Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1903: buy another shop

   Chapter 1903 Buy the shop again

   But the way she looked at Murong Xuan just now didn't seem like someone who didn't want to make progress.

   She had also heard that he used to play darts for his sister, so he probably wouldn't let himself spend his life like this.

   His eldest brother is a general, and it will be easy to take him to find him a half-official position in the future.

   Ruan Youyue said: "So, I must ask my grandmother to find me a better marriage than the Murong family. I can't be compared by Sister Youyi."

   "I think you are very likely to be compared."

"What do you mean?"

Ruan Youlan said: "It's very simple. Our parents are not in the capital. If you want to marry someone in the capital, you must pass the level of the aunt and grandmother. They attach great importance to the order of elders and children. Our parents' status is lower than that of the uncle. And auntie, if our future husband's status exceeds that of Sister Youyi, the auntie will definitely not be willing."

   Ruan Youyue frowned and said, "Then what should we do?"

   Ruan Youlan said: "The low point is low, that's normal, I don't care, as long as the man treats me well."

good for you?

Can    be good for you and use it as money?

   Ruan Youyue suddenly stopped talking. Although Murong's family's status was higher than her father's, she still felt very low.

  If she wanted to marry, she would never marry someone like the Murong family. She would definitely marry into the capital.

   Let her face the peasants who face the loess and turn their backs to the sky every day in a small mountain village, it is better to kill her.

  After Ruan Youyi returned home, the factory building of Murong Lingran's house was about to be completed.

   At the same time as the construction of Murong's factory building, Murong Lingran planned to buy more shops. The current shops would not be able to digest the food she produced on a large scale in the future.

   It’s just that I had bad luck some time ago, and there was no suitable situation, so I put this matter on hold.

   Early this morning, someone in the city came to inform her that there was a shop she wanted, so Murong Lingran rushed to the city early in the morning.

   She also knew where that place was, so she didn't go to the tooth shop, but went directly to that shop.

When    arrived, the shopkeeper Zhang of Yaxing was already there waiting for her.

   Ruan Youyi has nothing to do today, and came here with her.

   Shopkeeper Zhang saw the two. Although she didn't know Ruan Youyi, she was probably from Murong Lingran's family because of her dress, so she smiled and said, "County Lord, Madam, you are here."

   Murong said: "I've kept you waiting for a long time, please tell me about the situation of this shop."

The shopkeeper Zhang nodded: "Yes, the county owner. This shop only quit a few days ago. Although it used to be a small restaurant, it is very well maintained. The interior decoration is still very good, and it is very spacious. It is used to sell food. It couldn't be more suitable."

   "There are several rooms in the backyard, as well as a kitchen. It's very convenient for the guys to stay overnight."

   "The flow of people coming and going is not small. When I was a restaurant in the past, business was very good, but the owner was forced to reluctantly close it."

   "I heard that you also want to sell food. There are not many dim sum shops on this street, which are just suitable for selling food. There are also many wealthy people living nearby, so the business will definitely be booming."

   Murong Lingran looked around and asked the people around him, "Second sister-in-law, what do you think of this shop?"

   Ruan Youyi said: "It's not bad, but I see that the traffic around this shop seems to be less than the one you bought before."

   (end of this chapter)

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