Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2190: impossible to be deceived

   Chapter 2190 It is impossible to be deceived

   After he finished speaking, he took a few steps back, as if they were doing whatever they wanted.

  Ning'an Hou said: "Everyone, do you have any questions? Today, while everyone is here, the eldest princess and I will answer everyone one by one."

   Everyone looked at each other, but didn't speak.

Most people are very clear in their hearts that the Marquis of Ning'an has fought on the battlefield for decades, his ability is needless to say, and it is impossible to be deceived, and Murong Zhe was recognized by the Marquis of Ning'an, not Murong Zhe. Actively came to the door.

   In addition, Murong Zong, Murong Xuan, and Murong Kuan all practiced martial arts, and now they have all achieved small achievements, then it is more convincing that Murong Zhe is the son of the Marquis of Ning'an.

  The so-called dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix, and the son of a mouse can make a hole.

   They are so capable in martial arts, probably because they are like their grandfather.

   Even though Murong Zhe is a doctor, he heard that he used to be the youngest and most promising imperial doctor in the imperial hospital. He is so smart, it is estimated that he inherited it from his parents.

   Murong Xiang saw that no one spoke, and glanced at Murong Fei, who shook her head at her.

   Father has already recognized Murong Zhe, and so many guests have no doubt that if they say anything more as daughters, they will definitely make father unhappy.

Moreover, they and their children never gave Murong Zhe a good face before, and they offended Murong Zhe already. If they offend Murong Zhe again, they are married daughters again. After their parents left, if they were bullied by their in-laws , or only go back to her mother's house to find her brother's support, Murong Zhe and his sons will definitely not help them at that time.

  Murong Zhe has six sons. Murong Zong is now a general of the fifth rank. When the Marquis of Ning'an is in their hands, it is estimated that the glory of their father will continue.

   Murong Xiang stomped her feet angrily when she saw that Murong Fei didn't listen to her.

  Although she didn't want her father to recognize Murong Zhe, she had already been reprimanded a while ago, and if she went against him again, she was afraid that her father would kick her out in front of everyone in a fit of anger, and she couldn't afford to lose that face any more.

   Forget it, keep the green hills, not afraid of running out of firewood.

  Murong Zhe, you better really be my father's son, otherwise I will never spare you!

  If Murong Lingran knew what she was thinking, she would definitely say disdainfully: "If you don't forgive my father, what kind of onion are you? Does my father need your forgiveness?"

  Murong Lingran glanced at the faces of the people present, some were happy, some blessed, some jealous, some unwilling, and some silent, in short, there were all kinds of expressions, all kinds of expressions.

Seeing that everyone was speechless, Lord Ning'an said loudly, "Since everyone is speechless, it is a great joy for my son to bring his family back today. At the same time, I would like to thank everyone for their support today. Come here, so I specially prepared good wine and good dishes to entertain you, and please take a seat now."

   "Thank you, Marquis."

  The Marquis of Ning An asked his two daughters Mrs. Rong and Mrs. Wei, brother and sister Wei Jingxuan and Rong Xinyuan to entertain guests for him, while he took Murongzhe's family to the backyard.

   Murong Xiang and Murong Fei saw this and followed them with the children.

  The Marquis of Ning An introduced the situation at home to Murong Zhe's family as they walked. Halfway through, they noticed that Murong Xiang and Murong Fei had also come with their family, and frowned, "What are you doing here?"

   (end of this chapter)

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