[Note: 1 million evolution points can be exchanged for 0.001% will compatibility].

[Ultimate Evolution: Kill the Beast King ×100 (achieved), kill the Level 6 Beast King ×50 (achieve), kill the Level 7 Beast King ×10 (achieve). Kill eight level beast emperors x3. Kill the ninth-level beast god x1. (Reward: Ancestral Star Turtle bloodline)].

[Talented magical powers: explosive killing, stinging, taunting, devouring, will awakening (time acceleration, time suspension, time reversal.)]

Because he has absorbed the Beast Emperors and Beast Lords from the Romantic Kingdom, Jiang Xuan at this time, as long as he is willing,

He could break through the Beast Emperor in the next moment, but because the prophecy told him the truth of the matter, Jiang Xuan could only postpone his plan to be promoted to the Beast Emperor for a while.


As the Dragon Kingdom spread the news to the Ape King and others, the powerful Dragon Kingdoms around the world also began to spread the news to other countries.

For a while. No one in the world knows what kind of medicine Jiang Xuan sells in his gourd.

However, due to the strength of Jiang Xuan and Long Guo, the strong men from all over Blue Star still obeyed Jiang Xuan.

What is worth mentioning is that the day after Jiang Xuan began to spread the news to all parts of the world, Lan in the deep sea also began to issue orders to the four oceans.

The general meaning is the same, but the other party is very domineering and only tells all the ocean beasts that those who reach the peak of the Beast King must go to the North Mu Da Triangle.

In fact, Jiang Xuan can also understand why the other party issued such a necessary order.

It's a major matter related to Blue Star, so there can't be any carelessness.

After hearing Beimu Nalan's order for the first time, Jiang Xuan also urgently revised the order.

He also imitated that Lan's tone and began to issue new orders to various countries.

For a time, the powerful Beast Emperors all over the world were a little confused.

It was not until five days after Jiang Xuan's unquestionable order was issued that the Eagle King of the Beautiful Kingdom finally decided to go to the Dragon Kingdom to take a look.

After all, the Eagle King at this time is already the peak beast king.

At noon that day, Jiang Xuan, who had been closing his eyes tightly to absorb the energy of heaven and earth, suddenly opened his eyes.

I saw the Eagle King in the distance flying towards Jiang Xuan quickly.

After the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, Jiang Xuan told the Eagle Emperor what he knew.

When the other party heard this, he broke into cold sweat for a moment, almost exactly the same as Jiang Xuan's expression when he heard the news.

In the end, after the two discussed it, the Eagle Emperor quickly returned to the beautiful country.

On the second day after the Eagle Emperor returned to Beautiful Country, orders from the Eagle Emperor were also spread throughout Blue Star.

The other party's words were exactly the same as Jiang Xuan's. They said that as long as they broke through the peak of the Beast King, they must go to the Dragon Kingdom's Xianling Forest.

After explaining all the powerful men in his country, the Eagle Emperor flew towards the Dragon Kingdom again.

Obviously, the Xianling Forest has become a gathering place for all the strongest beast kings in Blue Star.

On the tenth day when the Eagle Emperor came to the Xianling Forest, Uncle Fei returned to the Xianling Forest at a lightning speed.

The other party looked at the Eagle Queen and directly sent a message to Jiang Xuan: "Xiao Xuanzi, uncle, I'm going to Starry Sky East City. Remember, you don't have much time.

The rules set back then were that the Zerg would launch an attack a hundred years after the spiritual energy was revived. Now you can calculate how many years are left. "

After the other party briefly explained a few words, he finally looked at the lake at the core of the Xianling Forest with some nostalgia, and then flew towards Mount Tai without hesitation.

And Uncle Fei's last words echoed in Jiang Xuan's mind for a long time.

"Remember, this battle is not yours."

Looking at Uncle Fei's retreating figure, Jiang Xuan fell into deep thought again.

According to Uncle Fei, it has actually been fifty years since the spiritual energy was revived. In addition to the explosion of nearly ten years,

In other words, there are only less than forty years left for the Zerg invasion.

Before the black dragon left, he told himself that this battle is no longer between you and me, but between humans.

When Uncle Fei left, he also told himself that this battle was not about Jiang Xuan and others.

For a moment, Jiang Xuan couldn't find any clue. He didn't know what the two ancient strong men meant.

In the end, Jiang Xuan could only sit on the floor again and began to slowly absorb the energy of heaven and earth.

With the absorption, Jiang Xuan's evolution points are also slowly increasing bit by bit.

In the distance, Turtle Father, Turtle Mother and his brothers and sisters secretly looked at Jiang Xuan and others from time to time.

It wasn't until a month later that Bai Shen successfully broke through to the middle stage of Beast King.

Shi Jian and Rong Su also successfully broke through to the Beast King.

In the end, after some discussion, several people said goodbye to Jiang Xuan directly, and took Bayin and the others to eliminate the parasitized strong men around the world.

Earn spiritual crystals for everyone to break through.

After Bai Shen and others left, only Jiang Xuan and Ying Huang, the two peak beast kings, were left in the core of the Xianling Forest.

Seeing that the Eagle Emperor had closed his eyes tightly from beginning to end, absorbing the energy between heaven and earth and accumulating his own strength, Jiang Xuan also fell into practice.

However, Baishen and the others had just walked out of the Xianling Forest for three days.

A deafening sound resounded through the Xianling Forest.

"Hahaha, Emperor Xuan, oh, Emperor Eagle is here too? Do you miss me, old bear?"

Chapter 130 The head is gone again

Hearing Xiong Mu's voice, Jiang Xuan and Ying Huang opened their eyes at the same time and looked outside the Xianling Forest.

In a moment, Xiong Mun's appearance like a golden-haired lion king appeared in the eyes of Jiang Xuan and others.

"You're well, Emperor Xuan, Emperor Ying." Xiong Mu said.

After sensing the opponent's cultivation level, the Eagle Emperor said: "You guys have actually broken through to the peak of the Beast Emperor."

Xiong Mu's eyes widened and he said with some displeasure: "What's wrong? Why can't I stop it? If it weren't for Emperor Xuan's help, your ruined country would have been gone long ago. I can't be the last to take over?"

Jiang Xuan watched the two bickering and thought about it, and it was indeed what Xiong Mu said.

Although the Eagle Emperor was initially higher in cultivation than Xiong Mu, due to the harassment of the Blood Bat Beast Emperor in recent years, his strength was indeed somewhat affected.

On the other hand, Xiong Mu, although there are parasitic strong men in his country, the overall situation is still in Xiong Mu's hands.

Later, Jiang Xuan told Xiong Mu again what he knew.

The other party was very happy and sent notices to all parts of the world in the name of the leader of the Bear Country.

At this time, the orders of the three peak beast kings, even if they are at the same level, must be weighed carefully.

While chatting, Xiong Mu suddenly said: "By the way, Xuan Emperor, Yamata-no-Orochi has also been promoted to the peak of the Beast Emperor. When I came, I sensed his energy."

Hearing Xiong Mu's words, Jiang Xuan and Ying Huang stared at Xiong Mu in surprise.

"Is this true?"


Jiang Xuan and the others immediately asked seriously.

Xiong Mu also knew the seriousness of the matter and immediately said: "I can guarantee it."

At this moment, Jiang Xuan fell into doubt.

Logically speaking, Yamata no Orochi has been ripped off by me several times. Where did he get so many spiritual crystals that he could reach the peak of the Beast King?

Of course, Jiang Xuan would definitely not doubt the other party's talent.

After all, no matter how good the Yamata no Orochi is, it is also an ancient bloodline.

After a quick discussion, the three of them sent a message directly to Sakura Country. The general meaning was that if they did not come to the Senling Forest in three days, they would not have the eight heads of the other party.

The Yamata-no-Orochi, who was far away at Shin-Shin Yasuki Shrine in Sakura Country, received simultaneous orders from Jiang Xuan and the other three, and instantly became furious.

"It's too much to bully a snake."

The opponent's energy, which belonged exclusively to the Beast King, instantly filled the entire Sakura Country.

Until the evening of the third day, Yamata no Orochi once again destroyed the Shinshin Jingqi Shrine, and its energy violently turned into an afterimage and flew towards the Dragon Kingdom.

The three Jiang Xuan people who were far away in the Dragon Kingdom saw that it was getting late and were about to catch the Yamata-no-Orochi themselves, but the other party had already appeared on the eastern coastline.

But for some reason, the other party was reluctant to step into the territory of the Dragon Kingdom.

Even if Jiang Xuan gave the order, this guy would not get in.

In desperation, Jiang Xuan and the others flew directly out of the Xianling Forest.

Eastern coastline!

At this time, Yamata no Orochi was staring at Long Guo cautiously, his eyes wandering, not knowing what he was thinking.

The next moment, the energy of Jiang Xuan and the others appeared in Yamata no Orochi's perception, and they approached extremely quickly.

For a moment, Yamata no Orochi felt a faint chill on his neck. He resisted the urge to run away and stared in the direction of Jiang Xuan and the others with wary eyes.

"Haha, Baqi Chongchong, our Three Emperors have been telling you for three days, but you delayed coming until the end. What do you mean?"

Before the people arrived, Xiong Mu directly mobilized his energy and said to Yamata no Orochi.

In a moment, the three of them quickly flew a thousand meters away from Yamata no Orochi and stopped.

"You are the peak beast king, and so is I. Why should I listen to you?" Yamata no Orochi said in a stern and reserved tone.

Obviously, Yamata no Orochi also has his own plan. He is also the peak beast king. Since he dares to come, he is sure to escape intact.

"Haha, okay, let's get down to business." Jiang Xuandao.

In the end, a few people were on the coast of Dragon Kingdom and told Yamata no Orochi the reason. Unexpectedly, this guy was very panicked.

In the next second, it transformed into a body several kilometers long, and shouted loudly: "Behead me quickly."

However, this time, Jiang Xuan and the other three did not move. They just stared at this guy curiously, wondering what kind of trouble Yamata no Orochi was going to do.

Seeing that Jiang Xuan and the others were unmoved, this guy actually blew five heads off himself.

For a time, the smell of blood quickly filled the east coast of Dragon Kingdom.

"Are you crazy?" Eagle Emperor said.

Yamata no Orochi, with only three heads left, and six huge vertical pupils, was a little weak, but he still said: "It almost caused a catastrophe.

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