Judging from Li He's eyes, the settlement of the Nata tribe is really terribly poor!

Even the residents of the most backward slums in human society are a lot richer than the residents of the Nata tribe.

The population of the Nata tribe is about 200-300, of which the majority are young and middle-aged. The age structure of the population is obviously different from that of modern human society.

The age structure of the population in modern human society is generally dominated by the elderly, but in the Nata tribe, the elderly are surprisingly rare.

Among the tribe, the proportion of young adults is extremely high, accounting for almost two-thirds of the total population.

After thinking about it, Li Heli understood the reason why the age structure of the population of the Nata tribe is so different from that of modern society.

Due to the abundant food and good medical standards in modern society, human life expectancy in modern society is getting longer and longer, which results in more and more elderly people.

But in the Nata tribe, due to their poor living environment, it is fortunate to be able to maintain food and clothing.

As for the medical level, it is basically in a vacuum.

Once they get sick, it is extremely easy to cause death.

Living in the perilous rainforest, besides death from illness, there are also accidents such as being bitten to death by wild beasts and poisoned by snakes and insects.

This means that many members of the rainforest tribe died for various reasons before they got old.

When Li He slowly climbed into the camp of the Nata tribe, almost all the members of the Nata tribe knelt down and kowtowed at Li He with a pious face.

The reason why it is "almost all" is because there are still a few babies under one year old in the Nata tribe, and they can't help Li He kowtow.

Li He went around the tribe’s camp and found that almost all houses in the tribe were made of wood and thatch, with one exception.

This house is obviously higher than the other thatched huts-of course, the high and generous here is only relative to those low thatched huts!

As a matter of fact, the area of ​​this lofty house is only about 30 square meters and the height is about three meters.

The main building material of this house is stone.

Obviously, it has been built for many years, and on its stone wall, it has been covered with dense moss.

Li He crawled into the stone house, only to see that the stone house was cleaned extremely clean. On the side of the wall opposite to the gate, there is a stone platform more than one meter high. On the stone platform, there is a stone statue.

The upper part of this stone statue is a deformed human with a big head and a small body, and the lower part is a huge scorpion-like creature.

The deformed human stood on the back of the scorpion and looked into the distance with his head raised tingxiong.

On the stone wall behind the stone statue, there are several murals with simple lines carved.

On the first mural, there is a group of indigenous people standing and working in the rainforest. Above the rainforest, there is a saucer-shaped flying device.

On the second mural, there is a group of indigenous people kneeling in front of a deformed human. The deformed human's right hand is slightly raised, seeming to be preaching to this group of indigenous people. Not far away, a huge scorpion was raising its tail high.

On the third mural, there is a group of indigenous people looking up to the sky. Above the sky, the saucer-shaped aircraft seems to be going away.

"It looks like this deformed human with a big head and a small body is the true **** among these natives!"

"If the situation painted by the three murals in this stone wall is true, most of this deformed human being is not a human being from the earth, but an alien."

"An alien came to this planet on a flying saucer. For some reason, he landed in the Amazon rainforest. A giant scorpion came with him. Then, the indigenous tribes in this rainforest were used by aliens. The means were conquered. The aliens were worshipped as true gods by many natives, and the giant scorpions that came with the aliens were worshipped as messengers of the true gods!"

"It is precisely because of this that the natives of the Nata tribe regard me as the messenger of the true **** when they see me!"

Li He thought about this in his heart, and suddenly thought of the blood orchids and pythons in the valley. Are the exotic hormones in those blood orchids and the antibodies in the pythons related to the aliens in this mural?

But whether they are related to this alien or not, it was a long time ago!

Outside the stone house, the wolf chief of the Nata tribe was getting together with Duma, discussing something in a low voice.

"The divine envoy suddenly appeared in the territory of our tribe. Although it is the glory of our tribe, our tribe is so poor and can't come up with any good things to entertain the divine envoy, Duma, what do you think about this?" The chief said anxiously.

Duma pondered for a while, and said, "Chief, aren't there still a few slaves in our cell? Let's pick two of them and give them to the gods to enjoy, how about?"

"That's a good idea!" Chief Gray Wolf nodded and said, "Duma, leave this to you!"

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