"But there is no need for everyone to envy them."

"The Dongxuan Immortal Seal that we practice is a top-level technique that leads directly to the immortal path."

"Not only is it in terms of healing, it is not inferior to the light magic of the West."

"In terms of combat, it can be completely crushed into slag."

"Don't say that Bishop Miller is just a mediocre light priest. Even if they give birth to new gods in the future, they may not be able to beat you now."

"And as long as we practice step by step, no matter how much faith their gods absorb, they will never catch up with us."

Li Chengyu encouraged.

"Yes, we are now on the broad road to the immortal path."

"As long as we grasp the road under our feet, sooner or later we will become immortals."

"And these Western gods who are like rootless duckweed will not even be worthy of carrying our shoes at that time."

Li Zhiyi's steady voice also rang around everyone.


"After hearing what my second brother and father said, I can't wait to go back to Penglai Sanxianshan Manor and continue to practice hard."

Li Chengxin couldn't help laughing.


"We can't go back so early now."

"Let's relax outside, look for treasures, and have fun."

"When we go back after a while, we can immerse ourselves in practice better."

Ye Hongyu also said with a smile.

"Then what are we waiting for?"

"Let's continue the treasure hunt."

"It's meaningless to stay in this Berlin Cathedral. Let's just go and find Hitler's hidden treasure."

Li Chenghao said.


"Then let's go treasure hunting now!"

Li Chengyu nodded, and then stepped out of the church with everyone and came to the square in front of the door.

And a cloud of gas quickly condensed under their feet, carrying everyone away.

Hitler's hidden treasure has always been one of the biggest unsolved cases in the world since World War II.

It is said that a large amount of gold bars, jewelry and foreign currencies disappeared from the German Central Bank at that time.

This huge wealth made many people salivate, and they never gave up looking for it.

But after so many years, those treasure hunters have never obtained any clues.

Everything related to it is still just some vague speculation.


"Chengyu, we should have flown out of the territory of Germany now, right?"

"Haven't we reached the place where Hitler hid the treasure yet?"

Everyone flew quickly in the clouds and mist, and crossed a long distance in a short time, but Li Chengyu still had no intention of stopping.


"We have left Germany now."

"But the treasure that Hitler hid back then was not on the territory of his own country."

Li Chengyu smiled and said.


"Is Hitler so cunning?"

"No wonder people have never been able to discover his treasure after so many years."

Li Chengxin showed a look of realization.

"This treasure is hidden deep in the Alps in Austria."

"But the reason why Hitler hid the treasure there was not because he was very cunning."

"It was because Austria had been annexed by Germany during World War II, and he completely regarded it as his own country's territory."

"But who knew that in the late World War II, Germany's situation took a sharp turn for the worse and eventually lost the war."

"Austria also became independent again and became a separate country."

Li Chengyu said with a smile.

"Well, this Hitler really lost both his wife and his army."

"Perhaps he could never have imagined that the wealth he had obtained with so much hardship would become the property of someone else's country."

Li Chenghao said with some sighs.


"These riches didn't come cheap to Austria."

"More than a hundred years have passed, and they still haven't been able to dig out the treasure. Now it's ours."

Li Chengxin put his hands on his hips and laughed.

"We're here."

"The entrance should be below."

While everyone was chatting, Li Chengyu had already brought everyone to a stretch of mountains.

Then they drew an arc and landed at the bottom of a long and narrow valley.

"Well, I now understand Austria a little bit. Why hasn't this treasure been found after so many years."

"This place is really too desolate. It's hundreds of kilometers away from the nearest city, and there is no road to the outside world."

"Even if a professional mountaineering teamIt would take at least eight months to get here. "

Li Chenghao said curiously while looking at the surrounding environment.

He couldn't understand how Hitler found such a secret place at that time.

There are continuous mountains all around, and many places are cliffs. It is too difficult for ordinary people to come here.

"Well, it was not easy for Hitler to transport those treasures here."

"I don't know how many planes were used and how many trips were made to complete this task."

Li Zhiyi also sighed.

"Second brother, where is the treasure?"

"Is it in the cave behind the big tree? "

Li Chengxin didn't care about Hitler's past, she just wanted to find the treasure now.

After careful observation, she finally found a small cave on the mountain wall behind a big tree with her spiritual sense.

Not only was the entrance of this cave blocked by the big tree, but there were also many vines hanging in front of the door.

Even if ordinary people really came here, it would be difficult to find its location.

"Yes, it's in that cave."

"Let's go and take a look."

Li Chengyu smiled, and then walked forward.

Everyone came to the door of the cave, raised their hands and waved in the air, and all the hanging vines fell to the ground.

And a wind magic also blew into the cave, cleaning up the heavy miasma, dust and debris inside, and finally rolled these dirty things out.

"Let's go."

"There should be enough gold in here. "

When everything was ready, Li Chengyu took the lead and walked in.

The height of the cave entrance was barely two meters, and the width was only more than one meter. There were traces of excavation all around.

However, after everyone advanced more than ten meters, they felt a sense of sudden enlightenment.

The height of the cave exceeded three meters at once, and the width reached five meters.

Some old-fashioned wires and light bulbs were nailed to the surrounding stone walls. The German soldiers should have relied on them for lighting.

However, more than a hundred years have passed, and coupled with the lack of maintenance, these objects are no longer usable.

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