist, even if he killed any strong man, the trading relationship established between him and Jiang Xuan would be broken in an instant.

Of course, this is also based on Jiang Xuan telling himself that there are still seventy or eighty peak beast emperors who have not yet been investigated.

After all, one Peak Beast Emperor has the energy and origin of dozens of late-stage Beast Emperors.

Until this day, all the strong men in Starry Sky North City had reached the peak of Beast Emperor!

Everyone stood quietly on top of the giant city, waiting for Jiang Xuan.

The next second, Jiang Xuan's eyes, which had not been opened for three months, suddenly opened with bright eyes, looked at everyone, and nodded.

At this time, Jiang Xuan was also very curious, because at this time, he no longer had any original power, so Jiang Xuan himself did not know how much energy he had absorbed.

In desperation, Jiang Xuan could only ask the little guy.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xuan called Xiao Jiang Lan several times from the bottom of his heart, and then the other party answered Jiang Xuan in a daze.

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