Xiao Bai lay on the stone slab and was bored. Ever since he awakened to the branching system, he didn't dare to stop for a moment.

In an instant, it felt like my kidneys were about to be emptied.

"Take a rest. If you continue like this, you will have to pull out the tank sooner or later."

"When I become stronger, dragon girls, fox demons, scorpion spirits, and spider spirits will all be brought over to give birth to cubs."

After resting for a while, we continued on to the next lucky little snake, and before we knew it, we reached the outskirts of the snake's territory.


Hundreds of snakes surrounded the honey badger, including king cobras and black mambas. None of them dared to bite, so they could only hiss to intimidate.

This is the flat-headed brother. He rushes forward when he disagrees. He grabs a black mamba and bites it directly, just like chewing spicy strips.

When a black mamba bites a honey badger, the venom injected into it has no effect at all.

This honey badger was killing people like crazy. He didn't panic at all when fighting a group of snakes alone. In the blink of an eye, he had killed more than a dozen snakes, and there was a steady stream of honey badgers emerging from the grass.

More than a dozen honey badgers eliminated all the snakes. Snake skins were scattered everywhere, snake blood became their drink, and snake gall was used as snacks.

After eating and drinking enough, the honey badger returned to the cave when he saw that there were no traces of other snakes around.

Xiao Bai stared at the mung bean eyes and hid in the tree hole shivering. He didn't dare to come out until Brother Flathead completely disappeared.

"It was too bloody and cruel. Fortunately, I was smart enough to hide."

"You have killed so many male snakes, so you can help me get rid of some love rivals."

Next, Xiao Bai found a cave and decorated it carefully. This was his gun room, and it must not be treated carelessly. The environment must be warm and harmonious, and every female snake that comes here will be carefully cared for.

It's very safe here. It's surrounded by solid stone walls. You don't have to worry about being robbed by Flathead Brother when you're doing errands.

Soon, many female snakes came after smelling the scent. Just one look at Xiao Bai's smooth and delicate milky white skin, and they were completely smitten.

In three months, thousands of snakes came one after another, just because of the sexy white hair at the corner of his mouth.

Xiao Bai arranged all these snakes clearly, so that they could return home with a full load, leaving no regrets, and happily returned to their respective caves to lay their eggs.

Xiao Bai originally finished the cauliflower snake in ten minutes. After returning, his belly quickly swelled, and he sneaked back excitedly to report the good news to Xiao Bai.

Only by constantly giving birth to children can you get generous rewards from the system.

On average, a snake lays ten eggs, and there are more than a thousand snakes. If there are not even 10,000 snakes, there may be 8,9,000, or 10,000... That's not invincible, but very lonely! (feeling lustful)

"Oh... I can't stand it anymore. I really can't bear it anymore. I'm turning purple."

Xiao Bai lay on the stone slab and rested for three days before recovering. He was fully looking forward to what rewards the system would give him next.

Following the previous scent, I found the first lucky green snake. In the world of low-level snakes, the green snake must be considered a goddess. Unfortunately, it only laid five eggs, which was not even up to the average. Three of them are empty.

Xiao Bai looked confused. It really shouldn't be the case. Logically speaking, it couldn't be of such poor quality.

Was this Xiao Bai's problem or the green snake's fault? With doubts in mind, he found the black snake he disliked the most.

This person is amazing, laying fifty eggs in one clutch, with a hatchability rate of over 95%, and only one egg is invalid.

As soon as he smelled Xiao Bai's scent, Black Snake couldn't wait to come over and snuggle up to him.

Xiao Bai cursed secretly: "For the sake of your ability to give birth, please bear with me!"

It really makes snakes sit up and take notice. The black snake, which is the least popular, actually has the highest hatching rate among these snakes.

After a simple and gentle relationship, the black snake felt that it had found true love, and became even more determined to raise these gray snakes. Perhaps the black snake's genes are too strong, and none of the snakes are white.

After a round of inspection, the cubs of the first dozen or so snakes came out of their shells, and the other eggs hatched naturally in the cave.

After these female snakes lay eggs, they go out to roam again. They rarely stay in the cave to incubate the eggs. When the time comes, the baby snakes will naturally break out of the shell. As for how many can be hatched, it depends on the physical constitution of the female snake.


A system notification sounded in my mind.

[Congratulations to the host for giving birth to the first offspring. 】

[The second, the tenth...]

The final data obtained is 199 little snakes, which is only the data on the first day, and may completely explode later.

Chapter 3 Transform into a giant python and step into the demon cultivator

Before the system voice finished broadcasting, Xiao Bai felt a burning heat in his body, rising from his tail bone to the Tianling Cap.

Then the milky white scales all over his body crackled, and the muscles on his body began to slowly expand, bursting the snake skin on the surface.

With a sound like tearing paper, all the original snake skins split apart, eliminating the need to shed the skin.

Fortunately, this cave is relatively hidden and there are no other female snakes around, otherwise they would definitely be excited and pounce forward.

He opened his mouth as big as a basketball, and spiritual energy from around him continued to flow into his mouth. This power was very pure.

It feels like the immortal cultivator absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to refine it, stores it in his own Dantian, and converts it into mana.


Xiao Bai could see with his naked eye that his body was growing rapidly. The body had grown from as small as a finger to as thick as an adult's thigh, reaching ten meters in length.

【Snake age】201.5 years

[Cultivation] Level 2 monster (monk in the late stage of Qi refining)

【Body length】10 meters

[Number of offspring] 199

[Skills] Steel and iron bones, immune to various poisons.


The cave could no longer bear Xiao Bai's huge body and collapsed suddenly. Stones kept falling down, hitting his snake skin as hard as iron.

"The system is not going to deceive me. We must quickly move all the snake wives to hatch their eggs together, and let them guard them. We can't let Brother Flathead come over and steal the eggs."

The two giant pythons continued to hold weekly meetings. Xiao Bai reached the level of a second-level monster. These low-level snakes cannot speak and can only judge who is the boss by their size.

These two giant pythons are about the same size as him, but they are ordinary species with no special abilities. They are still far from the first-level monsters. Sometimes, just by chance, they will always stay at the level of ordinary snakes.

One was brown, the other was blood red, and both were male snakes, aggressively spitting messages at the group of snakes.

There is no other purpose for gathering together, which is to let all the snakes in the area dozens of miles around understand who is the real boss in this area.

Suddenly, two black snakes ran in from outside to send a danger signal.

The giant brown python was so angry that it twisted its huge waist and rushed out of the cave, followed by countless small snakes.

As soon as it walked out of the cave, it immediately became scared. The leader was no ordinary honey badger. It was nearly three meters long and had a tuft of white hair extending from its head to its tail.

The teeth are very sharp, it is quite fierce when lying on the ground, and its eyes are sharp, ready to attack at any time.

Its strength has reached the level of a first-level monster. Its evolution method is very simple, which is to continuously eat snakes to evolve. It has eaten at least tens of thousands of snakes.

When it saw the giant brown python, its eyes lit up, and it roared loudly and rushed forward.

The giant python, which had acted like a big brother just now, was instantly frightened when it saw such a huge honey badger, and turned around to run away.

The leader of the honey badger chased after him with extremely fast movement. In just one round, his sharp teeth were like cutting machines, biting the brown python into countless pieces. The snake's gall was taken out and eaten on the spot in front of the group of snakes.


The leader of the honey badger roared loudly, with his mouth full of blood to show off his achievements. After hearing the news, another giant red python came and was surrounded by dozens of honey badgers and was cut into pieces on the spot.

Eating large pythons can increase their physical strength. Not all honey badgers can awaken their bloodline and enter the level of monster beasts. The chance of this is pitifully small.

"Damn it, Brother Flathead is so cruel. I'll move the wives first."

"We'll take care of them later."

When Xiao Bai's huge body appeared in front of the green snake, it was really frightened.


The green snake spit out the letter and snuggled next to Xiao Bai, its eyes full of admiration for the strong.

Poof! Poof!

There was a sound like farting, and more than a dozen snake eggs were squeezed out of the green snake's butt.

Xiao Bai's descendants have a white lightning pattern on their foreheads, which is the only mark.

These female snakes are just reproductive tools to assist him in completing his tasks. These are just the lowest snakes. Communication is also a troublesome. It all depends on eye contact, and it is also a matter of seeing who can tell the truth better.

To truly be able to communicate freely, one must at least reach the level of a demon cultivator.

After inspecting these snake wives, more than thirty of their offspring died, most of them died in infancy. Fortunately, their cultivation level did not decline, but the number and age of their offspring decreased a bit.

"Forget it, if you don't lower your cultivation level, it doesn't matter if you die a little."

After settling the remaining heirs, Xiao Bai decided to kill the honey badger leader. They were too arrogant and would definitely eat up all his descendants if this continued.

The fact that his cultivation level is not lowered now does not mean that he will not do so in the future. This is a branching system. A large number of heirs will die and it is very possible to take back the rewards that Xiao Bai received before.

The leader of the honey badger stood on the big rock and roared loudly at the snakes at his feet.

First-level monsters can perform simple magic and are much more powerful than ordinary pythons. The frightened ordinary little snakes run around and burrow into cracks in rocks and tree holes. As long as there is a hole, they will not spare any effort to burrow into it.

Caught by these honey badgers, only death awaits them.

The leader of the honey badger has a long mouth, which condenses a powerful suction force, sucking a large number of small snakes into his mouth, and bites them, and blood keeps flowing down the corners of his mouth.

Chapter 4 Becoming the Snake Boss

Suppressed by the bloodline of the honey badger leader, these most ordinary little snakes were frightened and could only curl up into a ball and dare not move.

After Xiao Bai settled the snake wives, he went to the location of the honey badger leader.

After eating and drinking enough, the honey badger leader lay on his side on the stone slab, planning to take over the cave as his own, and then imprison all the snakes to enjoy them slowly in the future.

There were also two female honey badgers combing the hair on its head, with faces full of satisfaction and enjoyment.


A huge snake tail slapped on the back of the honey badger leader, and his nearly three-meter-long body was thrown away more than ten meters and hit the stone wall heavily.

The flat-headed brother bared his teeth and made a hissing sound, which was somewhat similar to what a snake would make.

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