In fact, not only Li Chengyu failed to fully control his body, but it should be said that everyone in this plane failed to fully control their bodies.

For example, ordinary people can only exert about 12% to 30% of their potential.

The current world record for weightlifting is: 263.5 kilograms.

But what is the theoretical maximum that humans can lift?

A full 5,000 kilograms! (PS: I checked the data)

Each muscle fiber in the human body can generate about 0.3 Newtons of force, and converted to every square centimeter of muscle tissue, that is a full 100 Newtons of force, which is about 10 kilograms.

If we use the muscles in our arms to carry half of the weight of the object when lifting weights.

The shoulders, hips, and legs of the body share the other half of the force.

In theory, you can grab a weight of 5,000 kilograms.

Of course, if you really grab such a heavy object, the hard bones of humans may not be able to withstand such pressure and break and shatter.

But in general, every human has great potential, at least it is far from the appearance that moving a bucket of water is a struggle.

In fact, Li Chengyu also discovered it.

In this plane, there are still a group of humans who can exert their own strength far greater than ordinary people.

For example, those martial arts masters.

Although Su Yunman, who lives with him every day, is only in the Ming Jin stage.

But her control over her body is far beyond the reach of those ordinary people.

In addition, through training, her muscle strength and bone strength are slightly higher than those of ordinary people.

So in a real fight, even seven or eight ordinary strong men will not be her opponents.

The Ming Jin stage can already achieve this.

Think about how the An Jin masters and Hua Jin masters in this plane are like entering a no-man's land when facing ordinary people.

One beats ten, easily.

The way Li Chengyu exercises his body control ability is very simple.

He just needs to keep moving.

Of course, his movement is just an act in the eyes of ordinary people.

If it were those cultivators above the Jindan stage, they would be able to see the charm of Li Chengyu's walking.

Every step he took was full of strength in his body.

But these strengths did not pass through the skin and out of the body, but always circulated in the body.

This force is neither true qi nor true essence, but just pure physical strength.

By exercising the control of one's own body in this way, not only can the time be greatly shortened.

At the same time, it can also improve the strength of the body to a certain extent.

But to achieve this step, it is impossible for ordinary foundation-building cultivators to achieve it.

If they exercise the control of their own body in this way, they will be seriously injured at best, and their meridians will be broken and they will die at worst.

Even those cultivators in the Jindan and Yuanying stages have to be cautious when using it.

However, Li Chengyu has practiced for millions of years in his previous 999 reincarnations and has reached a very high level of cultivation.

Coupled with the extremely pure and powerful spiritual consciousness, he can be said to be very familiar with this method of training.

When the afternoon class was about to start, Li Chengyu had already increased his control over his physical body to 65%.

Five percentage points is already quite good.

He nodded with satisfaction and walked towards the classroom of Class 313.

The monthly exam this afternoon was on science and mathematics.

Well, this is much easier than Chinese.

After the test papers were distributed, Li Chengyu glanced and started to tick.

Single-choice questions, multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank questions...

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

In less than a minute, he had already flipped through the test paper several times.

Compared with Chinese, the strokes required to fill in the math test paper are really much less.

Even if some big questions require writing the steps to solve the problem, it is still very easy.

Without any need to draft and think, Li Chengyu filled in the entire math test paper in less than ten minutes. Then, he spent another two minutes filling in the answer sheet. Well, done! He stood up and handed in the paper without any delay, and there was no need to check for mistakes. Li Chengyu's exaggerated behavior not only stunned the invigilator sitting in front of the podium. It also made the other students in the classroom open their mouths and stare at him blankly. Invigilator: "These students in Class 313,It's really like a piece of mud that can't be helped. ’

‘Only a few minutes have passed? ’

‘I'm afraid he only answered the multiple-choice questions on the test paper? ’

“At most, he randomly filled in some fill-in-the-blank questions.”

‘In this short time, he didn't even have time to look at the big questions. ’

The invigilator was quite disdainful in his heart, but there was no emotion on his face.

The students in this school are either rich or noble, and they are not people he can mock at will.

If he really wants to mock, he can only hide it deep in his heart.

‘Fuck, what's wrong with Li Chengyu? He handed in the paper quickly in the morning, and he handed it in even faster in the afternoon? ’

‘It's over, this kid was stimulated by Fatty Zhao and went crazy. He used to be such an honest kid, but he's gone forever. ’

‘Fatty Zhao is not a human! He really went too far this time! ’

‘Humph, Li Chengyu, wait a few days and slap yourself in front of the whole class! This is the result of you hitting me! ’

‘Hmm? Wasn’t it Fatty Zhao who got beaten yesterday? Why do I feel that Li Chengyu was the one who got more stimulated? ’

‘Young Master…’

The students in Class 313 looked at Li Chengyu’s back as he left the classroom, and different thoughts came to their minds.

As the protagonist, Li Chengyu didn’t care what the group of people behind him were thinking.

He continued to exercise his control over his body bit by bit according to his plan.

At present, his control over his body is about 65%.

And Li Chengyu’s ultimate goal is to increase his control to about 85%.

As for 100%? It’s impossible at this stage!

That requires not only a strong spiritual consciousness, but also an extremely pure body.

In the past 999 reincarnations, Li Chengyu first achieved 100% control over his body after he survived the heavenly tribulation and shed his mortal body.

And if the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in this plane always maintains the current concentration.

Then he would only be in the foundation-building stage, and there would be no chance for him to survive the heavenly tribulation and shed his mortal body.

It would be even more impossible for him to fully control his body.

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