Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1951: cream cake

   Chapter 1951 Cream Cake

"I see."

  Some of the people who have tried it all think the taste is good, so they started to look inside Zhi Ye Zhai.

   Seeing this, everyone almost dropped their jaws.

   At first glance, it is roughly divided into two areas.

   Part of the area is for cooked food, such as desserts and candies, all close to the door.

  The other part is the vegetable and fruit area.

  In the middle of the two areas, there are aquatic animals such as rice, sugar and fish, shrimp and crabs.

  In addition to the moving fish, shrimp and crabs, everything is neatly arranged, which is pleasing to the eye at first glance, and has the urge to buy.

  Every guy with a smile on his face, dressed in uniform, waiting for every guest with energy.

   Those guests felt a little happy when they saw such a neat and tidy environment. The first thing they did when they went in was to buy the dim sum jerky and candy they had just eaten.

   Just saw what a person was doing in the dim sum area, and one person asked curiously: "What is that?"

Murong Lingran also followed them in. She had long known that they had this question, and explained with a smile: "That's a cake with cream on it, I call it a cream cake, and I only make two a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. ."

"Those who want to buy can use the stamp of consumption to draw lots after spending at Zhiye Zhai on the same day. If you are lucky, you may be selected in one draw. If you are unlucky, you may have to wait for a day, or ten days, or even a hundred. day."

   "However, the cake is only available in Zhiye Zhai No. 5 store, other stores don't have it."

   She has long wanted to open a cake shop in the capital, but she can't do it alone. She doesn't want to teach too many people for the time being, so she only teaches Yu Yongkun for the time being.

  Things are rare and expensive. Now that they do less, the price can be raised.

   I have done too much, and it is estimated that ten of them will not be able to sell for the current price of one.

   And there is no oven here, it is really difficult to control the temperature of the stove.

   As for the cream, she also bought a cow some time ago, and after finding a lot of ways in the book, she made the cream with something that Xuan Qingguo already had.

   She also only taught Yu Yongkun one method, and she will teach him the other methods in the future.

   Hearing that we have to wait so long and need to draw lots, many people who have never eaten cake immediately lost their minds to buy it.

  I don’t know the taste yet, it’s not worth spending so much time on something that I don’t know if it tastes good.

Seeing the lack of interest on everyone's faces, Murong Lingran had already anticipated it, and said with a smile, "I know that everyone doesn't know the taste of it, and they are not interested in cakes, so I also make them. I have samples for everyone to try.”

   After saying that, he brought out a large tray.

  Everyone saw a large tray with a lot of cakes cut into small cubes, each with a light red flower on top, and a wooden sign stuck on the flower.

   "If you are interested, you can try it. If you like it, go to the lottery. If you are lucky, you can win the lottery today."

   It’s a free trial again. When everyone sees this, they are welcome. Moreover, the light red flower on the top is so beautiful. It looks good and tastes good, so everyone started to try it.

   "Soft and delicious."

   "An egg smell, this cake is also delicious."

   "This one called cream is so sweet, not bad."

   (end of this chapter)

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