Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 777: beat him

   Chapter 777 Beat him


   Helian Rongjiu said, "It's not the first time you've walked alone with me, are you still afraid of what I'll do to you?"

   Murong Lingran's eyes widened suddenly: "Who said I'm scared, I just want to know where I'm going?"

  Will she be afraid?


   If this person dares to do anything to her, she will let Changqi Shenjun beat him.

  Helian Rongjiu showed an expression like this, and said with a light smile: "You will know when you come with me."

  Murong said again: "Then we have something to say first, I'm just helping you see, but I can't guarantee that it will be rescued. If the tree dies, you can't rely on me."

   "Don't worry, don't you know who I am? I won't embarrass you."

   He said so, and Murong Lingran promised him to come first, so he had to go out and talk to the shopkeepers, and then checked the things on his body, seeing that the bag was all there, and then he followed him.

   After getting on Helian Rongjiu's carriage, the carriage went directly to the north gate, which was the exact opposite of the city gate where she returned to Lihua Village.

The carriage was swaying all the way. Originally, she had been looking at the scenery outside the window, but she had not rested well in the past few days. After a while, she closed her eyes tiredly and began to close her eyes to rest her mind. Do not know at all.

   Just when she was about to fall asleep, Helian Rongjiu said, "It's here."

   Murong opened his eyes suddenly, jumped out of the car quickly, looked up at the plaque on the house in front of him, "Shangnong Bureau? This is the Shangnong Bureau."

   Helian Rongjiu said: "What? You know this place?"

   "Well, I heard others mention this place, but I haven't been there. It should be the place where the imperial court specializes in planting, managing and studying special plants, right?"

   Helian Rongjiu nodded, "Since you know, then I won't say more, come with me."

"it is good."

   The two walked into the gate, and someone was already waiting there.

   When the man saw the two of them coming in, he bowed respectfully, and then quietly walked ahead to lead the way.

  Murong Lingran began to observe from the time he was at the gate. Although the inside is farming, but from the outside, it looks like the courtyard wall of an ordinary house.

   Walking inside, she soon found that it was similar to an ordinary three-entry house, with a main room, a wing room, a lower room, and a rain gallery.

   also met a lot of servants, and when they saw the two of them coming, they all knelt on the ground respectfully and cautiously, not daring to let out the air.

   Murong Lingran looked at the high-spirited man beside him, and said in a low voice, "What is your identity, why do those people seem to be afraid of you?"

   Helian Rongjiu smiled mysteriously: "Guess."

   Murong gritted her teeth and asked her to guess again?

But looking at the appearance that he seemed to be going for a long time, he thought it was time to pass the time, and Murong said lightly, "Young Master Wei and Young Master Rong said that you are the younger generation of Lord Ning'an, and these servants are so afraid of you. Your status should not be low, are you a royal family member?"

   Helian Rongjiu was noncommittal.

   Seeing that he didn't speak, Murong said excitedly: "Did I guess right?"

   "Only guessed a little."

   Murong sighed and said, "I knew you wouldn't tell the truth."

   Helian Rongjiu laughed and said: "Don't worry, I didn't plan to hide it from you for the rest of my life, you will naturally know when you should know."

   Murong gave him a blank look and turned to ignore him.

   When Helian Rongjiu saw this, he didn't coax her, just smiled lightly.

   (end of this chapter)

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