Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 2118: Pearl out

   Chapter 2118 Pearls are out

Murong Lingran heard the complaint in his tone, and sneered: "I didn't expect this, I just wanted them to breed, and for a while I forgot that the animals in the sea are very capable of growing. Today, I would like to thank the gods. If it wasn't for the gods, this waters would be a disaster for the seafood."

She didn't have enough time to eat the seafood in this water area. The time before she bought the seafood was still short, and she couldn't take it out. Changqi Shenjun was right. At that time, she would not cry when she looked at the huge seafood every day. place to cry.

  Shenjun Changqi snorted, "Forget it for now, I'll watch and control your stuff in the future, lest you take it out and eat it."

   "Thank you, God."

  Murong Lingran was about to leave the space when she suddenly saw a scallop bigger than her face not far from her, looking at it, it looked like the pearl oyster she saw in a previous life.

   looked at other places, and there were hundreds of such scallops just where she could see. Thinking that there would be pearls in the scallops, she moved the scallops to her feet with her divine sense.

  Shenjun Changqi suddenly said: "What are you going to do?"

   "With such a big scallop, I want to see if there are pearls in it."

  There is a lot of sand underwater in her space. Since there is sand, it is very likely that there are pearls in her scallops.

   "It turns out that you like pearls, so you have made the right choice. There are indeed in this one."

   Murong Lingran was instantly overjoyed, took out a knife, and pried open the shell.

   Suddenly, a pearl the size of her fist appeared in front of her eyes.

   Murong Lingran picked up the pearl and said excitedly, "This pearl is so big, and it's actually purple, and it's so round, it should be able to sell for a good price."

   "You really fell into the eyes of money. Wouldn't it be better to keep such a rare pearl for your own collection?"

   "Hey, there are quite a few scallops here. I guess there must be pearls in the others. I don't lack this one."

  Shenjun Changqi heard the words and said helplessly: "You are right, other scallops do have pearls in them, and some are bigger than this, rounder, and more beautiful."

   Murong Lingran suddenly looked at the scallops lying at the bottom with bright eyes. If she sold all of them for money, she would probably be rich enough to rival the country.

  Yes, let’s just open a jewelry store. With so many pearls, she has no shortage of raw materials.

  Shenjun Changqi said: "Okay, it's getting late, you should rest, don't worry, when you're not here, I will control their growth rate, and make sure you can take them out in the future."

   "Well, then thank you God."

   After she finished speaking, she put the pearls into the cloth bag, threw the scallops just now into the river, and left the space.

   Although it was pried open by her, it is very likely that its flesh will be injured, but there is room for water, and it can still survive.

   There were no four children when we went back, so the speed increased a lot, and soon after walking more than half of the distance, we came to the junction of the capital and Donghaifu.

   Of course, Murong Lingran didn't forget what Chang Qi Shenjun said about asking her to find medicinal herbs on the way.

  So these few days, in order not to delay her trip, she was resting at night. She quietly rode the black fur to look for it. She went out for an hour every night and found the herbs she needed smoothly.

   (end of this chapter)

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