However, the Li family was in no mood to care about the various beautiful scenery on the island.

Because Li Chengyu told everyone yesterday that although a month was not a short time, he had a lot of skills to teach them, and the time was still very tight.

That was why his father, mother and others did not dare to be careless.

"Today I will teach you the 'invisibility technique'. Once you learn this technique, unless you encounter a powerful creature whose cultivation level is far beyond your own, the other party will be able to find your location."

"It can be said to be the only way to travel through the heavens and the worlds and save your life..."

Since everyone has arrived, they are ready to learn new techniques.

Then Li Chengyu naturally did not want to delay any further. He went straight to the topic and began to explain the next technique.

With his careful teaching, by noon, the five people had mastered some tricks of invisibility.

When everyone stood still and silently operated the technique, their bodies would become slightly transparent.

Well, that's all.

And once they move their bodies, the little bit of transparent effect will instantly return to its original state.

However, this is indeed considered to be learning this technique. In the future, if they want to be completely invisible, as well as invisible while running and fighting, they will need to practice more in the future.

"The second spell I will teach you today is called the Divine Movement Technique!"

"Compared to the martial arts skills that I taught you before, the Spiral Nine Shadows, it is a true immortal body technique."

"Although it is still not as fast as flying directly in the sky, it consumes much less of your own true energy."

"It can be said that it is the only way for you to travel and track the enemy at present."

"Once you learn it, your ability to save your life will be improved again..."

After the family members initially mastered the invisibility technique, Li Chengyu immediately explained the Divine Movement Technique, leaving them no time for lunch or lunch break.

And everyone was immersed in the study of the technique and completely forgot about lunch.

Time passed day by day.

Although the scenery on the island is very beautiful, everyone only enjoyed it on the first day, and then they were busy learning magic and practicing, and there was no time to relax.

Even Su Yunman's previous promise to teach everyone how to cook had long been forgotten.

Li Chengyu taught them two magic spells every day. Just learning these two spells consumed all the energy of everyone, and there was no way to care about other things.

However, in such hard learning, everyone also gained a lot.

After that, they initially learned the flying technique, perspective technique, wood escape technique, earth escape technique, gold escape technique, fire escape technique, ground listening technique, mustard seed hiding technique, indestructible golden light protection technique, inverted and confused immortal five cloud palm...

Various immortal techniques are so diverse that people are dazzled.

They all have very magical effects and are quite practical.

Well, they must be practical.

Because these methods were carefully selected by Li Chengyu from thousands of methods, and each has its own special advantages.

Once the Li family members have mastered them completely, unless they encounter a powerful enemy with much higher combat power than them, there will be no chance of hurting everyone, and they may even be killed by them using various methods.

Of course, the Li family members have only learned these methods in a preliminary way. If they want to use them perfectly, there is still a long way to go.

"Today is the 30th day since we landed on the island, and you have learned 60 spells so far."

"In the days to come, I hope you will continue to practice and study them, fully exert the power of these spells, and flexibly apply them to life and battle."

"You will find that the potential of these 60 spells is beyond your imagination."

"And in the next three days, I will not teach you new spells."

"You can also enjoy and revel on this island!"

"Three days later, we will return to Penglai Sanxian Mountain on time!"

That evening, when Li Chengyu finished teaching everyone the last spell, he announced the results of this study.

He also told them that the study on the island has come to an end.

"Oh! Finally finished!"

"I want to eat big crabs! I want to eat big lobsters! I want to eat big sea fish!"

"Everyone rush with me!"

After hearing Li Chengyu's announcement, Li Chengxin was immediately excited.

She bent her legs and jumped, and flew into the sky.

Although she didn't fly high or fast, it was a true flying technique.


Accompanied by aWith a loud explosion, Li Chengxin dived directly into the clear sea water.

Then he swam towards the deep sea at a very fast speed.

With the help of the poor water escape technique, the sea water would not only not become a resistance to Li Chengxin's progress, but would push her forward quickly.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"......

A few more explosions were heard, and father, mother, eldest brother, and Su Yunman also dived into the sea water from high altitude.

They couldn't wait to catch some seafood and cook a big meal with them.

Because the last time everyone had a meal was a month ago, and they hadn't entered the kitchen or restaurant for a hundred years.

And this was the first time that everyone had fasted for such a long time.

Now that they were finally freed, of course they needed to satisfy their appetite first.

"Swish!" "Swish!" "Swish!"......

Just a few minutes later, Li Chengxin and others emerged from the deep sea again, and the exaggerated speed made the water splash several meters high.

Some of them were holding big fish, some were picking up crabs and lobsters, and some were holding big conches.

Everyone flew directly from the sea to the kitchen without touching the ground.

Then they dumped the seafood in their hands into the huge pool against the wall.

"Sister Yunman, you cook first, and we will go catch some seafood."

Li Chengxin said, and then she and Li Chenghao flew away without looking back.

Although there were already a lot of seafood in the kitchen, they still felt it was not enough.

Well, there was no need to worry about getting a stomachache anyway, it would be okay to eat more.

Su Yunman nodded, picked up the utensils from the shelf, and began to quickly clean up the seafood.

When Li Chengxin and others returned again, the two big fish had been cut up by her.

This speed, even if the chef was alive, there was no way to compare with her.

After all, the hand speed and eyesight of the cultivators at the Golden Core Realm have long been extraordinary, and the knives blessed by the True Essence are even more indestructible.

Many factors combined make Su Yunman a true cooking god in the eyes of ordinary people!

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