Li Chengyu had handed over everything in the group to Su Yunman.

And he just needed to enjoy life in the future.

As for whether the group would gradually decline after Li Chengyu completely let go, he had no worries about it.

First of all, many of the group's pillar projects have formed a monopoly worldwide.

And the programming level that surpasses the current plane by hundreds of years also makes this monopoly impossible to shake.

Secondly, the group is still creating huge profits, and these profits drive the group to move forward.

Unless there are some irresistible factors, his group will only develop better and better, and it is impossible to decline.

Thirdly, Su Yunman, who was originally very smart, has the world's top wisdom and abundant energy that ordinary people can't understand at all under the blessing of the Changsheng Jue.

She is not a stubborn character at all. Before making some major decisions, she will also seek the opinions of everyone.

Under the leadership of Su Yunman, Li Chengyu Group will surely move forward steadily and develop continuously.

Finally, Li Chengyu himself does not really value the group.

What if all these things are lost?

He can create a new business empire again with a flip of his hand.

In short, all the ideas that Li Chengyu had in the past have been realized here one by one.

He can now indulge himself and do whatever he wants, and no person or force can hinder him.


Time flies day by day, and another six years have passed in a blink of an eye.

In these six years, the world has not changed much.

After all, the technology in the plane has reached a certain level and has fallen into a bottleneck.

If there is no major change, the world's science and technology will be in a state of slow development for a long time in the future.

However, for Li Chengyu Group, these six years have been six years of rapid development.

Under the leadership of Su Yunman, the entire group's business seems to be undergoing new changes every day.

In the current global virtual Internet field, almost all public platforms are created by Li Chengyu Group.

Communication and social networking, growth education, e-commerce, medical mutual assistance, financial payment, travel, digital entertainment, etc., covering all aspects of people's lives.

Basically, as long as you go online, it is impossible to avoid the services of Li Chengyu Group.

People all over the world are using the group's platform, which also allows the group to collect a large amount of effective data.

With the support of these data, the group's business has also been expanded in a targeted manner and developed better and better.

Of course, such a large amount of data interaction also requires the support of a strong data center.

To this end, Li Chengyu Group gradually acquired most of the shares of a top server company in the world through various means.

Then it decisively delisted it, serving itself exclusively, and focusing on the research and development and production of various high-end servers.

With the support of this company, the group also spread its data centers all over the world, creating the most powerful data center community in the entire plane.

With the help of the data center community, Li Chengyu Group has become the most powerful overlord in the virtual world without a doubt.

Any disturbance in the network is under its monitoring.

If a new Internet company with development potential emerges, it will be known by the data center at the first time.

Then the group can send people to inject capital or acquire it.

If the other party is too stubborn and unwilling to agree to the various requirements put forward by the group.

Then the group will quickly set up a similar company to squeeze out the opponent who is still in the budding stage of development.

Although this method may seem very cruel, it will also kill the dreams of many entrepreneurs.

However, the business world is like a battlefield, and the best way is to survive better.

Too much pity will only cut off your own financial path.

In addition, in addition to the development of the virtual Internet field, Li Chengyu Group has now begun to enter the physical industry.

Mobile phones, cars, robots, 3D printing, electronic watches, medical equipment, etc., have all been involved.

Even large-scale machinery fields such as shipbuilding, aircraft manufacturing, and rocket manufacturing have begun to be gradually involved.

At the beginning of development, the group will directly buy a company in the same industry with full capital.

Then continue to purchase related patents and win over top talents in the industry.

With the help of massive funds, these physical enterprises have generally developed quite well.

Some companies have even slowly advanced to the top position in their industry.

The rapid expansion of Li Chengyu GroupZhang and Development also made many entrepreneurs shout "wolf is coming".

However, no matter how these entrepreneurs form alliances and fight together, they can't stop the group's progress.

In addition, the massive stocks that Li Chengyu acquired in the Chinese stock market and the American stock market in the early years are now all handed over to the group's investment company for management.

Today, the Li Chengyu Group has occupied a large share of the world's business, and a stomp of the foot may trigger a huge financial crisis.

Of course, the group is too powerful, which will also attract the fear of some national regimes, fearing that they will be overthrown.

They always want to nationalize the Li Chengyu Group and swallow up everything of the other party.

It's just that the opponent is so powerful that they have no way to start.

Even if these people in power want to suppress the Li Chengyu Group through certain policies.

They are very likely to be opposed by the people of their own country, and even the regime will be overthrown by their own people.

After all, everything that happened in the country of cheating in the past few years has always alerted them.

Moreover, the size of Li Chengyu Group has now exceeded many times before, and they have a large number of employees in almost every country.

The total number of employees of the group in the world has reached more than 20 million.

This is indeed a very scary number.

And the users served by Li Chengyu Group include most of the people in the world.

All large forces have to think carefully before they want to do something crooked to it.

Of course, as the group continues to grow and develop, it will occasionally encounter some small forces that are blind and full of yellow and white things.

In the face of these small forces in remote countries, most laws will lose their effectiveness.

Then at this time, it is the turn of the security company under the group to take action.

Whether in the Americas or Europe, Li Chengyu Group has established a number of private security companies, which are quite strong.

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