[Swallowing blue soul grass, evolution value +0.01]

[Swallowing blue soul grass, evolution value +0.01]


During the patrol, Qin Ye devoured blue grass again, but the result disappointed him.

"After you become stronger, if you eat them again, you will get very little evolution value."

He looked at the blue grass around him. They all grew around the pool, and the number of blue grass was very small.

"If you eat like this, you won't be able to save much evolution value at all."

Qin Ye was troubled.

But there were more solutions than difficulties, and he began to look for other alternatives.

"Aquatic plants, blue grass and blood wolves will give me evolution points if I eat them."

"Some of them are common plants themselves."

"In this case, does eating other plants give evolutionary value?"

Qin Ye moved forward in thought.

"You can try this black tree."

Qin Ye came to a black tree, hesitated for a moment, opened his mouth and gnawed, and with a sharp sound, he bit off a piece of bark.

Fortunately, he had an amazing bite force and sharp teeth, and the dry bark was easily broken by him as if it were tofu skin.

"So bitter and astringent."

Qin Ye frowned, chewed, and then swallowed it.

[Swallowing the Black Shadow Tree, Evolution Value +0.01]

"Sure enough, it's worthy of evolution."

Qin Ye's eyes lit up, and he grabbed the black tree and started chewing it, regardless of whether it tasted bad or not.

Although the evolution value given is very small, it cannot resist the large number.

After a while, the palm-thick black tree, more than ten meters high, was completely eaten by him, even the roots.

I don’t know how his stomach grew, but there was nothing wrong with it.

"Not bad. Eat a tree and save 52 evolution points."

Qin Ye was very satisfied, turned around and looked around, hey, there is a black tree on the left.

He ran over and saw a tuft of black grass halfway. Without any hesitation, he opened his mouth and gnawed on it.

[Swallowing black grass, evolution value +0.01]

[Swallowing black grass, evolution value +0.01]

"It seems that as long as it is a plant, eating it will give you evolutionary points."

Qin Ye was a little excited.

After he finished chewing the tuft of black grass, he walked to the side and forward, where there was a dark tree.

Without saying anything, he opened his mouth and started chewing.

[Swallowing the Black Shadow Tree, Evolution Value +0.01]

[Swallowing the Black Shadow Tree, Evolution Value +0.01]


Qin Ye became more and more excited as he ate. Looking around, there were plants everywhere.

"It's all evolution value!"

Qin Ye laughed and went straight to the next battlefield.

After a while, the dark trees growing around the pool fell down one after another and disappeared.

Not only the black shade trees, but also the bluegrass and some unknown flowers and plants also disappeared.

They were all swallowed by Qin Ye and turned into evolutionary values.

Two hours later...

Qin Ye lay on a pile of blue grass and burped.

"It can be considered as a full accumulation of 500 evolution points."

For the first time, he experienced what it was like to feel tired even after eating.

Here comes the prompt.

【Do you want to start evolving?】

Qin Ye thought for a while, walked to a big rock, dug a hole, and jumped in before choosing yes.


The Nether Blood Turtle lying in the pit was about one meter in size. This time it grew bigger again, reaching the size of one meter three to four meters.

The head resembles a snapping turtle, but its appearance remains unchanged.

The densely packed sharp teeth in the mouth are not only tougher and sharper, but also have some barbs that are invisible to the naked eye.

The skin color of the whole body was still black with blood lines, but black moss appeared on the turtle shell.

If Qin Ye lay still, he would be like a stone covered with black moss, and he would be very concealed.

"Let's see what new skills we have."

Qin Ye was very excited and opened the evolution panel.

[Race: Youmu Turtle]

[Realm: Initial Stage Four]

[Skills: Sprint, Bite, Perception, Grass Shield]

[Talent: color changing (can change color according to the surrounding environment)]

[Evolution value: 0/1000]

"Grass shield?"

Qin Ye looked confused and immediately used a new skill on the spot.

Immediately, he understood the effect of this skill.

When the grass shield is used, the black moss on the turtle shell will continue to grow and cover the turtle shell densely.

This obviously increases defense capabilities.

"not bad."

Qin Ye grinned, gathered his mood, and was about to get up, but stopped.

He stared at the black mud at his feet and had some thoughts.

“Can soil be eaten?”

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Qin Ye had already opened his mouth and took a mouthful of mud.

Then he spat it out.

"It's a pity that no evolution value is given."

Qin Ye sighed, but he did not give up. He raised his head and stared at the big rock next to him.


He opened his mouth like an apple, bit off a piece from the big stone, chewed it, swallowed it halfway, and spit it out again.

"Stones don't give evolution value either."

Qin Ye fell into deep thought and began to review his previous experiences.

Finally he got it.

"Eating naturally dead things will not give you any evolutionary value."

Qin Ye was thoughtful.

Along the way, everything he ate was plants, which were alive.

Although the blood wolf was killed by him, it was not a naturally dead creature. After eating it, you can gain evolutionary points.

On the contrary, stones and soil are naturally dead creatures, and eating them will not give you any evolutionary value.

"Be careful next time and don't chew on everything."

After thinking about it, Qin Ye climbed out of the pit and continued patrolling.

When you pass by flowers, plants and trees, you open your mouth and eat them.

"Hey, there is a cluster of blood flowers here, take a bite."

"These densely packed wild fruits are like pellets. They are so bright. Take a bite."

"Um... I'm a little dizzy. You can't eat this stuff. It's poisonous."

"This big blood-red tree is so strange, take a bite."

Qin Ye enjoyed the meal very much.

All the plants growing around the pool were eaten by him.

It's noon, and the dark sky is a little brighter, but it's still depressing.

Qin Ye lay on a stone and burped.

"I'm so tired from eating."

Although he was tired, it was worth it. He was very excited because he had accumulated 1,000 points of evolution points again.

【Do you want to start evolving?】

As soon as the prompt came out, Qin Ye skillfully jumped into the big pit under the stone and chose yes.


During this evolution, the body size has become larger again, from 1.34 meters to 2 meters, like a rock.

The head resembles that of a snapping turtle, and its appearance remains the same, but as its size increases, it becomes a bit more ferocious.

The densely packed sharp teeth in the mouth are already covered with densely packed barbed teeth.

The skin color of the whole body was originally black with blood lines, but with evolution, the two have merged.

A brownish-red texture is formed, which is no longer delicate, but rough, as dry as tree bark.

They cover the entire body, including the turtle's shell, and appear rough and thick-skinned.

The black moss on the turtle shell is even denser.

If the limbs and head are retracted into the turtle shell, it is like moss growing on the stone.

"It's getting bigger."

Qin Ye sighed and opened the evolution panel.

[Race: Hades Stone Tree Turtle]

[Realm: Initial Stage Five]

[Skills: Sprint, Bite, Perception, Grass Shield, Rolling]

[Talent: color changing (can change color according to the surrounding environment)]

[Evolution value: 0/5000]

“What does rolling mean?”

Qin Ye smashed his mouth and immediately activated it.

In an instant, his turtle shell turned over involuntarily, then stood up, and at the same time began to roll forward.

"Fuck, my head hasn't gone in yet, it hurts!"

Qin Ye's head, limbs and tail were still outside the turtle shell. As soon as the turtle shell turned, he was crushed and screamed.

Thanks to his rough skin and thick flesh, he was not crushed to death by the gravity of the turtle shell.

But he also suffered a big loss, and he kept screaming in pain.

Fortunately, he reacted in time and quickly retracted into the turtle shell.

Without the hindrance of the limbs, head and tail, the turtle shell rolls faster.

Since this is a pit, there is also a slope beside the pit.

A shocking scene appeared.

Without the hindrance of the limbs, head and tail, the turtle shell lets itself fly.

The turtle shell rolled on the spot for a second, then rolled out of the pit with a hiss.


The huge turtle shell, nearly two meters wide, was like a huge falling rock, rolling forward crazily.

Everything he passed was crushed by turtle shells.

Is there a meter-high boulder ahead?

With a bang, the boulder was shattered by the turtle shell.

Is there a patch of dark trees ahead?

Click, click, click, all were broken by the turtle shell.

“So awesome!”

Qin Ye laughed in his turtle shell, he had mastered the technique now.

Although you can't control the forward rolling, you can control the direction.

And canceling the forward scroll is also very simple, just cancel the skill [Scroll].


As for the problem of gradually decreasing evolutionary values ​​as the realm increases, this is not an intentional setting, it is just due to environmental reasons. The second volume involves the plot of the underworld, so the problem of gradually decreasing evolutionary values ​​will be remedied. Don't worry, the giant beast Qin Ye is waiting for you behind.

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