Li Chengyu came to his office and first opened the background of Feixun and Tiantian Parkour to check their respective data.

The total number of Feixun users has not increased much, still only 410 million.

The speed of adding new users has been quite slow.

Tiantian Parkour is very powerful. After another day, its number of players has reached more than 130 million.

It also provided Li Chengyu with very generous income, earning more than 80 million.

On average, each player contributed more than 60 cents to him.

Except for a very small part of these income, it was obtained by the rich players who bought fashion props.

The rest was basically obtained by ordinary players who actively watched advertisements, so that Li Chengyu could get profits on the advertising platform.

'Well, not bad. '

The income of more than 80 million is almost twice his current profit in the stock market.

And Tiantian Parkour makes money, regardless of working days and weekends.

Even with the arrival of the subsequent holidays, Li Chengyu's income will increase due to the users' more free time.

This can greatly shorten his initial capital accumulation and lay a good foundation for his subsequent plans.

'Do you want to continue to develop new games? '

'Well, it's feasible! '

Seeing that mobile games have once again achieved success in this world, Li Chengyu plans to go further and wider on this road.

Especially in his mind, there are dozens of small games that are no worse than Tiantian Parkour.

And it only takes about a week to develop them, which can be said to have a very good rate of return.

In the case that Li Chengyu was short of money in the early stage, they can bring him a steady stream of cash flow.

As Li Chengyu made a new short-term plan for the company's future, soon his office was filled with the sound of keyboard tapping again.

But he is not developing games now.

Instead, he opened a document and was working on a project planning plan.

In the afternoon, when Li Chengyu was buying a car, Jiang Mingqi had already talked to him on the phone.

The results of today's discussion with Qiantang officials were briefly described.

Well, everything went as smoothly as expected.

Qiantang's business environment can be said to be one of the most open-minded in the whole of China.

As for Feixun, a company that has recently risen in the Internet, the plan to invest in them is of course fully supported.

In addition, there is the endorsement of the top family in Shanghai, the Li family, so there is absolutely no problem.

Various preferential policy conditions are directly put on the table for discussion.

All the policies given to the Ali Group Data Center were copied by Feixun, which can be said to be quite time-saving and labor-saving, and the discussion was very pleasant.

You should know that Ali argued with Qiantang officials for several months to get these preferential conditions.

But now Feixun has obtained them in just half a day.

The most important thing is that with Ali paving the way in front.

Feixun's subsequent construction procedures and processes can also avoid a lot of detours.

Now all that is needed is for Feixun Company to submit the project planning scheme for the data center.

After the official review of Qiantang is passed, a site can be selected near Qiandao Lake and construction can be organized.

As Li Chengyu kept tapping on the keyboard, the planning scheme of the data center also appeared on the document one by one.

He planned that the data center would cover an area of ​​about 10,000 square meters, which is more than three times the area of ​​the Ali data center.

It is not only used to carry various data of Feixun.

In the future, it will also need to carry data of various groups such as takeaway projects, taxi projects, short video projects, etc.

If 10,000 square meters is not enough at that time, it will be expanded according to the situation later.

The entire data center mainly uses lake water cooling technology, recycling the lake water of Qiandao Lake to cool the server.

After the lake water is purified, it flows through the sealed pipes close to the server, absorbing heat layer by layer.

Realize true environmental protection and energy saving, pure green and pollution-free.

On the top of the data center, a solar power generation system can also be installed to further save resource consumption.

At the same time, Li Chengyu will also build a top-level cooling tower system for the data center.

If the lake water cannot be used for a short period of time, or the water level of the lake is low, the data center can also be self-sufficient and will not damage the many servers inside.


Li Chengyu's data center project planning document is very eloquent. It took only half an hour to write more than 10,000 words.

And the various implementation plans are well-organized, practical, and convincing.

Everything is done, Li Chengyu saves the documentOK, send it to Jiang Mingqi's email.

Later, he will need to go to Qiantang officials to continue to deal with the data center and strive to start construction as soon as possible.

Although there is still some time before 10 o'clock in the evening, Li Chengyu doesn't want to stay in the office any longer.

After a simple tidying up, he left the office building and returned to the presidential suite in the hotel.

Time keeps passing.

In a blink of an eye, another ten days have passed.

During this period, Feixun Company has made new moves one after another, and Li Chengyu has launched two mobile games again.

One of the games is called Fruit Swordsman: various cartoon fruits will be thrown on the screen, and the player will be transformed into an ancient Chinese swordsman, splitting all the fruits into two halves.

However, among the many fruits, bombs will appear from time to time. Players need to avoid bombs and scratch all the fruits on the screen to prevent them from falling intact.

Another mini-game is called Sheep Sheep Sheep. Players can see various blocks on their mobile phones, and there are several slots under these blocks.

Players need to put multiple identical blocks into the slots. If three identical blocks appear, they will disappear.

Only when all the blocks disappear can it be said that you have successfully passed the level.

The two new mobile mini-games launched by Feixun have some similarities with the previous Tiantian Parkour.

They will not take up too much storage space on the user's mobile phone, and there is no high requirement for network speed. The gameplay can also be said to be suitable for all ages.

Once launched, it was immediately loved by the majority of users and became popular all over the country.

This also gave many game companies in China an illusion: Has the public's taste changed? No longer like large games, but focus on small games?

Some game companies even stopped the plan to develop large games for this reason, and turned to the embrace of mobile mini-games.

But they don't know that it's not the taste of the user group that has changed.

Instead, the mini-games launched by Feixun are high-quality products that have been tested in other parallel worlds.

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