Rebirth Space Pretty Girl

Chapter 1650: How many unkind requests?

   Chapter 1650 How many unkind requests?

   There is also their family's land. His Majesty alone gave their family two hundred acres, not including those rewards.

   "That's all my sister's credit."

   "That is Chunling Xiangjun. I have heard of her. She is quite powerful. She can achieve such achievements at a young age, and she is also named Xiangjun, which is really enviable."

   Murong Xuan said proudly, "Aran is indeed amazing."

  Fu Yizhi glanced around, and suddenly changed the subject: "Master Xuan, your elder brother has already gone to Saiyuan Mansion. I don't know that Master Xuan's ambition is to fight on the battlefield and make achievements?"

   Murong Xuan said: "Of course, if the frontier needs me, I can go there at any time to protect the family and the country."

  Fu Yizhi nodded with satisfaction, and asked again: "Your family makes money so fast, I wonder if you have any plans to buy a house in the city?"

   "This..." Murong Xuan shook his head: "I haven't heard this from my family, but I have a place to live now. The house in Lihua Village is also newly built and very spacious."

  Fu Yizhi asked: "Xuan Gongzi's father is now Wen Ruilang, the eldest brother is a general, and the younger sister is a village lord. Don't you feel that it is too aggrieved to live in Lihua Village as you?"

"I did not think…"

Before Murong Xuan finished speaking, he finally understood the meaning of this man's words. Could this man think that if he married him in the future, he would have to live in Lihua Village, wronged her, Miss Fu San, and wanted their family to live in the city. Buy a house?

   Although his family's house in Lihua Village is a little smaller than the previous Imperial Doctor's Mansion, and the layout is a little more ordinary, it is also the best house in Lihua Village, even better than many houses in the city.

  Aran also said that as long as he and his eldest brother wanted to go to the city to buy a house and get married, she would agree without hesitation, and she also had the money in her hand.

But the root of their family is in Lihua Village. For the time being, they don't plan to leave the village. There are still a lot of land under development, and the academy has only just started. very troublesome.

   And he and his eldest brother have their own ideas. If they want a big house or a house in the city, they can do it themselves.

   Even if I bought it now, it was bought by my sister. How can I get the comfort from myself.

Seeing him say this, Fu Yizhi hesitated for a while, knowing that he was the only one who spoke now, and suddenly said earnestly: "Young Master Xuan, you are handsome, you have heard good martial arts, and your family is good, I... I am willing to be with you. To become husband and wife, there are only a few unkind requests, please agree."

When Murong Xuan heard that she was willing to marry him, he was surprised that she spoke so directly and so casually as a woman, but she wanted to entrust her for the rest of her life the first time they met. Hearing that she had a ruthless request, a sudden feeling arose in her heart. With a bad premonition, he asked suspiciously, "Girl Yizhi, please speak."

   Murong Lingran secretly made a blind eye, how many unkind requests? This Miss Fu San really doesn't know what politeness is.

   Did she forget that today was the first time we met? Does she think that her second brother can't marry a daughter-in-law besides her?

  Fuyizhidao: "I...I'm used to living in the capital. If we get married, I hope that Mr. Xuan's family can buy us a house in the city. It doesn't need to be too big, just three in and three out."

   Murong Xuan's face sank, and he said coldly, "Didn't you say a few unkind requests? Go ahead, I'll listen to them all."

   (end of this chapter)

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