Xiao Bai stepped forward to stop Tu Shan Youyou: "Stop making trouble."

"Mo Peng, do you know where the other party came from?"

The Blue Electric Demon Peng rolled his eyes: "If I guess correctly, it should be the Old Dragon King Bibo and his sons who want to avenge their dead son."

Tu Shan Youyou rolled up his sleeves and said, "What are you afraid of? Just go with them."

"You and Dabai are both demon kings, so you are afraid of hybrid dragons."

The Blue Electric Demon Peng shook his head, with a heavy expression on his face: "I can't beat him with my current strength. Ten thousand years ago, Ao Bo had the cultivation level of a fifth-level demon king. After such a long time, his cultivation level must have improved."

"Let's retreat quickly."

As soon as I turned around, Tushan Village was surrounded by huge waves tens of meters high, and heavy rain started falling from the sky. The scene was very spectacular, comparable to the flooding of Chentangguan back then.

"Wherever you run, I'll give my son his life."

The sixth lao Ao Wuxu was in urgent need of showing off, so he took the initiative to ask for help with a red spear in his hand: "Father, I will capture them and avenge my eighth brother."

"Wait a minute, that big roc bird seems to be the blue electric demon roc from back then. He is very powerful and often feeds on dragons."

Ao Bo's eyes turned golden, and he could accurately identify the direction through the energy emitted. He could detect it even if he was hiding hundreds of meters underground.

"These fox demons are really smart, they actually hide deep underground."

Suddenly his eyes rested on Xiao Bai. The energy emitted was very strong and he could clearly feel the rich dragon energy. It should be because Xiao Bai had eaten the dragon whip.

"Damn it, this white snake actually ate Gan'er's dragon root."

"Why is Lord Demon Peng here?"

The Blue Electric Demon Peng smiled calmly: "You can come, why can't I."

Ao Bo could clearly feel that the Demon Peng's strength was not as good as before. With his current strength as a Level 6 Demon King, his chances of winning would definitely be much greater.

Mo Peng also understood Ao Bo's eyes. In the past, Ao Bo wanted to run away with his tail between his legs when he saw him, but now he was not afraid at all. He should have seen some clues.

"Brother, I'll hold him back first, and you take Sister Youyou away first."

"Demon Peng, are you sure?"

"With the prestige accumulated in the past, it is still a great deterrent."

"Well, be careful."

Ao Bo waved his hand and a huge wall of water trapped Xiao Bai.

"The snake demon can't leave, but he dares to kill my son. I really don't understand the bounds of heaven and earth."

Xiao Bai wanted to summon the golden bowl to protect himself, but the limit time had not yet come and it would take another week to use it, just like paying wages, once a month.

"Ao Bo, what do you mean, you dare to stop my elder brother."

"Demon Peng, stop pretending. You are only a fourth-level demon king at best now. I will settle all my old and new grudges with you. You should also share in the murder of my son Ao Gan."

Xiao Bai threw Tushan Youyou towards the Blue Lightning Demon Peng: "You protect her and leave, I will come to the rear."

"yes, Sir."

Tushan Youyou started to make a fuss: "Put me down quickly. I want to fight side by side with Dabai. I can't leave him behind."

"Sister Youyou, eldest brother asked me to protect you and never let you make any mistakes."

The magic roc knocked Tushan Youyou out, transformed into a roc, grabbed Tushan Youyou firmly with its claws, and sprinted towards the clouds.

Ao Bo shouted: "Stop him quickly, don't let him run away."

He focused on Xiao Bai the whole time and asked his son beside him to stop the demon peng.

There was a loud click, and countless lightning flashes appeared around the body of the demon roc, electrocuting all the sea monsters that besieged him.

Ao Wuxu, the sixth child, did not dare to step forward for fear of being electrocuted, and looked at the sea monster that was dying miserably with black smoke rising from its body.

He felt embarrassed in his heart: "I'll just play in the autumn wind on the side. You don't have to work hard for this kind of thing. Aren't you doing it just to show your father?"

Not only did he think this way, but the other brothers who participated in the siege of the Demon Peng did not try their best.

The monsters of the fourth-level Demon King were not easy to deal with. After the Demon Peng was far away, Ao Wuxu charged up symbolically.

"Give my eighth brother his life."

Even though the distance was quite far, he was still struck by lightning from the Demon Peng. His pretty face instantly turned into black coal, and his hairstyle was messy and black smoke erupted.

"Father, we tried our best, that roc bird is indeed very powerful."

"Forget it, this snake is the mastermind."

Ao Bo took out a crystal bow, pulled out three crystal arrows and shot them at Ao Gan.

"Flood the entire village and leave no fox demon behind."

Huge waves poured into Tushan Village from all directions, and the rain seemed to pour down directly.

Countless houses in the village were washed away, and the beautiful village in paradise turned into a vast ocean in an instant.

Floodwater poured into the underground shelter along the holes. Under the leadership of the boss Ao Tianba, all the fox demons were killed.

Tushan Mingyi led his tribe to resist desperately, and was seriously injured and taken back to the Dragon Palace for imprisonment.

Xiao Bai faced Ao Bo, the sixth-level demon king, and could only watch helplessly as the savage beast destroyed the entire Tushan Village.

Xiao Bai was imprisoned in an undersea prison and tied to a huge stone pillar. Iron chains thicker than his wrists tightly wrapped around his body.

Tu Shanming was imprisoned in an iron cage not far from Xiao Bai. His whole body was covered with scars and his hands and feet were handcuffed.

The old man's breath was weak and he sighed. He only regretted that he had not stopped Tushan Youyou from killing Ao Gan in time, which would lead to the annihilation of the clan.

The white nine-tailed fox was hovering in the air with two fox demon maids. With a slight wave of his right hand, the floodwater receded instantly, and a large number of fox corpses appeared in the mud.

"Holy girl, what should I do with this little red fox and roc?"

"Take it away."

While retreating, the demon peng was hit by Ao Bo's crystal arrow and fell straight into the stone mountain. The violent impact caused him and Tushan Youyou to faint at the same time.

Chapter 73: Sneak attack and conspiracy, confusing the fake with the real!

As long as Xiao Bai wants to break free from the iron chain, the iron needle above his head will be triggered, followed by a feeling of high-voltage electricity.

Xiao Bai's bones were electric, and black smoke kept coming out of his mouth, which was a sour feeling.

He watched Tushan Mingyi being escorted to another place, but he was helpless.

The two catfish spirits guarding the area mocked, "This stinky snake still wants to escape. How naive."

"The old Dragon King said that in three days, snake blood will be used to commemorate the death of His Highness the Eighth Prince."

"Isn't that right? This snake really overestimated its capabilities and dared to offend the dragon clan. I heard that it even ate the lifeblood of His Highness the Eighth Prince."

The two catfish spirits were chatting enthusiastically and drinking some wine. Their little life was not very comfortable. Only half an hour later, they fell to the ground and fell asleep.

"Brother Xiao, Brother Xiao."

Xiao Bai's spirit was highly tense. As long as he moved a little, he would feel an electric shock. This power would not kill him, but it would definitely be sour and exciting, even more exciting than taking drugs.

"Who is speaking?"

A small red fish poked its head out from the water plants and swam over here.

"It's me, Yu Ji."

Xiao Bai was a little confused, thinking that Dian had gone crazy and was hallucinating. It was true that the voice was Yu Ji, but the size and appearance were very different.

Yu Ji is a mermaid princess. Regardless of her figure and appearance, she is definitely at the level of a goddess in the underwater world. How could she be a red fish the size of a palm?


A bubble wrapped the little red fish, and Yu Ji returned to her original appearance, which dispelled Xiao Bai's doubts.

"Thanks to the magical elixir given by the old patriarch Tushan, I was able to sneak in."

"Brother Xiao, let me save you."

Yu Ji was eager to save the snake and bit the iron chain that wrapped around Xiao Bai. Not only did she not help, but she shocked Xiao Bai even more miserably.

"Brother Xiao, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Xiao Bai asked curiously: "Why aren't you afraid of being shocked?"

Yu Ji blinked her big eyes: "I have never been afraid since I was born. When I was playing when I was a kid, they were always shocked by the electric eels, but I was the only one who was fine."

"In that case, it will be much easier to handle. You can see that there is no iron needle on top of my head. I can come out after pulling it out."


Yu Ji was obedient and swam to the top of Xiao Bai's head. The big snake more than thirty meters long was tied tightly to the stone pillar.

"Please bear with me, I'm going to start pulling out."

"Do it!"

Xiao Bai gritted his teeth, resisted the violent current, and withstood several waves of electric shocks. Finally, he pulled out the iron needle on his head, which was still connected to the copper wire.

"Brother Xiao, okay, what should we do next?"

To Xiao Bai, this iron needle was like a seal inserted directly into his head, and his magic power disappeared.

The big chain that bound him was also tailor-made for him. Just now Yu Ji bit it with her teeth, but there was no reaction at all.

According to his current strength as a first-level demon king, there is no way he can break free.

Xiao Bai shook the snake skin slightly, took out a bone-shrinking pill from the Qiankun bag, stretched out his slender letter, rolled up the pill and swallowed it.

"Yu Ji, please stay away, I don't want to hurt you."

Buzz! Buzz!

Xiao Bai's body gradually became smaller, and then turned into a small white snake, completely freed from the restraints of the iron chain.


Xiao Bai transformed and kicked his legs hard towards the top of the stone pillar. He used a sharp snake spear to chop all the dozens of electric eels into pieces.

"Damn it, I was so happy just now, didn't I? Let's all die."

"Brother Xiao, there are shrimp soldiers coming over there."

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