Chapter 135

  Doctor Tian was stunned, as if someone had hit him in the head.

   He checked Teacher Bai's pulse again, but there was no heartbeat.

  The surrounding villagers saw that Dr. Tian's expression suddenly became very frightened, and asked in a panic, "Doctor Tian, ​​what's wrong with you, Teacher Bai, is he alright?"

  Doctor Tian was dumbfounded, but the villagers who were feeding the medicine suddenly found that Teacher Bai was not breathing.

   "Bai, Teacher Bai, he, he, he, he seems to be out of breath..."


   Everyone was shocked.

  Doctor Tian staggered back several steps, his face covered in cold sweat, and muttered in panic,

   "Impossible, it's impossible, my family's remedies can't be wrong, how can it kill people..."

   kills people...


   All the villagers woke up like a dream, thinking that Nianyang had just insisted that Doctor Tian's remedies would kill people. They still didn't believe it, but now it's true!

   "How could this be? Teacher Bai died. Did we hurt Teacher Bai?"

  Everyone was in complete chaos, and some of the timid villagers cried out in fright.

   Because when Nianyang reminded them just now, there was still a chance for rescue.

   They didn't listen and forced Teacher Bai to drink the medicine, which caused Teacher Bai to stop breathing. Now it is difficult for Daluo Immortal to turn around!

   "God is going to destroy our village..."

  Zhang Jianjun, the mayor of the town, hurried over to hear the news of Teacher Bai's death, and his face turned pale with fright.

   Teacher Bai was a teacher from the city, but died in their village, or because of the wrong prescription...

   He could imagine with his toes, what kind of misfortune the village would fall into next...

   "Who said Teacher Bai died?"

   In the chaos, the girl's gentle and demure voice reached everyone's ears with shocking power.

   "Nian, girl Nianyang, what do you mean, is there any help for Teacher Bai?"

   Zhang Jianjun asked with a look of shock, not wanting to miss a chance.

  The other villagers also watched Nianyang nervously, as if they were grabbing the last straw.

   Nianyang didn't answer right away, just walked to Teacher Bai and squatted down, first took his pulse, rolled his eyelids, and looked at the tongue coating.

   "Don't panic everyone, Teacher Bai is not dead yet, but the toxin spreads too fast, causing the blood flow in the body to be blocked and causing shock. It has not yet reached a dead end, I can cure it."

   Nianyang said calmly and restrainedly.

   Like a drop of hot oil falling into cold water, a spark exploded!

  The villagers were so excited that they were going crazy, and they all begged Nianyang to get rid of it quickly. Where is the appearance of distrusting Nianyang's irony and contempt before.

   However, some villagers sneered, "Mr. Bai is already dead, so if you don't hurry up and figure out how to deal with the people above him, and say that you can save him, it's a joke!"

   In the crowd, Gu Youlan and Wang Ying watched this scene with a sneer, thinking that Gu Nianyang was really stupid. At this time, smart people know that they should avoid suspicion.

   She's good, she moved up on purpose to show off!

   It is clear that the teacher is dead, and that she can be cured, she thinks she is a fairy!

   They are going to see how this idiot ends today!


   Nianyang didn't care what everyone thought, she had predicted this scene before she came, so she deliberately took a backpack to cover.

   This will take out a complete set of gastric lavage tools directly from the backpack [space] behind him.

   If she had been given treatment from the beginning, she would only need to give Teacher Bai the detoxification pills she made to be cured.

   But because Dr. Tian insisted on feeding Teacher Bai the medicinal soup, the toxins became aggravated, so the toxins in Teacher Bai's body could only be removed by gastric lavage.

The first update on Sunday, the early bird catches the worm, so please vote for the feed, I love you guys, hey, today's update target is 3500, I have never had 3500 before, can you let me achieve a plus update achievement ?

   (end of this chapter)

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