Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1890: secret deal

   Chapter 1890 Secret Trading

The lacquer carving industry slandered in the heart, but said seriously: "Since the Xiangjun said so, then we are welcome. The purpose of our visit is to discuss the high-yield grain and your fruit trees with the Xiangjun. Oh, by the way. , The vegetables we ate at the post station recently were also bought from Zhiye Zhai, and the taste of those vegetables was also very good, and we were also very interested.”

   Murong Lingran didn't beat around the bush, and said directly, "Do you want to buy seeds and saplings?"

   Wen Renbo nodded: "Yes, as long as the Xiangjun agrees, then the price is easy to negotiate."

   Murong Lingran calmly said, "You should have asked His Majesty the Emperor of our country, right?"

   "I asked."

   "He didn't say yes?"

   "He said that the property of the people, he can't be the master, and he can't force you, but only willing to give us the lychee tree in his name, we have to come to you by ourselves."

   Murong smiled and said: "Then Your Majesty has already rejected you. You want me to sell it to you, do you want me to resist the order? You want me to die?"

   "Of course we didn't mean that."

   Murong said: "That's what you mean. You can dismiss this idea. It's impossible to sell it to you privately. I can never be a traitor. That's it for today."

   After she said that, she was about to leave.

The lacquer carving industry was naturally reluctant, and immediately reached out to stop her: "Xiangjun, you are also a businessman, who are you not doing business with? As long as you sell what I just said to us, then we are willing to pay one thousand taels of silver. How about buying one catty of high-yielding grain seeds, one hundred taels of silver for a sapling, and fifty two for one catty of vegetable seeds?"

Wen Renbo also said: "This king is also willing to pay the same price to buy it, as long as you do business with us for a long time, we guarantee that you will have money that you can't spend in your life, and you can enjoy a life of fine clothes and food in this life. "

Murong Lingran said slowly and leisurely: "The two of you are really generous, and the price you offer is indeed very exciting. I like money and I am a businessman, but I don't do all kinds of business, so the two of you should dismiss this idea. It's not that I can't make money now. Unless I die, I won't allow a grain of high-yield grain to flow from my hands to your country!"

   After she finished speaking, she didn't want to continue to delay time with them, so she told Kuro Mao to leave.

  The lacquer carving industry did not give up, and was not afraid of Heimao, and continued to reach out to stop her: "Xiangjun, are you dissatisfied with the price? If you are not satisfied, you can ask for the price, we can discuss it."

Wen Renbo also said: "Yes, businessmen seek profit, this is a door-to-door business. If you are worried that the emperor of your country will find out, we can trade secretly, so why not publish it? We will always be with you. In business, it is impossible to betray you."

Murong Lingran said with a sullen face: "Secret trading is a serious sin, as long as you trade once, you will all hold me in the future. If I want to live, I have to listen to you, and I will be subject to you for the rest of my life, even involving my family. ."

   "Especially my eldest brother, who will also be known as treason. If your country goes to war with us in the future, he will be afraid of you day and night because of this reason. Do you really think that I am young, so you can fool me?"

   The two choked at the same time, speechless.

   I didn’t expect this person to be so young, but he was a sensible person who could think so far.

   (end of this chapter)

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