Finally, after Jiang Xuan and the little guy discussed some details, Jiang Xuan slowly woke up.


When Jiang Xuan completely woke up, the terrifying energy at the peak of the Beast Emperor caused a sandstorm to break out in the inner city of Starry Sky North City.

All the powerful people on the giant city were also attracted by Jiang Xuan's majestic Cang Yu Heng Emperor Turtle.

Ignoring everyone's observations, Jiang Xuan's ferocious thousand-meter head twisted casually and said to himself, "Attributes."

[Name: Jiang Xuan (Peak Beast Emperor). 】

[Race: Cangyu Hengdi Turtle. 】

[Original fluid: 0. 】

[Upgrade requirements: 1. 】

[Explosive kill: Level 13.1. 】

[Shock Thorn: Level 2.1. 】

[Taunt: Level 5. 】

[Swallow: Level 1. 】

[Original Power: Time (Level 1.)]

[Ultimate Evolution: Kill the Beast King ×100 (achieved), kill the Level 6 Beast King ×50 (achieve), kill the Level 7 Beast King ×10 (achieve). Killed 3 Level 8 Beast Emperors (achieved). Kill the ninth-level beast god x1. (Reward: Ancestral Star Turtle Bloodline)]

Although he had already guessed, when Jiang Xuan saw with his own eyes that if he could be promoted to Beast God, he would really need a drop of source liquid, he still shook his head helplessly.

After all, Jiang Xuan now doesn't even know what the source liquid is or what it looks like.

The next second, in the eyes of all the powerful people in Starry Sky North City, Jiang Xuan instantly transformed into a human form, with a somewhat indifferent expression, and glanced at the people on the giant city.

At this time, Bai Shen has absorbed enough energy and is ready to break through to the peak of Beast Emperor.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan immediately sent a message to Bai Shen and others, and told them all the ins and outs of the origin mark without reservation.

After listening, Bai Shen immediately wondered: "We were originally born from the Blue Star, why would we betray our home star?

I will always follow you, no matter how you brand it, I will fully cooperate with you. "

Rongsu, Miao, Bayin, Guihun, Shijian and several others also agreed.

Wu Daode, on the other hand, said with some trepidation: "There is nothing to say about the brand, but can you help us ask the will of our home star? After the strength increases in the future,

Can I go to the depths of the starry sky to exchange technology with other technological races? "

And Xiao Jiang Lan, who had been following Jiang Xuan, immediately said to Jiang Xuan: "It's just the source mark, not a cage.

They can go wherever they want. Of course, if our family is in trouble, they must come back as soon as possible.

After all, if their origin imprint is on Blue Star, their roots will be here. "

Later, Jiang Xuan conveyed Jiang Lan's words to Wu Daode.

Finally, under the guidance of the little guy, Jiang Xuan said to Bai Shen: "You start to break through. During the breakthrough, there will be a traction energy. Don't resist.

The other party will bring you into a space. I don’t know the specific circumstances. "

Seeing this, Bai Shen immediately nodded, and immediately turned into his true body on the giant city and began to break through.

And Jiang Xuan's eyes instantly fell on Bai Shen's body.

The moment the opponent started to break through, Jiang Xuan sensed Xiao Jiang Lan's aura, which flashed on Bai Shen's body.

Jiang Xuan understood that Bai Shen should have been drawn into the void space at this time.

But in less than a minute, the aura of the mother star's will on Bai Shen's body disappeared instantly.

On the other hand, Bai Shen was completely immersed and began to break through.

For a moment, Jiang Xuan was a little confused and began to call the little guy in his heart.

"Jiang Lan, is this okay? What's going on?"

The little guy's voice immediately responded in Jiang Xuan's mind: "What's the matter? He cooperated and let go of his roots. I just put a brand on it. That's all.

Could it be that, like you, you have been chatting with him for several months? Besides, he couldn’t understand what I said, so he was an idiot. "

Jiang Xuan: “…….”

In fact, what Jiang Xuan didn't know was that, unless there were any major accidents, under normal circumstances, all creatures in Blue Star would be willing to be contracted.

After all, this is my root, this planet is the place where I was born.

Seeing that Bai Shen had completely begun to break through to the peak of the Beast Emperor, Jiang Xuan turned to look at Rong Su and the others and said: "You have also begun to absorb the energy of the giant city.

When Bai Shen is successfully promoted, he will immediately make a breakthrough. "

For a moment, everyone was stunned. In the end, Mio couldn't help but said: "Absorb energy? Will we break through at the same time?"

Obviously, Miao and others are also afraid that there are traitors in Beicheng. If Jiang Xuan cannot handle it, big problems will occur.

But Jiang Xuan just said calmly: "Absorb the energy, I know it well."

For a moment, Rongsu and others didn't say anything, and immediately started to absorb energy according to Jiang Xuan's arrangement.

You know, all the energy in Starry Sky North City is controlled by Jiang Xuan.

The only thing Jiang Xuan was open to all the other strong men was to maintain his own energy, without investing too much.

If there is any strong person who wants to absorb a huge amount of Starry Sky Beicheng's energy, he cannot do so without Jiang Xuan's consent.

This is the tyranny of a city controller. It can be said that in any giant city, almost life and death are controlled by the leader of that giant city.

After all, if someone is fighting endlessly and suddenly, the controller of the giant city directly cuts off the opponent's energy supply, it is no different from killing the opponent.

Of course, neither Jiang Xuan nor the controllers of the other two cities would do this.

At this time, the giant city had accumulated hundreds of billions of energy in the two months since Jiang Xuan was promoted, enough for Rong Su and others to absorb it at the same time.

The most important thing is that the one million energy that will pop out almost every few seconds is still flowing continuously.

Chapter 201 You will lose this battle, but you will not lose

As Bai Shen began to break through, Jiang Xuan casually glanced at the many strong men in Beicheng and began to slowly absorb energy.

Of course, at this time, Jiang Xuan was not fully absorbing energy. After all, he still had to protect Bai Shen and others.

As for the many other strong men, none of them seemed to be abnormal at this time. They were still standing calmly on their respective lines of defense, ready to fight.

But Jiang Xuan understands that no one knows whether there is really a traitor here.

A few days later, Jiang Xuan seemed to feel something, and his eyes instantly looked towards the entrance of Xingkong North City.

I saw an extremely solid energy, like a needle thread, locked on Jiang Xuan.

On the other hand, there was nothing unusual among the others, and they obviously didn't notice anything. In other words, the other party didn't want everyone to notice them at all.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xuan immediately said to Uncle Fei: "Uncle, help protect Bai Shen and others. I'll be back soon."

After receiving Uncle Fei's affirmative reply, Jiang Xuan instantly turned into an afterimage and flew towards the entrance of Starry Sky North City.


Grand Canyon Crack!

When Jiang Xuan flew out of Xingkong North City, his eyes instantly searched the bottom of the sea.

"Stop looking. If I don't let you find out, it's useless for you to be blind."

Following the direction of the sound, Jiang Xuan immediately looked at the other party.

Human Emperor!

The Human Emperor, who had only met Jiang Xuan once, was standing in the sea with an unusually relaxed expression.

Seeing this, Jiang Xuan quickly flew towards the opponent.

"I've met the Human Emperor!"

At this time, the Human Emperor, looking at Jiang Xuan's neither humble nor arrogant expression, nodded with satisfaction and said: "I have been to your northern city, not bad.

The original energy is stronger than that in Starry Sky East City and mine. It seems that I guessed it right. "

At this time, Jiang Xuan remained silent, just looking at the other party quietly.

Seeing this, the Human Emperor chuckled and shook his head. Regardless of Jiang Xuan's mood at the moment, he spoke directly.

"The top new generation strong men in the two cities have almost been given away. Maybe before the decisive battle comes,

Another batch will be sent. In this battle, our Blue Star will lose, but you will not lose. By the way, if I and the Azure Dragon Beast Emperor are investigating, there are still some traitors,

You directly have the right to assign the other party to Starry Sky South City. If your Starry Sky North City is a narrow escape, Starry Sky South City is a ten-shot death. "

For some reason, this time the Human Emperor gave Jiang Xuan the feeling that he was no longer as domineering as before, but instead had the feeling of being left alone in his old age.

"Oh, by the way, if you want to break through the beast god, you must take a drop of the source liquid. Since you are with it, you should also know the source liquid.

The emperor took a drop of the complete source liquid back then, and now he is in the early stage of the Beast God. As for why I am said to be the Beast God, you will know later.

What I want to say is another thing, about the fact that I am still in the early stage of the Beast God after thousands of years. Do you know why? "

At this time, the Human Emperor was less composed and more free and easy.

The other party was already ready to say it, but looking at Jiang Xuan's tense expression, he changed the subject and started asking Jiang Xuan.

Suddenly hearing the Human Emperor ask himself, Jiang Xuan was also a little curious.

After all, with the talent of the Human Emperor, if the opponent has broken through to the Beast God, why can't he break through that small realm?

In desperation, Jiang Xuan couldn't figure it out and could only shake his head in the end.

"Haha, boy, don't you know there is something called the upper limit? On our home planet, the upper limit is the peak of the Beast Emperor. By chance, I broke through to the Beast God.

But it has already exceeded the upper limit of Blue Star's maximum strength, so it has stagnated. "

At this time, the Human Emperor finished explaining to Jiang Xuan. Looking at Jiang Xuan's expression of sudden realization, he actually had a "see if I'm good or not, praise me now" expression.

But when he noticed that Jiang Xuan only nodded slightly, the Human Emperor immediately said in a boring tone: "Young people should have the energy of young people, don't be like this all day long, it will be very tiring.

Okay, this battle, you watch it carefully, learn it carefully, just hold on to your Starry Sky North City, and let your elders dance the last song for you. "

After the other party finished speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave.

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