Xiao Bai's face was extremely distorted and he was in quite a lot of pain: "Oh, it hurts me so much. Can't you be gentler when you start?"

"go to hell!"


Mo Wuliang used force to tear Xiao Bai's body into two halves. With a flash of white eyes, the bloody corpse turned into a scarecrow.

Xiao Bai's legs were wrapped around the flagpole at the edge of the ring, and he grinned unscrupulously: "I'm here, you idiot."

"Damn it, you dare to tease this prince, I will kill you."

A dozen bloody blades flew over at high speed, chopping the flagpole into pieces.

"I can't fight, are you angry?"

Xiao Bai disappeared on the flagpole out of thin air, using the invisibility technique among the Seventy-Two Earth Fiends, and his voice could only be heard but his form could not be seen.

The people watching in the audience were confused, and questions kept popping up in their heads.

"What's going on? That guy disappeared out of thin air."

"Yeah, it's so weird. Onizuka can still see black shadows, but this guy has nothing."

Mo Peng was sitting on a big tree nearby with a foxtail in his mouth, his face full of contentment.

"You idiots, just wait and lose your pants. Don't look at the fact that my elder brother only has the strength of a third-level demon king. If Mo Wuliang wants to defeat him, he must first go back and practice for hundreds of years."

Mo Wuliang was very angry and used the Blood Demon Technique to bombard the arena of more than 800 square meters in all directions without blind spots.

This arena is the strongest stone slab in Yu Kingdom, and it was built by the first person, Emperor Yu himself.

For those below the Demon Emperor level, no matter how big the attack is, they will automatically recover within ten seconds.

"Get out of here, you little rat."

Yu Huang opens his golden eyes and can usually see the ghost's true form. In the previous battle between Sequoia and Onizuka, he could see Onizuka's true form hidden in the dark shadow.

But Xiao Bai couldn't see clearly. At most, he could see the transparent body flashing in the air, looming and invisible if he didn't pay attention.

"What is the origin of this kid? His appearance is that of the Yu Clan. With the strength of his third-level demon king, he will never be able to comprehend such mysterious techniques."

"This technique is even scarier than Onizuka, which is famous for its weirdness. With my level of cultivation, I can't capture the specific body position."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to defeat this unscrupulous demon."

Onizuka was also very energetic. He originally thought that this was just a crushing game, not interesting to watch, and would be over in less than a minute.

Unexpectedly, almost an hour later, Mo Wuliang didn't even touch Xiao Bai's hair.

"This Bai Xiao has been hiding his strength. It seems that he did not enter the top eight by luck."

"He is only a third-level demon king. Why can he have so many strange skills, clones, and invisibility? There may be more weird moves in the future."

Everyone at the scene was amazed by Xiao Bai's weird skills. Everyone had underestimated him before, thinking he was just a speculator with better luck.

Yu Yan watched the game with great interest and teased Yu Wei from time to time.

"Sister, you have good taste! You actually found such a potential lover and dedicated your first time to him."

"Shh, don't talk nonsense about this kind of thing in the future. If Mo Ze finds out, he might not be able to bear it."

Yu Yan smiled like an aunt: "You didn't let him touch her for three years. She secretly kept a lot of concubines outside. It's a nourishing life, so don't worry about it."

"It's impossible. Mo Ze is not that bold. Father knows that he cannot be spared."

"Hey... you are so simple. My father has known about it for a long time. He just turned a blind eye. Mo Ze is still useful to him now."

Chapter 102 Counterattack against the aunt monster

Mo Wuliang attacked for nearly an hour, but Xiao Bai never showed up, which consumed a lot of Mo Wuliang's mana.

He instantly felt a sense of powerlessness. As soon as Mo Wuliang stopped attacking, Xiao Bai would summon a clone to taunt him, and his words would be unpleasant to hear.

By waiting for work, the demon's unscrupulous mana will be exhausted before he has a chance to fight back.

Originally, Mo Wuliang wanted to use this move to counterattack, but the betting audience in the audience kept making noises, and their words were even uglier than Xiao Bai's.

Now that it was the competition stage and still within the Yu Kingdom, he couldn't take action directly for fear of angering the Yu Emperor.

"Referee, where is the referee?"

The on-site referee had withdrawn from the stage and asked: "This player, what can you do? If you want to surrender, there is a white flag over there, just raise it."

"Asshole, how can I, the ninth prince of the demon clan, surrender to the third-level demon king?"

"He hasn't shown up all this time. This is a serious violation. Let him lose quickly."

"Also, I suspect that guy has hid outside the ring. This must be considered a voluntary surrender."

During the battle just now, the referee had been changed, and the original one with a slave face had been secretly executed.

"There is no such thing. Once the contestants leave the ring, the alarm will sound. You don't need to worry."

"We have no time limit. In principle, your opponent can hide away for a month."

Mo Wuliang felt that his face was dull for a moment, and the referee did not give him any face. He had no choice but to return to the ring and use other methods to force Xiao Bai out.

"Okay, you forced me to use this trick."

"The sky is stained with blood!"

Mo Wuliang roared angrily, and bright red blood spurted out from his body, filling the entire arena at an extremely fast speed, and flowing into the audience.

Yuhuang threw out a protective shield to separate the ring from the audience area.

The air is filled with the strong smell of blood, which is extremely corrosive. Fortunately, the arena is specially built and has the ability to repair itself.

Seeing that there were no footprints on the floor of the arena, Mo Wuliang judged that Xiao Bai must be hiding in mid-air.

"Let's see where you hide this time."

A blood dragon jumped into the air, spinning rapidly and spraying blood rain.

As Mo Wuliang continued to cast spells, the rain became heavier and heavier. Xiao Bai, who was invisible in the air, slowly appeared, and the blood rain had extremely strong adhesion.

"Haha, I saw you."

Mo Wuliang took out his blood gun and stabbed Xiao Bai.

Demon Peng panicked and quickly stood up and exclaimed: "Brother, use invisibility quickly."

The audience who had looked worried just now were filled with joy.

"Okay, this is what a seventh-level demon king should be like. Kill that opportunistic guy."

Mo Peng was able to bully dozens of gamblers across from him with just one mouth. He was not afraid at all and forced his way out with a loud voice.

"Young man, you still want to quarrel with me, and you don't even want to see who my elder brother is."

"You noobs are worthy of arguing with me and forcing me to greet all eighteen generations of your ancestors."

Xiao Bai wanted to use invisibility, but found that his body was covered with his aunt's blood, and the strong smell stuck to his skin.

Then he summoned dozens of clones to get rid of Demon Wuliang's attack and find a way to break it.

Mo Wuliang was very annoyed by this move, so he picked up the blood spear and chopped at it.

"This prince would like to see what else you can do, you are a rat who only knows how to hide."

"Break it for me!"

Xiao Bai raised his hands high and shouted: "Move the wind and rain!"


There was lightning and thunder in the sky, and heavy rain fell, quickly washing away the blood on the ring, and the aunt's red that stuck to the body was also quickly washed away.

"Water Transformation Dragon."

Nine light blue water dragons rushed towards Mo Wuliang. Xiao Bai stood on the dragon's head and drew out the red flame magic knife, slashing towards Mo Wuliang from the front.

"It's ridiculous. You want to beat me just by doing this. You really overestimate your capabilities."

Mo Wuliang summoned nine blood dragons to attack him head-on. There was a roar and explosion, and a huge energy wave was generated in the arena, spreading to all sides.

The strong wind caused by the strong energy wave made the hair of the audience messy and their feathers flying.

If it weren't for the protective shield put up by Yu Huang to block most of the energy, a large number of people would be killed or injured.

Xiao Bai slashed at Mo Wuliang, but he blocked it with his blood spear.

The two sides were competing for strength. Although a lot of mana had been consumed before, Mo Wuliang was still very strong despite having advantages across several levels.

"The little third-level demon king who dares to fight against the seventh-level demon king is just humiliating himself by striking an egg against a rock."

"I have to admit that your technique is indeed very weird. It is only suitable for being a turtle with a shrinking head."

"In the face of absolute strength, those are just embroidered pillows with no fighting power at all."

Mo Wuliang was overjoyed that Xiao Bai took the initiative to show up to seek death. He waited for this moment for nearly two hours of fierce fighting.

"Really? Auntie, it's better not to be so confident."

Suddenly, a golden bowl appeared right above Mo Wuliang's head, and the dazzling golden light shone on Mo Wuliang's body, quickly burning his skin.

This is the most precious Buddhist treasure of Tianlong Temple. Xiao Bai just remembered that there is this hidden killer weapon.

For demon cultivators, the damage caused by the golden bowl is much stronger than that of the demon clan.

Mo Wuliang's skin was ulcerated all over his body, and dark, smelly blood flowed out.

"Damn it, what is this?"

Xiao Bai cast a spell quickly and shouted: "Take it..."

The powerful suction force of the golden bowl sucked Mo Wuliang into it, and the entire arena instantly returned to calm.

Yuhuang was frightened and stared straight at the golden bowl in Xiao Bai's hand.

"Why does he have a Buddhist treasure in his hand? Demons and ghosts are all afraid of this, but he is unscathed and can master it skillfully."

"With the strength of the third-level demon king, I forcibly killed the seventh-level demon king."

Seeing this, Mo Peng cheered and shouted loudly: "Big brother is mighty, big brother is domineering! Thank you big brother for helping me make a fortune."

The eyes of those unscrupulous gamblers who bet on the devil are full of despair. The final step has not been reached and the referee has not announced the result. They are still willing to believe in miracles.

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