"Okay, Captain Paul."

"I will immediately send the two lifeboats to rescue you."

"But because the water is too turbulent, it will probably take a long time to reach you."

"I suggest that while you are waiting for rescue, you can also try other methods to save yourself."

Colton said loudly.

"Okay, Colton."

"We know what to do."

After the two made their decision, they decisively hung up the phone and took action.

Now, regardless of whether there are big snakes in the river, the people on the big ship in front must be transferred.

"Charlotte, Perez."

"The first big ship is almost unable to hold on, and it can only hold on for half an hour at most."

"You two should take the lifeboat now and continue to complete the rescue mission just now!"

Colton looked at his two team members and said loudly.



Charlotte and Perez answered loudly.

Then they came to the edge of the boat and began to climb down along the rope ladder.

Although the two knew that the giant python in the river was very likely not to leave.

If they went down to the small lifeboat at this time, they would probably be attacked by the giant python.

But as a soldier, they had to obey orders!

"You two soldiers on the second boat, continue to complete the rescue mission just now."

"After you finish a rescue operation, other soldiers will take turns to go on stage."

Colton continued to give orders.


The two special forces soldiers in front of him also answered loudly.

Then they followed Charlotte and Perez and went down the rope ladder to the lifeboat.

And in the weeds and vines on the shore not far from the big ship, a huge python was staring at them.

Just now, it devoured two bipedal beasts that it had never enjoyed before, and it felt quite good.

Even though it was a little full now, the giant python felt that it could eat two more.

Well, it is growing, and of course it can only grow faster if it eats more.

At the same time, the giant python used its tongue and eyes that had grown and evolved.

It found that there were many bipeds on the big ship opposite.

The giant python, which had opened up some intelligence, did not want to enjoy such delicious food alone.

It planned to call some brothers and sisters to have a meal together.

Well, it would be better to have more giant pythons of the opposite sex, so that everyone can contribute to the reproduction of the species together.


It hid in the grass, stood up, opened its huge mouth to the sky, and roared silently.

This "silence" is only relative to humans, and its sound wave frequency has exceeded the range that human ears can receive.

But the giant pythons and other snakes within a radius of five miles can clearly hear this call.

They suddenly stood up and then quickly snaked towards the direction of the fleet.

These snakes have figured out the meaning of the sound, and there is an endless delicious meal waiting for everyone ahead.


The people in the fleet didn't know that a very tragic crisis was about to come.

Captain Paul on the front ship was now directing everyone to put on life jackets as soon as possible.

However, there were not enough life jackets on the ship, so the remaining seven special forces could only remove the wooden boards on the ship, or take out the wooden barrels and pour out the beer and water inside.

So that when they cross the river later, they hope that they can increase their buoyancy so as not to be swept away by the undercurrent under the river.

The special forces spent nearly ten minutes in total. In addition to solving the problem of their own buoyancy, they also tied some important supplies such as ammunition and medical supplies to their bodies.

At this time, Charlotte, Perez and their two lifeboats finally rowed to the side of the big ship.

However, Paul and others did not choose to take them, as they could only carry four more soldiers at most.

Simply threw all the remaining important supplies that were difficult to carry onto the ship, and let the two lifeboats return.

"Let's go!"

Paul gave the order and took the lead, holding the barrel and jumping off the big ship.

At this time, the bow of the big ship was almost completely submerged in the water, and the stern was tilted upward.

And as the water flow in the cabin increased, the sinking speed was gradually getting faster and faster.

When it sank into the river, a huge vortex would be generated, sucking everything around it in, so everyone had to evacuate as soon as possible.

"Plop!" "Plop!" "Plop!"...

With Paul leading the way, other special forces also jumped into the water.The soldiers wearing life jackets were fine. They could quickly master their balance and then drift downstream along the current.

However, the special forces carrying wooden boards and barrels needed to float up as soon as possible after falling into the water, and then lie on them to drift downstream.

Two of the soldiers were unlucky. After falling into the water, they happened to encounter an undercurrent in the river, and they failed to grab the floating objects in time, so they could never float up again.

Only a wooden board and an empty barrel were left, drifting quickly downward along the river.

Although Paul saw his team members being caught in the undercurrent, he was completely unable to rescue them.

With such a strong undercurrent, even the best water skills may not be able to protect themselves in it, let alone save people.

"Everyone control the direction and move towards the third large ship!"

Paul had to suppress the grief in his heart and try to lead the remaining team members to continue to survive.

"Snake! There's a snake!"

"There's a big python in the river!"

Just as the group was struggling to find their direction, a cry of surprise suddenly came from the lifeboat in front.

The situation that everyone was most worried about still happened.

"I have a snake here too. It just hit my thigh."

A team member near Paul also shouted loudly.


"Is there more than one python in the river?"

His originally calm consciousness is now a little uncalm.

If there is only one python in the river, it can only swallow a few soldiers at most.

Even after it ate Braden and Autumn before, it was full.

And animals like snakes, once full, will no longer attack other animals for no reason.

But if there is more than one python in the river, then things will naturally become complicated.


Just as everyone was trying to control their drifting direction and looking around alertly, they saw the special forces soldier who had just shouted was suddenly dragged into the river by a huge force and never floated to the surface again.

Everyone knew that he was in great danger.

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