However, after the white snake swallowed these mysterious fruits, its huge snake eyes were obviously more lively than before, as if full of human brilliance.

Although its own strength has become stronger and it can hunt all kinds of prey.

But the white snake suppressed its instinctive bloodthirsty impulse.

It stayed in the cave near the source of spiritual energy all day long, following its intuition and constantly absorbing the rich spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth.

And the white snake found that even if it stopped eating now, it would not feel hungry.

At the same time, its body continued to grow at a fast speed.


In fact, not only the animals and plants growing near the source of spiritual energy began to show strange changes.

Even in some villages where humans live, the newborn babies there are very different from normal babies.

For example, in a mountainous area in Lingtai County, Gansu Province, the babies born here in the past two years weighed more than ten kilograms when they were born.

Fortunately, modern medicine is very advanced, and children can be taken out directly by caesarean section.

If this had happened in ancient times when medical conditions were very poor, it would have been a 100% difficult birth.

And these newborn babies are all strong and healthy.

They eat a lot, grow fast, and never get sick.

They are just one year old after they were born, and their size is about the same as that of three-year-old children in previous years.

And these children can run around chasing chickens and dogs, which is amazing.

For this phenomenon, the doctors and experts nearby can't explain it at all.

They just told the parents after giving the children a physical examination that the children are very healthy, even much healthier than ordinary children, so that everyone should not worry.

However, the elderly people in the village believe that the reason why the newborns are so strong is because the witch blood in their bodies has been stimulated.

Only powerful witches can be so strong when they are just born.

And their Lingtai County, Gansu, is the place where the ancient "witch" of China lived.

Of course, most young people don't believe the old people's statement in their hearts.

They just smiled and echoed a few words.


With the revival of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the whole world is gradually filled with rich spiritual energy, and the benefits are not just various animals and plants.

Those powerful and mysterious creatures that sealed themselves in the early years have also begun to gradually revive from all corners.

For example, in the European continent, there have been occasional news about vampires, werewolves, orcs, etc. on the Internet recently.

However, these news are uploaded by some netizens through their social accounts, and no official media has discussed them.

And before long, these sporadic mysterious news will be taken off the shelves and disappear without a trace.

Another example is Egypt on the African continent. Several pyramids in their country have collapsed for no reason recently.

When some anxious staff entered the pyramid to investigate, they all became calm when they came out.

They said that this collapse is a normal phenomenon, mainly due to the lack of repairs on the pyramid.

Haha, but all the information before showed that these ancient buildings thousands of years ago would not collapse even if they lasted for thousands of years.

In fact, the reason for these mysterious events was that the mysterious creatures such as vampires, werewolves, mummies, elves, orcs, etc. were revived.

After they woke up, they went through twenty years of recuperation, and their strength finally recovered a little, and they began to step into the outside world.

However, thousands of years have passed, and humans have developed a new civilization, which makes these ancient creatures a little uncomfortable.

The ubiquitous cameras, the Internet all over the world, the democratic rotation management method, the slogan of equality for all, the powerful weapons, etc., all make their heads buzz.

So much so that occasionally going out to catch some blood food will make a big fuss on the Internet and be known by many people.

If it weren't for some clever people who appeared in time to help them cover up various problems, I'm afraid they would have caused a sensation around the world.


"I don't want to hide in this dark basement forever!"

"I've been in this kind of place for thousands of years, I've had enough!"

A handsome vampire with fangs suddenly threw the blood bag in his hand to the ground.

"I don't want to suck this plasma that has been stored for who knows how long!"

"Such plasma has no energy at all."

"Only by sucking blood directly from a living person can I"Speed ​​up the recovery of strength!"

He stared at another handsome vampire next to him with scarlet eyes.

"Lawrence, you need to calm down."

"Before the strength is restored to a strong enough level, impulsiveness will only expose us."

"Then die tragically under the siege of humans, or even become a test subject in their laboratory."

Another vampire in the basement said with a dull expression.


After hearing his companion's remarks, Lawrence took a few deep breaths, and the scarlet in his eyes slowly faded.

"Morag, don't worry."

"I just vented some negative emotions just now, and now I'm fine."

"I didn't expect that the food we raised thousands of years ago could burst out with such powerful potential after Ragnarok."

"Not only has it multiplied in such a huge number, but it has also developed various powerful weapons. "

While Lawrence was muttering to himself, he gently stroked his lower back, where there was a shallow wound.

This was left after he was besieged by several human special forces and shot by guns when he was committing a crime outside yesterday.

Due to Lawrence's strength, he has only recovered a small part.

So this gunshot wound has not been completely healed after a whole day.

If it were his strongest time, such a wound would be healed in a few breaths.

"Lawrence, don't go out alone in the future."

"During this period, because you sucked the blood of seven humans, the city has strengthened its control, and there are many special forces patrolling in secret."

"If you are surrounded by them again next time, I can't guarantee that I can save you."

The vampire named Morag said lightly.


"I know. "

Lawrence sighed and agreed with his companion's statement.

"Morag, do you think we still have a chance to stand on top of this world and dominate everything of mankind?"

"When our strength recovers a little, we will develop the president of this country into our own descendants."

"Then gradually turn all the people in the country into our blood slaves."

"By then, our strength will surely recover quickly, and even become stronger than thousands of years ago!"

He was still a little unwilling and asked his companions for their opinions.

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