But the next second, Jiang Xuan was directly suppressed by the ten newly added insect emperors.

For a moment, Jiang Xuan could only concentrate on fighting with the thirty insect emperors on his side.

Chapter 162 Give me time to surpass the ancient strong man

As the number of insect emperors increased, Uncle Fei also began to focus his attention.

"Gah, my poison can still keep fighting."

"Kai, I don't believe it. Boss and Brother Bai can do it, why can't I? My fragments of hard armor are enough."



As the number of Insect Emperors increased, the fluctuations in the battle increased, and even on the towering city wall, the two of them were aware of it.

So the two of them hurried to the city wall, but due to their low strength and lack of perception, they couldn't sense what was happening below.

The two could only stare wide-eyed, barely able to vaguely see battles breaking out in several places below, with smoke and dust rising everywhere.

These Insect Emperors were already fighting to the death from the moment they were sent out by the Insect Queen to attack everyone.

In such a battle, the dangers of Jiang Xuan and others will be infinitely magnified.

Unconsciously, twenty days have passed since everyone started fighting.

Such a battle is indeed in line with the battle of an emperor-level powerhouse.

After all, in the past, Jiang Xuan and others were almost destroyed in their battles, and there was no way they could face such a high-powered opponent.

Twenty days of continuous fighting was a test for everyone's spirit, body, and energy.

At this moment, a flaw suddenly appeared on the stone shoulder that had grown to seventy Insect Emperors. In an instant, at least thirty Insect Emperors raised their sharp black scythes at the same time.

Seeing this, the fog bugs around Uncle Fei immediately went over and wrapped up the stone shoulder.

And the insect queen in the black mist has obviously been watching everyone's performance during these twenty days.

Seeing that Shi Jian was completely defeated, the insect queen instantly sent out energy fluctuations.

The seventy Insect Emperors missing arms and legs were quickly summoned into the black mist by the Insect Queen.

It seemed that Shi Jian's defeat made the other people unable to hold on any longer. For a while, everyone was defeated one after another and was rescued by Uncle Fei.

Eightyin, seventy insect emperors.

Mio, eighty insect emperors.

On the contrary, Rongsu, the big brother who once controlled the million-mile sea area, has seventy of them even before Miodo.

For a moment, Rongsu couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

When Bai Shen was the controller, he was the number one existence under Bai Shen, but now he was surpassed by Mio.

Ghosts faint, seventy insect emperors.

After everyone left the battlefield, they immediately looked towards the last two battlefields.

And the fluctuations in the battle there were the most terrifying in the whole place.

At this time, Jiang Xuan and Bai Shen seemed to be competing with each other. Both of them had increased their number to one hundred and twenty Insect Emperors.

This kind of strength is obviously much stronger than Mio and others.

I saw the battlefield where Bai God was, and I couldn't see Bai God's true body at all.

Everyone could only barely use their senses to discover that among the many insect emperors, there was a stream of energy that was traveling rapidly.

On the contrary, where Jiang Xuan was, the battle was fierce.

Terrifying impacts, tearing, and "choking~" sounds came in an endless stream.

Even Uncle Fei couldn't help but sigh: "It's really tough."

At this time, Jiang Xuan couldn't express his pain.

It is true that my defense is strong enough, but the pain of being cut on my body is also true.

Even the power transmitted through his turtle shell into his internal organs made Jiang Xuan feel like his internal organs were out of place.

I saw two streams of strong energy in the giant city at this time, madly throwing towards the battlefield where Jiang Xuan and Bai Shen were.

Of the two battlefields, one was hard enough and the other was fast enough that it was impossible to tell the winner for a while.

Everyone could also see that it was not only Bai Shen who was competing with Jiang Xuan, but Jiang Xuan was also competing with Bai Shen.

"Fight it, your boss doesn't want to lose face?" Jiang Xuan yelled.

Then he said directly to the black mist: "Add more."

In an instant, when he heard Jiang Xuan's voice, Bai Shen's fighting rhythm was disrupted, and he was immediately locked onto dozens of black scythes and chopped down.

Seeing that all his routes had been completely blocked, Bai Shen had no choice but to withdraw from the battlefield in a flash.

Bai Shen, one hundred and twenty insect emperors.

At this time, Bai Shen ignored his own injuries and immediately looked at Jiang Xuan.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xuan was defeated immediately after ten insect emperors rushed out of the black mist and joined the battlefield.

Jiang Xuan, one hundred and thirty insect emperors.

Seeing this, the insect queen in the black mist directly ordered all the insect emperors to return to the black mist, and said: "In the past few days, I will sneak into the stars,

And enter the East City, find a way to find another insect queen, the time should be two months, you should prepare. "

Seeing all the insect emperors returning to the black mist, Uncle Fei thought for a while and said directly to the people who had turned into human forms.

"Eighty-one Insect Emperors were the standard of strength tested by our ancient strong men back then. However, because this generation lacks spiritual energy and origin, the overall strength of all the little guys in this generation will also be low. You are already very good. .”

As soon as Uncle Fei finished speaking, except for Miao, the others began to frown. In desperation, he comforted him: "Don't be discouraged.

Because the last time spiritual energy was revived, that was the group more than two thousand years ago, their entry standard was only ten peak insect emperors. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone's psychology was barely balanced.

Only then did Uncle Fei look at Bai Shen and Jiang Xuandao: "Uncle, my strength test back then was a hundred Insect Emperors.

Don't say anything about how powerful this madman's soldiers are. In ancient times, the strength of those insect emperors was almost the same as these insect emperors. "

As if he felt that he was a little too harsh, Uncle Fei smiled and continued to Jiang Xuan and Bai Shen: "You two are better than me, not bad."

Seeing this, Bai Shen immediately became arrogant, and even Jiang Xuan was a little excited.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, Uncle Fei changed the subject and immediately said: "From ancient times to the present, the strongest strongman has a record of one hundred and ninety-nine, and even that strongman has a strongman under his command. "

Everyone was stunned, and even Bai Shen's arrogant expression immediately restrained, waiting for Uncle Fei's next words.

Noticing the changes in Jiang Xuan and Bai Shen, Uncle Fei nodded slightly and continued: "He has a good heart. The challenger of the One Hundred and Ninety Insect Emperor is the Human Emperor."

After the other party finished speaking, he looked at Bai Shen and asked with some curiosity: "Are all the people named Bai so powerful? The human that the Emperor brought back then,

It seems to be a general in the human world. His name is Bai Qi. In a battle more than two thousand years ago, the opponent was defeated by all the strong men.

He was called the God of Killing because he guarded a giant city a million miles away by himself, blocking one of the most important strongholds back then. His sword energy spanned a million miles and he could kill tens of billions of insects by himself. "

As soon as the words fell, everyone felt a surge of passion filling their bodies instantly.

On the other hand, Bai Shen's fighting spirit was already overwhelming.

After Jiang Xuan listened to Uncle Fei's calm narration, he said solemnly: "Give me time, and I will surpass the strong men of ancient times."

Bai Shen also looked at Miao and others, and said word by word: "No need to envy the God of Death, give me time, I will surpass the God of Death."

Such domineering and firm tone made even Uncle Fei, who was explaining to the crowd, a little moved.

Chapter 163 Cultural Man

The firmness and unyielding spirit of everyone made Uncle Fei even more satisfied with everyone.

"Hahaha, that's right. Where there's a will, there's a way. Now the top priority is, shouldn't you heal your wounds first?"

After Uncle Fei finished speaking, he waved his hands gracefully and flew towards the giant city first.

Seeing this, everyone quickly followed him.

In the next few days, everyone stayed on the city wall, quietly recovering their energy.

And prepare for a new round of war two months later.

This afternoon, everyone who was absorbing energy suddenly opened their eyes and looked into the deepest part of the city.

Since everyone entered the North City from Norway, everyone has set up energy sensors at the entrance to the giant city.

But today, everyone's energy was actually mobilized.

This also indicates that someone has come in from Beicheng again.

You know, Beicheng has been closed for a long time, and it is not an exaggeration to call it a place of exile.

But someone came in again, and everyone began to speculate.

At this time, at the entrance to the North City, a man about 20 years old, wearing a luxurious suit and gold-rimmed glasses, was escorted to the giant city by two people, and then the two strong men returned directly.

According to Jiang Xuan's perception, the two escorting men were obviously members of the Xicheng Najin Team.

After all, all the gold team's costumes are exactly the same.

At this time, Jiang Xuan and others were all observing the man with gold-rimmed glasses.

The other party's gentle and elegant temperament, with a black metal piece in his right hand, looked very much like those successful people.

The man adjusted his glasses with his hands, looked at the deserted Beicheng, and walked helplessly towards the giant city where Jiang Xuan and others were.

"The opponent is a ferocious beast, at the peak level of the Beast King." Bai Shen suddenly said.

The man who everyone was observing at this time did not panic at all and was still approaching Beicheng quickly.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Xuan and others looked at each other and flew directly into the city.

The man who was walking and observing Beicheng suddenly noticed several waves of energy appearing in front of him, and stood directly on the spot.

"Who are you?"

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