Reborn as a Pea Shooter

54, Chapter 54: Strange Boy

First published on Jinjiang Literature City, author Long Qi, thanks for supporting the genuine version.

When Ming Fei woke up, he felt warm around him, with a faint, indescribable pleasant smell, very comfortable.

These days, he was very tired, and he said he was sleeping, but he mostly fell directly to the ground. The hard crystal stone has no other use except for its beauty. Sleeping on it not only makes your back and waist sore, but it is also freezing cold.

But at this moment... it's really comfortable, more comfortable than the soft bed in his dormitory.

Ming Fei squinted and rubbed it, and this comfortable little bed actually adjusted its position according to his wishes, allowing him to sleep more peacefully.

This is really satisfying.

Ming Fei's pea heart was overjoyed, and he slept for a while with his eyes bent.

I really want to sleep like this, don't wake up... assessment or something, it's so troublesome.

Wait... The dizzy head finally showed some signs of sobriety because of this word.



Assessment? !

Heart of the Elements, seven days, now it's the sixth day!

Ming Fei jumped up with a bang!

It's over, it's over, I actually fell asleep, how long did I sleep? Will the assessment be outdated!

Even if it's not outdated, there is definitely no hope... In one day, there is no hope of hunting ten Hearts of the Elements.

Moreover... his physical strength is really overdrawn, even after a nap, he is still very tired. Not to mention casting spells, even moving his hands and feet is very strenuous.

His originally nervous mood suddenly relaxed again. It's like the night before the college entrance examination, finding that his head is full of elementary school knowledge, completely desperate.

He put his head on the 'pillow' with a slump.

After a while, he suddenly lifted it up again! Xiaofan! Where is Xiaofan!

He used too much force this time, lifted it too high, and suddenly collided with a hard object.

"It hurts!" Ming Fei covered his head with a big leaf.


Ming Fei was stunned. The voice sounded nice, but it was very strange, and it came from above his head?

At this time, he finally woke up and realized his situation.

Where is the soft bed... He was held in someone's arms!

And it was a stranger!

After waking up, Ming Fei was agile. Although his physical strength was not so smooth, he landed steadily and distanced himself from the stranger.

After he stood firm, he looked up and was shocked.

Black hair and red eyes... Is it Xiaofan? However, Xiaofan is obviously a child, and this... is obviously a teenager.

And this face that is so beautiful that you can't look directly at it... Why does it look more and more familiar the more you look at it.

Except for the different hair color and pupil color, it is exactly like that pretty boy...

Ming Fei was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

But the man frowned slightly and asked softly: "What's wrong? Where do you feel uncomfortable?" As he said that, he stretched out his hand to embrace him.

Ming Fei quickly jumped away and asked with a wary face: "Who are you?"

The man seemed a little surprised, his red eyes looked straight at him, and there was no other expression on his delicate face, except for his thin lips.

This familiar yet unfamiliar expression made Ming Fei stunned... He actually felt a little distressed... As if he had said something against the will of heaven and earth.

He suddenly came back to his senses, and he was not sure in his heart, but he couldn't help asking: "You... Are you Xiaofan?"

This boy who looked like Fanla... nodded slightly.

Ming Fei... was petrified.

Seeing that he was motionless, Xiaofan bent down and hugged him in his arms, whispering: "You slept all afternoon, it's getting dark, I'll take you to hunt the heart of the element."

Ming Fei nodded subconsciously, but there was a storm in his mind.

What's going on?

How did Baozi Xiaofan become a young Xiaofan?

Did he eat too many heart of the element?

And why does the young Xiaofan look so much like Fanla? If it weren't for the hair color and pupils, he would have thought it was a young version of Vanla!

If he hadn't known that this plant planet reproduced asexually, he would have thought that Xiaofan was Vanla's son or brother...

However, both elves and plants were born from the Tree of Life, so there is absolutely no such thing as illegitimate children.

But... they look so similar, it can't be a coincidence!

Could it be? A shocking idea appeared in his mind... Could it be that Xiaofan is Vanla?

Ming Fei's body shook almost undetectably, but he immediately kicked the idea out of his mind.

This is impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Although Vanla looks idle, he is the monarch of this huge galaxy after all. How could he disappear for so long without being discovered?

Moreover, if the monarch of a country disappears, the entire national mechanism must be paralyzed? How could there be no news at all? What's more, based on his limited understanding, Vanla is definitely not a puppet emperor, but an emperor who truly holds real power. His disappearance for so many days will definitely cause a sensation.

So, no matter from which angle, Fanla can't be here. Even if he is here, the officials of the empire are not just for show, so how can they let him wander around?

Besides, Ming Fei can clearly tell that the two are completely different from each other after being in contact with Xiaofan.

Although he has not had much contact with Fanla, his unpredictable temperament and the strong and deep power of being in a high position for a long time have left a deep impression on Ming Fei.

But Xiaofan is completely different.

From the first time I met him till now, he is far from being scheming. Although his personality is a little weird, he is like a child in general. Even though his face is stern like an adult most of the time, his eyes can't hide anything. It's direct and simple, and clear at a glance.

And... what Ming Fei cares about most is that Xiaofan trusts him completely. This kind of emotion... an emperor who has been in power for many years... absolutely cannot have.

When his thoughts turned to this, Ming Fei breathed a sigh of relief...

He was held in Xiaofan's arms, and he could see the boy's profile by slightly raising his head.

It was already late at night, and the moonlight was hazy, but it seemed to be attracted to his face, and the curled and thick eyelashes were clearly visible, leaving a light shadow on his eyelids. It made the red eyes beautiful and a little unreal. Even because of the overly delicate face, it added a little weird color...

Ming Fei stared blankly, and it took a long time to reluctantly move his eyes away, but his chest was pounding... Such a close-up, it was really shocking.

However, this careful inspection made Ming Fei feel more relieved. In fact, he could still see Xiao Xiaofan's appearance. It's just that Xiao Xiaofan's face is too small, which makes his eyes look big, and his fluffy black hair is soft and curled everywhere. Therefore, he only feels white and tender and very cute.

But now, his eyes are no longer round and big, but narrow and long. The baby fat cheeks are gone, and the lines of the jaw are beautiful, along with the white neck and sexy collarbone...

Damn! Ming Fei turned his head suddenly, and it seemed that there was a roaring horse in his stomach: Who said that girls change 18 times when they grow up? This boy has changed 36 times when he grows up! !

When he turned his head, he was looking straight ahead.

He had been held and didn't feel very clear about the direction, but when he looked at it now... his eyes widened.

When it gets dark, the elemental monsters will come out to wander.

However, based on the characteristics of their mutual attack, most of them do not interfere with each other, and wandering is also scattered.

But in front of me... are the elemental monsters holding a meeting?

There are six or seven of them!

Moreover, they have already started fighting among themselves.

Most importantly, he and Xiaofan are still approaching them.

As the distance shortened, the elemental monsters obviously found a better target, turned their heads together, and the colorful rotating balls locked on them.

Ming Fei was shaken up. He couldn't even release a holy light spell! How could he possibly deal with these seven monsters!

Without further ado, he shouted to Xiaofan: "Run, run quickly!"

The young boy Xiaofan did not move when he heard the voice.

Ming Fei watched the monsters flying towards him, and his heart was chilled. The rebellious teenagers in adolescence could not afford to offend! Sure enough, he still missed that obedient elf...

With blood and tears flowing in his heart, Ming Fei stretched out his big leaves and hugged Xiaofan tightly, thinking that since he was sure to fail the test, such a heroic return journey was not bad. But he had to hold on to this kid and not leave him behind.

He closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the final blow to come.

After a movement?

Did he return to Sarsa safely? What about the painful blow he imagined?

He slowly opened his eyes...the moonlight was faint, the gems shone in the darkness, and he was still in a blank place.

What happened? Ming Fei reluctantly turned his neck and looked behind him...

Where are the seven elemental monsters? There is not even one!

But...Ming Fei narrowed his eyes and counted silently. There were exactly seven elemental hearts lying quietly on the ground!

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It was not an illusion just now, but the seven elemental monsters were destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Ming Fei just turned his head back to look at the ground, so Daye still held Xiaofan tightly. Just now, because he was afraid that he could not take Xiaofan away, he used a lot of strength.

Xiaofan lowered his head slightly, looking at the big leaf that was hugging him tightly, and was slightly startled... Then he seemed to remember something, he smiled slightly, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

Mingfei was stunned, and stiffened his neck to move his eyes back, facing the pair of red eyes full of smiles and extra gentleness... Thinking of what he said just now, a chill came over him: "Be afraid, be afraid of nothing!"

"Well, don't be afraid, I'm here."

...Mingfei suddenly felt ten blue veins jumping on his forehead, but... He raised his head... and then lowered his head, this damn blinding smile.

Forget it, forget it, why should he, an adult, care about a little kid.

Since there was no danger, he let go of the big leaf that "protected" Xiaofan, pretended to cough, and asked calmly: "Did you do this?"

"Well." Xiaofan nodded.

Ming Fei asked again: "You know magic? Aren't you weak? When did you learn it?"

He asked a series of questions, but Xiao Fan was not impatient at all. Instead, he explained seriously: "Last time, I read all the books you brought back."

Ming Fei was stunned...those books...all read? The pile of books that he swept up in a moment of impulse flashed through his mind.

Most of them were skill books of various departments, but they were all ordinary books...I just read them all, but I can cast spells...which means, Ming Fei asked in disbelief: " memorized them all?"




Ming Fei was struck by thunder...this, how embarrassing it was for him! Not to mention so many skill books...even just one book, he couldn't memorize it in less than a month!

But, but, just one night, this kid memorized them all.

Comparing yourself to others can be frustrating, Ming Fei felt like he was going to be frustrating.

At this moment of loss and dullness, he suddenly recalled. That morning, when he was memorizing the skill book, Xiao Xiaofan seemed to be reading a leisure book called "Different Styles"?

Then thinking about the gentle "Don't be afraid..."

Ming Fei's mouth twitched, and he suddenly understood.

He wondered why it was so inconsistent, so weird, and so awkward... That sentence and that expression, it was the classic routine of the male protagonist in a romance novel to coax a cute little girl...

Ming Fei looked up to the sky and screamed - Damn it! My brain is too good to be hurt, what kind of books did this kid memorize!

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